Bouyei Northern Zhuang(Bouyei Northern Zhuang folk song singing.); Southern Zhuang Nung (Southern Zhuang Nung folk song singing);Bouyei Northern Zhuang(Bouyei Northern Zhuang folk song singing);Northern Zhuang Folk Song(This video programme is talking about folk songs of minorities in Guangxi Zhuang Automouse Region. The titles in the TV programme is speaking in Miao Language, but the song in this video is Northern Zhuang folk songs and singing in Northern Zhuang language. You can enjoy the harmony songs of Northern Zhuang.);Zhuang/Nung Bronze Drum Dance 1-3(Zhuang/Nung Bronze Drum Dance 1. This is Nung/Zhuang people from yunnan, the bronze drum dance is celebrated once or twice a year.);Black Clothes Zhuang/Nung-Dam(Nung-Dam from na-po county. They are singing love songs to eachother.);Me-Mot from De-Bao County(Me-Mot from De-Bao County);Nang-Hai ( Moon Fairy ) Me-Mot Ceremony(this one is Nang-Hai ( Moon Fairy ) going down into the body of mea-mot( man but as woman when he work in Mot Ceremony ) and singing with folk song Singers.)
这些影音材料大都是德保、靖西和那坡的山歌、宗教仪式的原始影音材料以及北壮地区和贵州布依族的一些民歌材料,大都是当地民间自己录制和制作的,有些是我自己和蚂蚁贝侬拍摄的(如靖西安德的Me-Mot from De-Bao County仪式,他误写为德保(De-bao)的仪式了,那个请月娘降世并和人间对歌的mot仪式即Nang-Hai ( Moon Fairy ) Me-Mot Ceremony才是德保的),所有的版权均归拍摄者和被拍摄者所有,虽然Kalvin是经过我同意之后才放到网络上的,但因Kalvin没有在发表的时候做过声明,特此补充说明。