“sen-geiq”. “bi’gvaq(去年)” doeg baenz “bi-gvaq”, mbouj doeg “big-vaq”.
(3) Gyoengq singdiuh fouzhauh “z、j、x、q” caeuq gij cihmeh “p、t、k” daengj cienmonz guh yinhrieng haenx danghnaeuz caeuq cihmeh fujyinh doxlienz, gyoengqde bonjfaenh caeuq gij fujyinh baihgonq cungj gvi yinhcez baihgonq, gij fujyinh youq baihlaeng de gvi gij yinhcez baihlaeng, lumj swz “biengzbeih(蜻蜓) ” doeg baenz “biengz-beih”. “bakmbaeu (嘴勤) ” doeg baenz “bak-mbaeu”.
(4) Danghnaeuz aen swz ndeu song aen yenzyinh roxnaeuz song aen doxhwnj doxlienz, ciuq gonqlaeng de ndaej cauxbaenz lai aen yinhcez, danghnaeuz mbouj gya gekyaem fouzhauh, mboujndei vehfaen yinhcez de, couh itdingh aeu faenyaem fouzhauh daeuj vehfaen yinhcez de, lumj “go’ien(烟草) ” doeg baenz “go-ien”, mbouj doeg “goi-en”; Sam aen doxhwnj fujyinh doxlienz, gonqlaeng de cungj miz yenzyinh, danghnaeuz mbouj leihyungh faenyaem fouzhauh, mboujndei vehfaen yinhcez de seiz, itdingh aeu faenyaem fouzhauh daeuj vehfaen de, lumj “cin’gya(亲家)” doeg baenz “cin-gya”, mbouj doeg “cing-ya”.
Diuz daihbet
Gij swz daj gak fanghyenz sou haeujdaeuj haenx, gij doegfap caeuq sijfap de wng beijciuq yijyinh hidungj byauhcunjyinh daeuj doeg caeuq sij, lijaeu fugcoengz sojmiz bingqyaem diuzlaeh gyoengqde wngdang cunhsouj haenx.
Diuz daihgouj
Sawcuengh dwg aeu swz daeuj guh gij danhvei sawsij de. Swzsu(cauxbaenz aen swz ndaw de geij aen yinhcez) lienzsij, swzcuj (geij aen swz giethab) faensij. Gij swz aeu lienzsij haenx cungjdaeujgangj miz geij aen cingzhingz lumj baihlaj neix:
(1) Gij fuzyinhswz mboujndei faensik haenx. Lumj swz “ndaundeiq (星)”, “faeqfwj (蝙蝠)”.
(2) Gij fuzhoz ciqswz daengx aen sou haeuj Vahcuengh daeuj haenx. Lumj gij swz “dujgaij(土改)” 、“minzcuj(民主)”.
(3) Gij gezhozdij haenx, gyoengqde moix aen cungj dwg youz aen swz bonj minzcuz gagmiz ndeu caeuq aen ciqswz vahgun gij eiqsei de doxgyawj roxnaeuz doxdoengz ndeu gietbaenz. Lumj “roxsingj(醒)”、
“raemxdang(汤水)” daengj.
(4) Gij fuzyinhswz youz mingz daihloih gya mingz siujloih cauxbaenz haenx. Lumj “byaekgat(芥菜)”、
“makdoengj(橙子)” daengj.
(5) Gij fuzyinhswz daiq cwngzfwn fugyah haenx. Lumj “doxhoenx(打架) ”、“soemjsat(酸酸的)” daengj.
(6) Gij fuzhozswz haenx, gyoengqde moix aen youz geij aen danswz gietbaenz. Lumj “dinfwngz(手艺)、
haemhndaep(除夕)、 bimoq(明年) 、roxnaj(认识)、 ronghndei(晴朗)、 hozndat(生气)、 roegdingfaex(啄木鸟)” daengjdaengj.
