Lu Rongting (1856 - 1927) was born in Wuming, Guangxi province in China. (陆荣廷[1856 – 1927]生于中国的广西省武鸣县。) Originating as a common bandit, Lu became a military commander in Guangxi in the Qing dynasty and suppressed the revolutionary uprising at Zhennan Pass (now Friendship Pass) on the Sino-Vietnam border in Pingxiang, Guangxi led by Sun Yat-sen and Huang Xing.(虽然起步时只是籍籍无名的落草土寇,他日后成为清朝时广西的军事首领,并镇压了发生于中越边境广西凭祥镇南关[今友谊关]、由孙逸仙和黄兴领导的革命起义。)
However when Guangxi declared independence on September 11, 1911, the former Qing Governor, Shen Bingkun, became the head of the rebel administration, Lu Rongting the Vice-Governor, and the Provincial Assembly created by the Manchu reforms reconstituted itself into a local parliament.(然而,当广西于1911年9月11日宣布独立时,以前的清朝巡抚沈秉坤,摇身一变成为反叛政府的首脑,陆氏成为副都督,而满清改革时创设的省议会,重新改造后变成了一个地方议会。) Shortly afterward Lu expelled Shen Bingkun upon the founding of the Guangxi Revolutionary Military Government and became the military governor from 1912 to 1916, and civil governor till 1913.(赶走沈秉坤后不久,陆荣廷成立了广西革命军政府,从1912至1916年担任广西都督,而担任民政长至1913年。) Lu created a tight-knit organization, the Old Guangxi Clique through which he remained in control of Guangxi until 1921.(陆氏创立了一个严密的组织,旧桂系,通过它他控制整个广西直至1921年。) This was built on ties of kinship and friendships stemming from his days as a Qing battalion and brigade commander.(旧桂系的建设基于裙带和绿林关系,这一切做法,直接起源于他作为清朝军营的管带和统领的时期。)
Lu Rongting, despite his origins as a bandit, was said to have provided good government for the people of Guangxi. (虽出身于落草的土寇,据说,陆荣庭为广西人提供了良好的行政管理。)He pushed an anti-opium campaign, despite depriving his government of a major source of revenue, later eagerly exploited by his successors. (虽然失去了他政府收入的主要来源,他依然推动了反鸦片的运动,而这一财源后来却被他的继任者热切地加以发掘。)Land taxes were the major source of revenue.(地租是[他]收入的主要来源。) These were only marginally increased over Qing tax rates, and were far lower than they would be under subsequent governments.(这些税仅比清朝的税率稍微高一点,而远低于随后政府确定的税额。)
During the turmoil as China went from a republic headed by Sun Yat-sen to a dictatorship under Yuan Shikai, Lu tried to stay out of the conflict and did not oppose Yuan Shikai until late 1916 when the southern provinces again declared independence and organized the National Protection Army. (在中国从孙逸仙领导的共和国过渡到袁世凯专制政权的混乱时期,陆氏设法置身于冲突之外,没有反对袁世凯,直至1916年末南方各省再次宣布独立,组织起护国军。)Lu occupied Guangdong as military governor from 1916 to 1917, when the Guangdong revolutionary army left to fight against Yuan. (1916至1917年,当广东革命军出发和袁氏开仗时,陆氏作为都督占领了广东。)The death of Yuan and subsequent events cut short the war, and increased Lu's power in the south. (袁氏之死和后来的一系列事件,中止了战争,也增加了陆氏在南方的权力。)In 1917 he was named Viceroy of Guangxi and Guangdong by the national government, and was the most important southern warlord, rivalled perhaps only by Cai E, who had established himself in Yunnan after departing Guangxi. (在1917年他被国民政府任命为两广都督,成为南方最重要的军阀,也许唯有蔡锷一人能和他分庭抗礼,蔡氏离开广西后便深深植根于云南。)One of Lu's important allies in Guangdong was the local warlord Cen Chunxuan.(在广东,陆氏重要盟友之一,是当地的军阀岑春煊。)
