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Modern humans have lived in South China for at least 30,000 years, since the age of the Liujiang Man, discovered in Guangxi, China, in 1958 (Wu, 1959). Genetic studies show that populations in North China derived from populations in South China (Su et al., 1999). A large number of anthropological studies suggested that South China is the motherland of many ethnic groups throughout East Asia and the Pacific. There have been migrations from South China to Southeast and Northeast Asia and other neighboring areas during prehistory and history. The most famous among these migrations was the migration of Austronesian populations, which are believed to have left the coast of South China about 6,000 years before the present (kybp) and spread throughout the Pacific (Zhang, 1987; Diamond, 1988; Bellwood et al., 1995). The genetic structure of populations in this area is, therefore, pivotal in forming of ethnic patterns in east Eurasia.
现代人类在中国南方至少有3万年的历史,自1958年在中国广西发现的柳江人(Wu,1959年)以来。遗传研究表明中国北方地区的种群来源于中国南方地区(Su等,1999年)。大量的人类学研究表明,中国南方地区是整个东亚和太平洋地区多民族的发源地。在史前和历史上,从中国南方到东南亚,东北亚等周边地区有过迁徙的历史。 在这些迁徙中最为着名的是南岛人口的迁徙,相信这种迁徙在距离现在6000年前已经离开中国南方海岸并传播到整个太平洋地区(Zhang,1987年; Diamond,1988年; Bellwood 等,1995年)。 因此,该地区人口的遗传结构是欧亚东部形成种族格局的关键。
There are many ethnic families besides Han Chinese in South China, such as the Daic, Hmong-Mien (HM), Tibeto-Burman (TB), Austro-Asiatic (AA), Taiwan aborigines (TA) and the Malayo-Polynesians (MP). Among these populations, the Daic (also called Baiyue in Chinese) is the largest and most widespread. The total population of the nine official Daic nationalities in China is 25.8 million (2000 census). However, the population of the Daic descendants assimilated by Han Chinese is most probably even larger than this number (Song, 1991). Moreover, there are about 80 million (Grimes, 2002) Daic in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, and India who migrated from South China. So in size, the Daic population is second only to the Han, and is far larger than any other ethnic family in South China. Until the arrival of the Han (Wen et al., 2004a), the Daic were the aboriginal ethnic group of China's southeast coastal zone, which extends from Shanghai to Hanoi (Kuaiji to Jiaozhi, Song, 1991), although most of the Daic populations reside to the west of Hong Kong now. Thus, the genetic structure of the Daic is one of the most important parts of the study of South China's genetic structure.
除了汉族之外,中国南方地区还有很多民族,如壮侗语系族群,苗瑶族(Hmong-Mien,HM),藏缅族(Tibeto-Burman,TB),南亚语系族群(Austro-Asiatic,AA),台湾原住民(Taiwan aborigines,TA),马来-波利尼西亚族群(Malayo-Polynesians,MP)等。在这些人群中,壮侗语系族群(在中国也被称为百越)是人口最多和最广泛分布的。中国9个正式的壮侗语民族的总人口是2580万(2000年人口普查)。然而,被汉族同化的壮侗语族群的子孙的人口很可能比这个数字更大(Song,1991年)。此外,泰国,老挝,越南,缅甸和印度有从中国南部迁徙的大约有8000万壮侗语系人群(Grimes,2002)。所以大小人口仅次于汉族,远远超过中国南方的其他民族。直到汉人到来(Wen等,2004年,a),壮侗语系族群是中国东南沿海地区的原住民族,从上海延伸到河内(会稽至交趾,Song,1991年),尽管大部分的壮侗语族群人口现在居住在香港以西。因此,壮侗语族群的遗传结构是研究中国南方遗传结构最重要的部分之一。
Mitochondrial DNA is a powerful tool in population history studies, and it claims a vital role in global human population research (Shriver and Kittles, 2004). mtDNA in South Chinese populations is also being explored. Population data from certain areas have been reported in succession, especially data from the minorities of the Yunnan province in Southwest China (Yao and Zhang, 2002). Ethnic families are also being systematically investigated, and the first family investigation to be completed was that of TB. mtDNA polymorphisms of most of the TB populations in China were found to have a northern origin, while also having had absorbed a large proportion of southern lineages (Wen et al., 2004b). Han populations were also studied systematically, and a mixed structure, similar to that of TB, was found (Wen et al., 2004a). Similar studies were performed in the HM family, but these data show less mixing of northern lineages with the southern lineages (Wen et al., 2005). Data of TA have also been reported (Tajima et al., 2003).
线粒体DNA是人口史研究中的一个有力工具,它在全球人口研究中发挥了至关重要的作用(Shriver and Kittles,2004年)。也正在对中国南方人群的线粒体DNA进行研究。连续报告了某些地区的人群数据,特别是云南省西南少数民族的数据(Yao和Zhang,2002年)。对民族也正在进行系统的调查,第一个要完成谱系调查的是藏缅族(Tibeto-Burman,TB)。中国大部分TB人群的mtDNA多态性是北方起源的,同时也吸收了大量的南方血统(Wen 等,2004年,b)。对汉族人群也进行了系统的研究,发现了与TB相似的混合结构(Wen等,2004年,a)。在苗瑶民族(Hmong-Mien,HM)中进行了类似的研究,但是这些数据显示北部谱系与南部谱系的混合较少(Wen等,2005年)。 台湾原住民(Taiwan aborigines,TA)的数据也有报道(Tajima等,2003年)。
Overall, mtDNA research in South China is relatively complete, except for that of the major group, the Daic, and for the AA group in outlying regions. As is widely known, the Han and TB groups moved from Northern China (Su et al., 2000), and while the Han settled throughout South China, the TB settled mainly in remote areas of Southwestern China. The TA and MP groups, natives of South China, have smaller populations and now reside in the Southeast islands far from the mainland. Therefore, the ethnic groups of most relevance to our study in South China are the HM and Daic. Knowing their genetic structure would contribute to a full understanding of the original genetic structure of Southern China. Although the AA group is far to the Southwest, it is still of significant value as a reference population considering it is so ancient a group (the ancient distribution of groups mentioned above refers to Fig. 1). As a result, we will analyze the matrilineal genetic structure of South China by exploring the mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms of all Daic populations and many AAs, eventually combining our data with that from other groups.