
标题: 致季人網友:美國擴張史交流 [打印本页]

作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-1 17:47
标题: 致季人網友:美國擴張史交流


美國二次獨立戰之後都只是確定現在的東部領土而已,美國繼續向西擴張,並從英國人手上搶得本屬 B.C. 省前身的哈德遜灣公司管轄的土地,即今華盛頓與及俄勒岡二州是也。


作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-1 17:47


The Polk Administration The Oregon Treaty Treaty of Washington (1846)

A long history of dispute characterized the ownership of the Oregon Territory, which included present-day Oregon, Washington, Idaho and portions of Montana, Wyoming and British Columbia. Spain and Russia had surrendered their claims to the region, but the United States and Britain were active claimants in the 19th century's early years. The matter's resolution was delayed by the Anglo-American Convention of 1818, in which both parties agreed to a temporary policy of "joint occupation" of the region. This accommodation was extended in 1827.

During the 1830s, the American position came to favor establishment of the northern border along 49º north latitude, arguing that the nation's Manifest Destiny required no less. The British, however, wanted to see the southern boundary of British Columbia established at the Columbia River and based their claims on the Hudson's Bay Company's long history in the area.

The British position weakened in the early 1840s as large numbers of numbers of American settlers poured into the disputed area over the Oregon Trail. Possession of Oregon became an issue in the Election of 1844. Democratic candidate James K. Polk took an extreme view by advocating the placement of the border at 54º 40' north latitude. Expansionists chanted, "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" After the election, Polk put the British on notice that joint occupation would not be extended, but quietly entered into diplomatic discussions.

In June 1846, the Treaty of Washington was signed between Britain and the United States, the latter represented by Secretary of State James Buchanan. Provisions included:

The United States achieved a favorable resolution on the main boundary issue and the British retained full control of Vancouver Island, a matter of prime importance to them.

One major point of contention resulted from ambiguous wording in the treaty. It was unclear whether San Juan Island, one of the larger Gulf Islands, belonged to Canada or the U.S. Tensions over this issue peaked in 1859 in the so-called Pig War.

See also Indian Wars.

作者: 季人    时间: 2005-2-1 18:00

我提到美国第二次独立战争的本意不是说美国没有能力侵略加拿大,而是为了反驳“美国这样的超级大国并不想吞并加拿大、墨西哥”的说法,提出美国企图吞并加拿大的证据,还望阁下明察。 详见http://www.rauz.net/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=23&star=2&replyid=13885&id=8466&skin=0&page=1


作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-1 18:07


美國向西擴張時,已經迫使英國割出好像是 Idaho 吧?



作者: 季人    时间: 2005-2-1 18:26



作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-2 10:20



作者: 黄连山    时间: 2005-2-2 12:22

no matter who the hell eventually occupied the Oregon Territory, or whatsoever had happened betweent us and uk over this matter, it did have nothing to do with the indigenous peoples, American Indians of the Pacific Northwest, who derived no any benefit from this and were doomed to lead their life on reservations in the 21st century.

作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-2 15:05
作者: 黄连山    时间: 2005-2-2 17:26
amazing, what i learned from history text books (published under PRC) in high school, long time ago, yet it just doesn't drop from memory, is that the Tibetan troops and people, mobilized by the local government, indomitably resisted the Brits' invasion, nevertheless, the Manchu Dynasty, for some reasons, stopped them from doing so, as a result, there came a failure to Tibet or China or Manchu Ching in the war, and then ......
作者: 黄连山    时间: 2005-2-2 17:28
any difference in your HK text book upon this issue?
作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-2 17:31
作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-2 17:38


BBC中文网记者 蒙克:

  • 1904年:3000人组成的英国远征军在荣赫鹏上校(Francis Younghusband)的率领下进入西藏。13世达赖喇嘛到蒙古和中国躲避。
  • 1909年:达赖喇嘛结束流亡返回西藏。中国部队占领康区部分地区,达赖喇嘛向英国求援。

  • 1910年:赵尔丰带领2000中国军队进入拉萨。达赖喇嘛逃亡印度。

  • 1911年:满清帝国被推翻,中华民国成立。袁世凯任大总统,宣布西藏、新疆和蒙古为中国省份。

  • 1912年:西藏各地起事反抗中国军队。

  • 1913年:达赖喇嘛返回西藏,宣布独立。

  • 1914年:西藏、英国和中国西拇拉会谈,解决边界纷争。

  • 1923年:班禅喇嘛逃亡中国。

  • 1933年:13世达赖喇嘛在拉萨逝世,享年58岁。

  • 1937年:6世班禅喇嘛(中国称其为9世班禅)逝世。

  • 1940年:14世达赖坐床。

  • 1949年:中国人民解放军战胜国民党部队,10月1日宣布中华人民共和国成立。年仅11岁的10世班禅致电毛泽东,要求"统一祖国"。解放军宣布意欲"解放西藏"。

  • 1950年:年仅15岁的14世达赖喇嘛执掌西藏政府。10月7日,中国军队进入西藏,在康区击败少量藏军。西藏政府和达赖喇嘛转移,呼吁联合国提供帮助。

  • 1951年:西藏代表在解放军入藏后签署17条和平解放西藏协议,协议保证在西藏放弃独立的条件下享有文化和政治自治。

  • 1957年:西藏反抗运动开始,中国军队被迫退出西藏南部。

  • 1959 年:3月10日,西藏全面反抗开始。数千藏人走上拉萨街头和解放军战斗。解放军炮击达赖拉萨住所,10万名藏人随达赖喇嘛流亡印度。中国在西藏设立的政府开始"民主改革",许多藏人被杀,被监禁以及接受劳改,大批寺院被毁。

  • 1965 年:文化大革命开始,西藏大批寺院被毁。

  • 1976 年:毛泽东逝世;文化大革命结束。中国政府承认在西藏犯过错误,指为四人帮的极左政策造成。

  • 1979年:中国开始改革开放,邀请达赖喇嘛结束流亡,返回西藏,但条件是要其在北京居住。达赖喇嘛派代表团入藏调查。

  • 1980 年:中共总书记胡耀邦访问西藏,放松政策,调回大批汉族干部。

  • 1987年:达赖喇嘛在访问美国国务院时提出5点和平计划。10月1日:警察在拉萨开枪镇压示威者,多人死伤和被捕。

  • 1988年:达赖喇嘛提出斯特拉斯堡建议,建议允许中国控制西藏的外交和国防,换取西藏内部全面自治。中国许诺谈判。

  • 1989年:3月5日,警察在拉萨开枪镇压抗议者。3月7日宣布戒严。镇压造成多人死伤及被监禁。10月,达赖喇嘛获诺贝尔和平奖。

  • 作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-2 17:41
    标题: 中国终于正式向美发出“中国视美国介入台海为国家入侵”


    作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-2-2 17:42

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