1 引言
2 水字的构形规律
水字即水书中所用的符号,按形体及音义对应关系,可分为图象符号和文字符号两类。水字图象符号所代表的含义大致可以理解,但读音不够明确,主要有象形水字与图画水字;水字文字符号则形、音、义俱全,其构形主要有指事、会意、假借以及汉字的反写等几类。2.1 水字图象符号
2.1 水字图象符号2.1 水字图象符号2.1 水字图象符号 象形水字,占比重较大,约占水字单字总数的30% 以上,这类字抓住实物的特征,用简单的线条来表示。例如:(1)以动物形体特征造字;(2)以植物形体造字;(3)用物质现象造字;(4)模仿用具造字;(5)有的描摩人体器官造字,见图2。图画水字则是水族原始宗教的各种密码符号等,见图3。
2.2 水字文字符号
指事字,多为表示方位的字,也有指明某一现象的,约占水字单字的20%。会意字,以两个以上符号或单字合在一起造字,约占水字单字的30% 。假借字,借用已有的字来表示某个同音字。汉字的反写,在水字构成中,有相当数量的汉借字是汉字的反写、倒写、侧写等,所以当地人习惯把水书又叫做“反书”,这些“反书”都用水语认读。水书中的多数干支和数目字是汉字的反写,见图4。
水书是一种比较原始的文字系统,水书文字因为都是手写,显得随意,古拙,与甲骨文字形特征有相似之处[3 ]。水字大都具有图画性,即使是一些指事字、会意字也是以象形字为基础。水族文字的发展因受到各种条件的限制,均系手写抄录而没有统一的刻版,因此字形的异体字相当多,个别水字的异体字达20~30来个。
3 汉字编码与水字
3.1 汉字编码方式与水字编码要求
3.2 水字“象形”编码模式
由于水字与甲骨文字形相似,参照甲骨文“象形”编码,笔者也试图从水字的“象形” 模式入手构建水字编码。水字“象形”码固然能体现水字图画符号的特点,但由于水字字形复杂,大多不甚规则,在此基础上提取的码元很难与实际的水字字形准确对应。其次是码元较多,记忆很困难,在键盘上执行操作也困难,实用性不足。
2.3 水字“部首”编码模式
传统研究汉字结构的模式是把汉字分解成三级:字符/部首/笔画,以此排列汉字的生成序列。笔者也曾以部首模式进行水字文字符号编码,但这种模式只能解决水字中部分合体结构的字。更确切说,只解决部首具有一定规模的字,而对独体字和少量不具部首规模的合体字,则不好归属,尤其是形体复杂的水字。4 水字类属编码模式
4 水字类属编码模式4 水字类属编码模式4 水字类属编码模式 从上面的分析,可以看出传统的汉字编码模式不适用于水字编码,水字编码要有自己的编码模式。笔者本着科学、实用、易学的原则,提出水字类属编码模式,下面就其编码模式进行介绍。4.1 水字类属码
4.1 水字类属码4.1 水字类属码4.1 水字类属码 水字类属码按照水字内容给予归类,由四位编码组成,第一码位为水字的类别码,其类码内容为:0 正体水字码,是指遵从某种选字规范和标准,确立了官方地位的水字;1 异体水字码,标明该水字为异体水字;第二码位为水字的属性码,根据水字内容的属性进行归类编码,具体为:0 星宿鬼神属性码,1 天地属性码, 2 禽兽属性码,3 鱼虫植物属性码, 4 房屋器具食物属性码,5 人体人事属性码 6 季节时辰属性码,7 方位形状属性码,8 数名属性码,9 行为属性码,见表1。第三四位编码为十六进制顺序码,指明水字在各属性中的摆放顺序位置。异体字除第一码位为1外,其他码位内容都相同。
4.2 水字类属码的特点
● 水字类码可以标明正体水字和异体水字,这对异体字较多的水字来说,特别适合。
● 目前,经过校勘和甄别的正体水字有500余字;异体水字有700余字。水字类属码后两位十六进制顺序码可容纳256字;加上10位属性码,可容纳2560字;再加上2位类码,可容纳5120字,对只有1200余字的水字来说,完全足够。每位属性码的水字统计数见上表。
● 水字类属码在水字录入时,不用对水字进行折分,特别适用于可视化录入。2种类码和10种属性码,记忆量很小,只要了解水字的含义就能很方便地进行查找寻入,当然水字可视化输入是不可少的。4.3 水字可视化输入法的实现4.3 水字可视化输入法的实现 水字可视化输人法有别于一般意义上的输人法,它是通过鼠标点击输人水字,而不是编码输入,既形象又不需要记忆。水字可视化输入包括两部分:字库、水字类属码转换码表和输入程序。
输入程序读入水字类属码转换码表后,在窗口中显示正体字的全体属性码,鼠标点击某个属性码后,窗口显示选中属性码对应的全部水字及汉译名称,双击某个水字即可在字处理软件(如Word等)输入该水字。5 结论
5 结论5 结论5 结论本文对水书水字的特点进行了分析,认为传统的汉字编码模式不适用于水字编码,水字编码要有自己的编码模式,提出了水字类属码的编码模式,概述了实现水字可视化输入法的思路,希望得到专家与同行的指正。
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Research on the classified-attributive code of the Sui script
DONG Fang Luo Gang( Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities, Duyun 558000, China )Abstract So far an ancient ethnic and religious scripture “ShuiShu” has also used in the south of Guizhou province in our country. Since the font style of the Sui script is complex, it is difficult to correspond to the fonts style of the Sui script for components and the code dollar in the Chinese character coding theory. It is more difficult to pronounce the words of the Sui script characters, and It is also more difficult to actualize its order by adopting the voice code theory. This article puts forward the coded mode of the class attribute code of the Sui script and also categorizes according to its content. The mode is made up of four codes. The first code is classified code, which is to differentiate between the upright sui character and sui xenogenous character. The second is attributive code, which is to code the content of the sui script.The third and fourth are to put ordinal positions of the Sui script in every attribute.
( Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities, Duyun 558000, China )Abstract So far an ancient ethnic and religious scripture “ShuiShu” has also used in the south of Guizhou province in our country. Since the font style of the Sui script is complex, it is difficult to correspond to the fonts style of the Sui script for components and the code dollar in the Chinese character coding theory. It is more difficult to pronounce the words of the Sui script characters, and It is also more difficult to actualize its order by adopting the voice code theory. This article puts forward the coded mode of the class attribute code of the Sui script and also categorizes according to its content. The mode is made up of four codes. The first code is classified code, which is to differentiate between the upright sui character and sui xenogenous character. The second is attributive code, which is to code the content of the sui script.The third and fourth are to put ordinal positions of the Sui script in every attribute.( Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities, Duyun 558000, China )Abstract So far an ancient ethnic and religious scripture “ShuiShu” has also used in the south of Guizhou province in our country. Since the font style of the Sui script is complex, it is difficult to correspond to the fonts style of the Sui script for components and the code dollar in the Chinese character coding theory. It is more difficult to pronounce the words of the Sui script characters, and It is also more difficult to actualize its order by adopting the voice code theory. This article puts forward the coded mode of the class attribute code of the Sui script and also categorizes according to its content. The mode is made up of four codes. The first code is classified code, which is to differentiate between the upright sui character and sui xenogenous character. The second is attributive code, which is to code the content of the sui script.The third and fourth are to put ordinal positions of the Sui script in every attribute.( Qiannan Normal College for Nationalities, Duyun 558000, China )Abstract So far an ancient ethnic and religious scripture “ShuiShu” has also used in the south of Guizhou province in our country. Since the font style of the Sui script is complex, it is difficult to correspond to the fonts style of the Sui script for components and the code dollar in the Chinese character coding theory. It is more difficult to pronounce the words of the Sui script characters, and It is also more difficult to actualize its order by adopting the voice code theory. This article puts forward the coded mode of the class attribute code of the Sui script and also categorizes according to its content. The mode is made up of four codes. The first code is classified code, which is to differentiate between the upright sui character and sui xenogenous character. The second is attributive code, which is to code the content of the sui script.The third and fourth are to put ordinal positions of the Sui script in every attribute.Key words the characters of Shui minority, the sui script, the classified-attributive code
附:水书正体水字Unicode编码表作者:董 芳,男,1957年生,教授,专业方向:网络与数据库、民族文字编码研究
联系地址:贵州省都匀市黔南民族师范学院,邮编:558000联系电话:13885408538 Email: FDong_gz@Tom.comFDong_gz@Tom.comFDong_gz@Tom.com@Tom.com科研项目:全国社科规划课题:水族水书语音语料库系统研究;编号:07XMZ004
联系电话:13885408538 Email: FDong_gz@Tom.comFDong_gz@Tom.comFDong_gz@Tom.com@Tom.com科研项目:全国社科规划课题:水族水书语音语料库系统研究;编号:07XMZ004
联系电话:13885408538 Email: FDong_gz@Tom.comFDong_gz@Tom.comFDong_gz@Tom.com@Tom.com科研项目:全国社科规划课题:水族水书语音语料库系统研究;编号:07XMZ004
联系电话:13885408538 Email: FDong_gz@Tom.comFDong_gz@Tom.comFDong_gz@Tom.com@Tom.com科研项目:全国社科规划课题:水族水书语音语料库系统研究;编号:07XMZ004