Diuz daihcib
Sawcuengh itbuen cungjdwg aeu cihmeh siujsij daeuj sij, cihmeh daihsij yungh youq gij cangzhoz baihlaj neix:
(1) Cienyouj mingzswz, lumj gij coh vunzmingz、diegmingz、gihgvanh、donzdij、
yindung、veiyi daengj, aen cihmeh daeuz moix aen swz cungj aeu daihsij.
(2) Aen cihmeh daeuz youq aen swz daih’it moix gawq vah roxnaeuz moix hangz sei cungj aeu daihsij.
(3) Daezmoeg、byauhyij、ciudiep daengj, gyoengqde daeuz aen cihmeh roxnaeuz cienzbouh cihmeh gij cujyau yijswz cungj ndaej daihsij.
(4) Gizyawz daegdingh cangzhoz.
Diuz daihcib’it Sawcuengh gojyij yungh gij yienghsik suksij, de miz yinhcez suksij caeuq cihmeh suksij song cungj:
(1) Yinhcez suksij, lienzsij: lumj “gungcinghdonz(共青团)”
(2) Gij cihmeh suksij, ndaej aeu aen cihmeh daeuz ndaw aen swz (roxnaeuz singmeh) okdaeuj,caiq youq baihlaeng de gya aen diemj ndeu guhbaenz, lumj “mb.135”(第135页); roxnaeuz aeu gij cihmeh daeuz (roxnaeuz singmeh) moix aen swz okdaeuj, youq gyoengqde baihlaeng gak gya diemj ndeu,caiq baiz youq guhdoih guhbaenz, lumj “C.Y.G.=(Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz中华人民共和国); roxnaeuz dwg aeu gij cihmeh daeuz moix aen yinhcez okdaeuj lienzsij, youq baihlaeng de gya diemj ndeu guhbaenz, lumj “dc.=dungzci同志”. Linghvaih, gij yienghsik suksij dulienghwngz danhvei gozci doengyungh caeuq gohyoz suzyij, ndaej ciuq gozci gvenqlaeh daeuj sij, lumj Km.(公里) 、C.C.(立方公分) 、H(氢) daengj.
Diuz daihcibngeih
Gij soqmoeg Ahlahbwz ndaw Sawcuengh, aeu caeuq yinhcez gizyawz faenhai sij. Lumj ndwen 3 (三月) mboujndaej sij baenz ndwen3.
Diuz daihcibsam Dawz Sawcuengh daeuj sij roxnaeuz yaenq seiz, danghnaeuz youq coijbyai aen dohyinhswz ndeu sij mboujliux, itdingh ciuq yinhcez daeuj cienj hangz, couhdwg dawz aen yinhcez ndeu sij sat, aen yinhcez baihlaeng de caiq cienj hangz, mboujndaej seizbienh dawz aen yinhcez ndeu cek baenz song mbiengj. Cienj hangz seiz aeu youq hangz gwnz gij byai de gya diuz vang dinj ndeu, hangz laj haidaeuz mboujndaej gya vang dinj. Lumj aen swz “digozcujyi(帝国主义) ” mboujndaej sij baenz “dig-ozcujyi” roxnaeuz “digozc-ujyi”, cijndaej sij baenz “di-gozcujyi”、 “digoz-cujyi”、roxnaeuz “digozcuj-yi”.
Diuz daihcibseiq Gij deihfueng dingzduenh Sawcuengh youq moix gawq vah satbyai roxnaeuz youq coenz vah ndawde itdingh aeu sawjyungh gij biudiemj fouzhauh habdangq cijndaej:
(1) Cinzsuzgi sat le yungh gihau[.].
(2) Yizvwngi sat le yungh vwnhau[?].
(3) Gij coenz daiq gamjcingz roxnaeuz haeujheiq haenq haenx baihlaeng de yungh ganjdanhau[!].
(4) Gawq coenz ndawde gij deihfueng dingzduenh maqhuz dinj haenx yungh douhau[,].
