书中附表:《 十九~二十一世纪中外民族学人类学代表论著一览表》
(美)F.G.斯佩克(Frank Gouldsmith Speck)《易洛魁鹰舞:卡吕梅舞蹈的一个分支》
(The Iroquois Eagle Dance: an offshoot of the Calumet Dance)
(Political systems of highland Burma: A study of Kachin social structure)
(美)E.A.霍贝尔(E.Adamson Hoebel)《原始人的法:动态比较法研究》
(The Law of Primitive Man:A Study in Comparative Legal Dynamics)
(英)S.F.纳德尔(Siegfried Frederick Nadel)《努佩宗教》(Nupe Religion)
(美)E.A.霍贝尔(E.Adamson Hoebel)《原始人的法律》(The Law of Primitive Man)
(Theory of Culture Change:The Methodology of Multilinear Evolution)
(美)A.I.哈洛维尔(Alfred Irving Hallowell)《文化与经验》(Culture and Experience)
(美)G.史宾德勒(George Spindler)《教育与人类学》(Education and anthropology,合著)
(法)C.列维-斯特劳斯《忧郁的热带》(Tristes Tropiques)
(美)R.林顿《文化树》(The Tree of Culture)
(美)M.J.赫斯科维茨《文化人类学》(Cultural Anthropology)
(德)M.兰德曼《哲学人类学》(Philosophische Anthropologie)
(法)G.巴朗迪埃(Georges Balandier)《不发达国家的应用人类学问题》
(L'anthropologie appliquée aux Problèmes des pays sous-développés)
(奥)W.施密特《亚洲和大洋洲图腾崇拜》(Totemismus in Asien und Ozeanien)
(英)J.C.米切尔(James Clyde Mitchell)《瑶村:一个马拉维部落社会结构的研究》
(The Yao village:A study in the social structure of a Malawian tribe)
(英)A.I.理查德兹(Audrey I Richards)《东非酋长》
(Chisungu:a girl's initiation ceremony among the Bemba of Northern Rhodesia)
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-5-14 19:26:12编辑过]