“roegdingfaex(啄木鸟)”, and so on.
Article 10 Commonly, the small letters of Zhuang writing system are being applied while writing, its capital letters are being applied in the occasions as following:
(1)The first letter of each word of the proper nouns like names of individual person, place, institution, social entity, book, article, document, sport game, meeting, and son on should be applied with capital letter.
(2)The first letter of first word in any sentence or in any line of a poem should be applied with capital letter.
(3)The first letter or all the letters of the main words of certain subject, slogan, poster, and so on should be applied with capital letter.
(4)The other occasions need to be applied with capital letter.
Article 11 Zhuang writing system may adopt the form of abbreviation, for it, there are two forms of abbreviation, namely, the syllable abbreviation and the letter-joining abbrevition.
(1) Syllable abbreviation. For it, its syllables would join together while writing, for example, the form of abbreviation “gungcinghdonz(共青团)” and the form “cenzcungj(全总)”.
(2) Letter-joining abbrevation. To form it, the first letter (or initial consonant) of certain word could be pick up , and additionally put a dot following it, for example “mb.135(第135页)”;or the first letter (or initial consonant) of each word of certain phrase could be pick up, additionally put a dot following it and, be lined up together, for example “C.Y.G.(=Cunghvaz Yinzminz Gunghozgoz 中华人民共和国)”; or the first letter of each syllable of a word could be pick up, be lined up together, additionally put a dot following it, for example “dc.(=dungzci 同志)”. Besides, for the forms of abbreviation of metrology units and scientific terminology applied internationally, the corresponding international customary ways in treatment should be observed while writing, for example, “Km.(公里)”, “C.C.(立方公分)” and “H(氢)”.
Article 12 The Arabic numerals in Zhuang writing system should be separated with the adjacent syllable while writing. For example, “ndwen 3(三月)” could not be written as “ndwen3”.
Article 13 While writing, typesetting and printing a paper in Zhuang writing system, in case a multisyllable word in the end of a line could not have the space to be completely fit in, the way to transfering it to the next line should be subjected to the rule of keeping any syllable intact, namely, settle a syllable of the word completely in the end of a line, then transfering its following syllable to the next line and, do not arbitrarily separate any syllable into two parts. While transfering a word to the next line, the end of the syllable of certain word settled in the ending of the previous line should be added with a hyphen“–”, and the hyphen “–”should not be added to the front of the next line. For example, the multisyllable word “digozcujyi(帝国主义)” could not be separate into “dig-ozcujyi” or “digozc-ujyi”,the correct way to separate it would be “di-gozcujyi”, “digoz-cujyi” or “digozcuj-yi”.
Article 14 In the text in Zhuang writing system, the proper punctuation should be used at the end of any sentence or the pausal place among a sentence:
(1) The end of a statement sentence should be placed at with a full stop [.]
(2) The end of an interrogative sentence should be placed at with a question mark [?].
(3)The end of a sentence indicating strong feelings or high volume should be placed at with an exclamation mark [!]
(4)The short pausal place among a sentence should be placed at with a comma [,]。
(5)The relatively long pausal place among a sentence should be placed at with a semicolon [;].
(6)The place between the juxtaposed phraseologies among a sentence should be placed at with a pause mark
(7)The place that informs what follows or that enumerates elements of what is referred to before should be placed at with a mark of colon [:]。
(8)The Place outside to a sentence which being quoted directly should be placed at with quotation marks [“ ”], the outside of a phraseology necessary to be paid special attention also could be placed at with quotation marks [“ ”].
(9)The place follwing an annotation which necessary to be read out or the place indicating the interruption, the transition and the meaning’s quantum leap of a speech, and so on, should be placed at with a mark of fullwidth en dash
(10)The place prior and rear to an annotation should be placed at with the mark of parentheses[( )].
(11)The place indicating an intentional omission of certain contents or the place indicating an unfinished thought in speech should be placed at with a mark of ellipsis with six dots
Article 15 Should this modified scheme has the issues to be improved, the corresponding solutions for them should be gradually studied and worked out in the coming process of promoting Zhuang writing system in various fields of application to make this scheme comprehensively improved.
Minority Languages Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
On the date of 27th, July of the year of 1981