When Sun Yat-sen attempted to re-establish himself in Canton in 1917, Lu, remote from his power base in Guangxi, reluctantly supported Sun for a few years until Sun Yat-sen split with the Guangxi forces over the allocation of troops to commanders. (1917年,当孙逸仙尝试重新在广州扎根时,远离于广西权力根据地的陆氏,勉强支持了孙逸仙几年,直到孙逸仙在分配军队给众多指挥官统辖上和广西势力断绝关系。)Sun attempted to strip Cen Qunxuan of some units to be assigned to the apparently more loyal Chen Jiongming, the Guangdong warlord who had sponsored Sun's return there.(孙逸仙也尝试剥离岑春煊的一些部队,然后调配给支持他重返广州、表面上更为忠心的广东军阀陈炯明。)
In 1920, Chen drove Lu Rongting and the Guangxi warlords out of Guangdong, in the [or] First Ao-Gui War. (1920年,在第一次粤桂战争中,陈氏把陆荣廷和广西大小军阀赶出了广东。)In 1921, Chen, pushed into Guangxi, starting the Second Ao-Gui war. (1921年,陈氏深入广西,开始第二次粤桂战争。)Lu sent two wings, one led by his wife's younger brother, Tan Haoming, the other under Shen Hongying, into Guangdong where they drove back the Cantonese and occupied Qinzhou and Lianzhou. (陆氏派出两支侧翼部队,一支由他妻子的小弟谭浩明带领,一支由沈鸿英为首,进入广东,在那里他们把广东人赶了回去,并占领了钦州和廉州。)But the center at Wuzhou, commanded by Lu's follower Chen Binghun collapsed and Chen Jiongming drove up the rivers while allies came in from the north, forcing Lu Rongting to step down in July of 1921 and by August, Chen had occupied Nanning and the rest of Guangxi.(但战场的焦点在梧州,陆氏追随者陈炳焜指挥的军队遭受惨败,陈炯明溯江而上,而他的盟军从北方冲来,迫使陆荣廷1921年7月下台,而到了8月份,陈氏已占领了南宁和广西其余的地方。)
Chen Jiongming and the Cantonese forces occupied Guangxi until April of 1922. (陈炯明和广东的部队占领广西直至1922年4月。)
Their occupation was largely nominal because armed bands of Guangxi loyalists began to gather under local commanders, calling themselves the Self-government Army. (他们的占领很大程度上有名无实,因为广西忠诚于陆荣廷政权的各股武装势力开始集结于当地指挥官的令旗下,自称他们为自治军。)Sun Yat-sen and Chen Jiongming soon split over the continuation of the Northern Expedition. (孙逸仙和陈炯明不久就因继续北伐的事宜而分道扬镳。)Sun wanted it to have begun with the occupation of Guangxi, from whence he wished Chen to push into Hunan. (孙逸仙想以占领广西为跳板,从这个地方他希望陈氏进据湖南。)
Chen, however, aspired merely to be the warlord of Guangdong and after the Zhili clique in Beijing recognized his power in the south he abandoned Sun Yat-sen. (然而,仅仅满足于当广东一方割据诸侯的陈氏在北京的直系承认他在南方的权力后,他便抛弃了孙逸仙。)
By May of 1922, the Cantonese forces had evacuated Guangxi. (到了1922年5月,广东的军队便撤出了广西。)
With the support of Wu Peifu and the Zhili clique, Lu slipped into Guangxi in 1923 and began to try to rebuild his coalition. (在吴佩孚和直系势力的支持下,
陆荣廷于1923年潜入广西,开始设法重建他的势力体。)He soon had control over the south with its important pool of manpower, but the situation had changed and his localistic political organization could not be rebuilt.(不久他因重要的人员优势控制了广西南部,但此时情势已变,忠于他的政治组织没法再重建。) Among the younger men who had been trained in military schools after the 1911 revolution there was a new appreciation for modern tactics, weapons, and political means. (1911年革命后,在讲武堂训练的年轻人当中,欣赏现代战术、武器和政治策略的,渐渐成了新风气。)
By the spring of 1924, three of these men, Huang Shaohong, Bai Chongxi, and Li Zongren, formed the beginning of the New Guangxi Clique had [and] created with opium revenue the well equipped Guangxi Pacification Army. (到了1924年春季,这些人中的三位,黄绍竑、白崇禧和李崇仁,形成了新桂系的雏形,以鸦片烟税的收入,他们创立了装备精良的广西定桂军。)By August they had defeated Lu Rongting and driven other contenders out of the province. (到了8月份,他们打败了陆荣廷,也把其他竞争者赶出了广西省。)Lu Rongting never returned and died in 1927 in
Suzhou, in Jiangsu province. (陆荣廷一去不返,1927年他死于江苏省的苏州。)