Article 7 The methods to divide the individual syllable from the multi-syllable words of the Zhuang vocabulary is as following:
For each of the multi-syllable words of the Zhuang vocabulary, its single syllable could be distinguished by its structural combination of initial consonant, syllable final and tone mark. Such as “coit(初一)” just could be read as “co-it”,because Zhuang language has no syllable final of “oit”; the proper spelling for the word “bangbouj(帮补)” is “bang-bouj” , because Zhuang language has no such syllable final of “bng” as well as no such initial consonant of “gb”. If certain syllable is still not to be distinguished easily based on the above method, the symbol of diaeresis “ ’ ” has to be applied for the sake of syllable division. Some points listed as following should be put more concern:
(1)In case the front and the rear of a consonant letter in a multisyllable word both are vowel letters, the consonant letter should be divided into the rear syllable, for example, the word “byagaq(鳜鱼)” should be properly divided as “bya-gaq” while reading; exceptively, if the said consonant letter belongs to the previous syllable, the symbol of diaeresis “ ’ ” has to be fit in the proper place to separate the adjacent syllables, for example, the word “sim'in” should be properly divided as “sim-in” and not as “si-min” while reading.
(2)In case the front and the rear of two adjacent consonant letters in a multisyllable word are both vowel letters, the previous consonant letter should be divided into the anterior syllable, the following one divided into the rear syllable, for example, the word “banhaet(早上)” should be properly divided as “ban-haet” while reading. exceptively, if the said adjacent consonant letters both belong to the previous syllable, or the rear syllable, the symbol of diaeresis “ ’ ” has to be applied in the proper place to separate the adjacent syllables, for example, the word “seng'eiq(生意)” should be properly divided as “seng-eiq” and not as “sen-geiq” while reading. And the word “bi'gvaq(去年)” should be properly divided as “bi-gvaq” and not as “big-vaq” while reading.
(3)In case the tone marks of “z、j、x、q” and the letters like “p、t、k” which exclusively used to sit in the slots of the syllable finals link to other consonant letters, all of them and the consonants prior to them belong to the anterior syllables, and the consonants following them belong to the rear syllables, for example, the word “biengzbeih(蜻蜓)” should be properly divided as “biengz-beih” while reading, and the word “bakmbaeu” should be properly divided as “bak-mbaeu” while reading.
(4)Two or more vowel letters join together in a word and it could form multiple syllables based on the sequence, there are ambiguity if the symbol of diaeresis “ ’ ” is not to be put in, under such situation the symbol of diaeresis “ ’ ” must be applied to separate the syllables, for example, the word “go'ien(烟草)” should be properly divided as “go-ien” and not as “goi-en” while reading; three or more consonant letters join together in a word and there are vowel letters prior and rear to them, in case the syllables are not easy to be divided without the symbol of diaeresis “ ’ ”, under such situation the symbol of diaeresis “ ’ ” must be applied to separate the syllables, for example, the word “cin'gya(亲家)” should be properly divided as “cin-gya” and not as “cing-ya” while reading.
Article 8 For the words adopted from the other dialects, the pronunciation and transliteration of them should follow the rules of reading and writing of the phonology of standard accent and, be confined to all the spelling regulations which they are due to be observed.
Article 9 Zhuang writing system takes a single word as its least written unit. The morphemes of a word ( some certain syllables to form a word) should be written as an intact unit, and the phrase (combined by some words) should be written separately. Generally speaking, the situations for a phraseology being written as a whole are listed as following:
(1) The compound word with its internal elements not being analyzed easily. For example, the word “ndaundeiq(星)” as well as “faeqfwj(蝙蝠)”.
(2)The borrowed compound word adopted as a whole. For example, the word “dujgaij(土改)” and the word “minzcuj(民主)”.
(3)The integrated word of combining with an native word of Zhuang nationality and its similar or identical counterpart from Chinese. For example, the word “roxsingj(醒)” and the word “raemxdang(汤水)”.
(4)The compound word joining with a word to name a broad content group of certain thing and a word to name the sub-group of the corresponding thing. For example, the word “byaekgat(芥菜)” and the word “makdoengj(橙子)”.
(5)The compound word with affixation component. For example, the word “doxhoenx(打架)” and the word “soemjsat(酸酸的)”.
(6)The compound word combining by some words. For example, the word “dinfwngz(手艺)” , “haemhndaep(除夕)”, “bimoq(明年)”, “roxnaj(认识)” , “ronghndei(晴朗)”, “hozndat(生气)” ,