Hi Joseph. It's me again :-)
I've re-translated some words to make more appropriate, and wrote some new translation for the remain words. There are a few words leave blank cause they were under consideration, they will be translated in these days.
I reformat all the paragraph to make it easy to distinguish these changes.
Note that, these translation all translated by my Shuangding dialet fo Zhuang, its a dialet of Southern Zhuang. Why dialet? Because few people use the standard one!
*Main Page/首页 = Mae meh
['mae' as 'page, a piece of'; 'meh' as "mother, main"]
*Community portal/社区 = ?
*Current events/当前事件 = ?
*Recent changes/最近更改 = Gaeqgaij suijnej
['gaeq' as "these...", "some", put in the front to construct a noun; 'gai' is transliteration of Han "改"; "suij' as "recent, soon"; "nej" as "this, these"]
*Random page/随机页面 = Mae zaihzex
["zaih" as "let he/she/it doing something as there considered; "zex" is a auxiliary word, construct by the consonant of word before its, place back to construct a noun]
*Help/帮助 = Caeuq
["caeuq" as "with, help", its semantic is determine by the context]
*Donations/资助 = ?
*Navigation/导航 = Dazzaeuh
["daz" as "guide"; "zaeuh" as "boating"]
*Search/搜索 = Cwmh
["cwmh" as "search"]
*Go/进入 = Bei
["bei" as "go, go to, to"]
*January = Nin Wtj
["Nin" as "month"; "wtj" as "one", "first"]
*February = Nin Yeih
["Yeih" as "two"]
*March = Nin Sam
*April = Nin Seiq
*May = Nin Haj
*June = Nin Lokj
*July = Nin Caet
*August = Nin Betq
*September = Nin Gouj
*October = Nin Cwbx
[EN: "cwbx" as "ten"]
*November = Nin Cwbx Wtj
*December = Nin Cwbx Yeih
*Sunday= Swnggeiz Yaet; Ngoenz Swnggeiz
["Swnggeiz" was transliterated from Han(星期, week); "ngoenz" as "day"]
*Monday= Swnggeiz Wtx
*Tuesday= Swnggeiz Yeih
*Wednesday= Swnggeiz Sam
*Thursday= Swnggeiz Seiq
*Friday= Swnggeiz Haj
*Saturday= Swnggeiz Lokj
*Toolbox/工具箱 = Loengx hong
["Loengx" as "box"; "hong" as "thing, goods, tools" and so on]
*What links here/链入页面 = Maelaez lamh haenznej
["laez" as "what, which"; "lamh" as "link, bind"; "haenz" as "palce"; "hej" as "this, this..place"]
*Related changes/链出更改 = ?
*Upload file/上传文件 =
*Special pages/特殊页面 = Doenghmae daegxsei
*Printable version/可打印版 = ?
*Permanent link/永久链接 = gaeq-lamh kaemdaengz
["kaem" as "be able to bear or endure", "daengz" as "for a long time, duration", so "kaemdaengz" meaning "Lasting or remaining without essential change", that is "permanent".]
*Cite this article = ?
*In other languages/其它语言 = ?
*Article/文章 = Faenzueng
[transliterate from Han "文章"]
*Discussion/讨论 = Kwng
*Edit/编辑 = San-zonz
["san" as "to weave"; "zonz" as "tidy (up), clean up, pack up"]
*History/历史 = Doenghmatq
["matq" as "time, once", "doengh" as "some, those, these", put in the front to construct a plural noun]
*Delete/删除 = Lekxdeuz
["lekx" as "expunge, line (segment)", "deuz" as "run, to take/kick/run(can be any verb) away"]
*Protect/保护 = Hahdiuz
["hah" as "to protect, protect"; "diuz" as "place, deposit", place back to construct present participle]
*Log in/登录 = Laizdiuz haeuj
["laiz" as "crawl, creeping, write"; "haeuj" as "get into, into, belong to, install, cause by"]
*Create Account/创建账号 = ?
*Create an account/创建一个账号 = ?
*Create article =
*Log out/退出 = Laizdiuz okq
["okq" as "out, out from"]
*Not logged in = Maengx laizdiuz haej
["maengx" as "not yet"]
*Move/移动 = Caen
["caen" as "move"]
*Move page/移动页面 = Caen doengh mae
*Move this page = Caen mae nej
*moved to/移动到 = Caen bei
*[[$1]] moved to [[$2]] = Caen bei
*Reason/原因 = Haujgaemj
["gaemj" as "what, why"]
*Watch/坚视 = Demq
*My Watchlist/监视列表 = Gaeq gou demq
*My talk/我的对话页 = Gaeq gou gangj
*My preferences/參數設置 = Doenghgaeq gou hae
*My contributions/我的贡献 = Gaeq gou haej
["haej" as "give, contibute"]
*Summary = Saegjmangj
["saegj" as "a little, some"; "mangj" as "a part of, part"]
*This is a minor edit/这是一个小修改 = Di-nej gaij noix
["di" as "a little"; "noix" as "minor, lack, a few"]
*Watch this page/监视本页 = Demq mae-nej
*Save page/保存本页 = Zonzdiuz mae-nej
*Show preview/显视预览 = Okqhaej piu-ngoengx
["piu" as "beyond, advance"; "ngoengx" as "look, view"]
*Show changes/显视差异 = Okqhaej gaeqgaei
*Cancel/取消 = Daenghdeuz
["Daengh" as "suit, suit to, counteract"]
*Editing Help/编辑帮助 = Caeuq mungz san-zonz
["mungz" as "you"]
*User page = Mae bouxdeiz
["boux" as "person"; "deiz" as "to use, to handle"]
*Username/用户名 = Ciu bouxdeiz
["ciu" as "call someone's name";]
*Password/密码 = ?
*Re-type password/再次输入密码 = ?
*E-mail = ?
*Remember my login on this computer/下次登录记住密码 = ?
*User Contributions/用户贡献 = Gaeq bouxdeiz haej
*Login required to edit = Laezdiuz haeuj aiq naej san-zonz
["aiq" as "then"; "naej" as "can, able to"]
*View source/查看源代码 = Liuq lagh mae-nej
["liuq" as "view, look, peek"; "lagh" as "root, source"]
*Message =
*new messages =
*You have new messages on $1 =
*You have $1 ($2) = Mungz meiz $1 ($2)
*== Welcome, $1! == Your account has been created. Don't forget to change your Wikipedia preferences. = ?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-16 8:07:58编辑过]