(5) Gawq coenz ndawde gij deihfueng dingzduenh maqhuz raez haenx yungh fwnhhau[;].
(6) Gawq coenz ndawde gij cungqgyang yijswz bingzbaiz haenx yungh dunhau[、].
(7) Gij deihfueng daezhwnj neiyungz baihlaeng roxnaeuz cungjgez neiyungz baihgwnz haenx yungh mauhau[:].
(8) Gij baihrog coenz cigciep yinxgangj haenx yungh yinjhau [“ ”], gij yijswz aeu daegbied haeujsim haenx caemh ndaej youq baihrog de gya yinjhau.
(9) Gij deihfueng gejgangj aeu doeg okdaeuj roxnaeuz gij deihfueng biujsi gangjvah dingzduenh、conjcez、eiqsei diuqyat daengj, aeu yungh bocezhau [ — ].
(10) Gij deihfueng gejgangj gonqlaeng aeu gya gozhau[ ( ) ].
(11) Gij deihfueng miz neiyungz dawz okdaeuj roxnaeuz gij deihfueng biujsi vah lij caengz gangj sat, goj yungh swngjlozhau[……].
Diuz daihcibhaj
Bonj siuhgaij fangh’an neix danghnaeuz miz gizlawz mbouj caezcienz, youq gunghcoz doihengz baihlaeng ndawde aeu cugbouh bae yenzgiu gaijgez, sawj de engqgya caezcienz.
Gvangjsih Bouxcuengh Swcigih Saujsu Minzcuz
Yijyenz Vwnzsw Gunghcoz Veijyenzvei
1981 nienz 7 nyied 27 hauh
Scheme of Zhuang Writing System (Revised Edition)
Article 1 Zhuang writing system adopts the alphabetic form of Latin letters, takes the dialect of northern Zhuang language as its basic dialect, and establishes the Zhuang accent spoken in Wuming County as its standard phonology.
Article 2 Zhuang writing system has 26 letters, the name and pronunciation for each of the letters are listed as following:
printing character type | capital letter | A B C D E F G H I J K L M |
lowercase | a b c d e f g h I j k l m |
handwriting font | capital letter | A B C D E F G H I J K L M |
lowercase | A b c d e f g h I j k l m |
name of the letters | spelling in Zhuang writing system | a ba ca da e fe ga ha i ke le ma |
spelling in Chinese | 啊
衣 克 勒 妈 |
pronunciation of the letters | IPA | a p  t e f k h i kh l m |
spelling in Chinese | a p x d e f g h i k l m |
printing character type | capital letter | N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
lowercase | n o p q r s t u v w x y z |
handwriting font | capital letter | N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
lowercase | n o p q r s t u v w x y z |
name of the letters | spelling in Zhuang writing system | na o pe ra se te u ve w ya |
phonetic notation in Chinese | 那
呸 (拉) 塞
呀 |
pronunciation of the letters | IPA | n ø: ph Ô s th u v ê j |
phonetic notation in Chinese | n o p s t u v y |
① The 6 letters “a、e、i、o、u、w” on the alphabet above are vowel ones, and the 16 letters “b、c、d、f、g、h、k、l、m、n、p、r、s、t、v、y” are consonant ones. Letters of “j、q、x、z ” are assigned as its tone symbol, and the letter “h” is assigned to be consonant one as well as to be a tone symbol.
② All letters assigned to be the tone symbols keep in silence in any syllable, each of them only signifies the height extent of a given syllable.
③ The phonetic notations in Chinese, put in the brackets on the alphabet, only indicate the approximate pronunciation of their counterparts.
Article 3 Zhuang writing system has 22 initial consonants. The vowel “a” or “e” is to be put on the rear of these initial consonants, for the convenience to distinguish their pronunciation. These initial consonants could be organized into 4 groups for the convenience of reading them:
b(a) mb(e) m(a) f(e) v(e) |
d(a) nd(e) n(a) s(e) l(e) |
g(a) gv(e) ng(a) h(a) r(a) |