以下是引用木棉花在2004-12-22 1:36:42的发言:
壮语“孤”(gu)是古汉语借词,古代只有帝王称自己“孤”或“寡人”,其他平民乱用就是犯上, 如《赤壁之战》孙权说:孤与老贼势不两立,就是我和曹操势不两立。这种语境在泰国是没有变化的,在泰语用“孤”表达自己是很不礼貌的人,或没教养的人其意相当汉语称自己“老子”。一般用pum或chen(音读臣,也是古汉语借词,原意“臣民”,而女性自称则为dichen,音滴臣)来称呼我。
"壮语“孤”(gu)是古汉语借词": How do you know that "gou" was borrowed from the ancient Chinese and not the opposite, i.e., the ancient Chinese borrowed this word from the ancient Zhuang language? I am not challenging you but just interested in this explanation.
"而在国内僚区,“孤”意随历史变化,有些地方一般人都叫自己为“孤”,不存在礼貌的问题了,如桂西一带崇左地区就是如此。": Not only in 桂西一带崇左地区, the Zhuang people in more places other than "桂西一带崇左地区" call themselves "Cuengh" or "Bouxcuengh", such as my county.