以下是引用发呆在2004-12-17 17:00:02的发言:
....好了 今天开始我有问题了 下面是一个无耻异族向僚人兜售的造字方案 请不要吝啬板砖
下策 日式
借用汉字 引狼入室
僚语若不想赴粤语白语后尘 必须远离汉字
老壮文 夹壮等等是极其危险的 很不幸的是我发现很多僚人好这口儿
强调僚语的主体性攸关僚语生死存亡 放眼汉字文化圈 审时度势不难得出
僚语本土化即是僚语去中国化的结论 卑贱者最高贵 柔弱者最刚强 与僚人共勉
I can't agree more (I totally agree) with you on these points highlighted in red and bold. Thanks.
However, I do not favor your first proposal and third proposal because I understand Korean, Japanese and Chinese. I am not going to talk in detail about my reasons here. It is always hard, if not impossible, to creat a perfect writing system.
In consideration of all circumstances, it is my firm believe that the current romanized writing system for the Zhuang language is the best one, but not the perfect one, which again may not ever exist. Furthermore, in my opinion, the Zhuang people will most likely miss another great opportunity in their history to unify and standardize their language, to ..., to ...(if you know what I mean) if they do not use their current written language extensively in all aspects of their daily life and all fields in their autonomous region.
As a Zhuang, I am very concerned ...
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-18 10:34:19编辑过]