Son Mwngz Hag Sawcuengh
Gou dawz gij goq “Sawcuengh Vunzguhnaz” Lohmanh Lauxsae diep youq gizneix haenx cuengq youq guhdoih, hawj fuengbienh gyoengq beixnuengx daeuj hag Sawcuengh haeujdou. Danghnaeuz mwngz rox gangj Cuengh, youh haenj haeujsim daeuj doeg sat bonj saw neix, mwngz wng haujvaiq couh rox yawj saw Sawcuengh, lij rox sij Sawcuengh dem. Gou genyi Cawjbanj cuengq aen dieb neix youq gwnz. Docih Lohmanh Lauxsaw caeuq Cawjbanj. KEY WORDS: Teaching Yourself Zhuang, Sawcuengh, Zhuang Written Language, Zhuang Written Script, Romanized Zhuang
SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ 书搎倱抇那 (1) SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ 书搎倱抇那 (1) a e i o u w aj呵;张开 aq吖;爆裂 e躷;(个子)矮小、渺小 ej邚;性交 i洟;粘膜 iq咿;小 o咼;蓝色 oq灴;炽红 u沕;小泥坑 uq污;污、肮脏 w呃;嗯(语气词,表示答应) 说明:原课文如此(其间汉字壮读为笔者所加) 因为当时农民多不识汉字和拼音字母,所以都由教师直接呼读解释,学员从话音中慢慢领会字母的发音,即所谓“实音教学”。这对于会讲壮话的人来说是很容易学会和掌握的,对于不会讲壮话的人,则像学外文一样,让会说壮话的人读一遍,慢慢领会发音要领,词汇则只能“死记硬背”了。当年我姐去读扫盲班,回来一课一课地给我读几遍,我就这样学会壮文字母的发音了;只要全部学会字母的发音和韵母的读音,多拼多读,便可以脱盲了。
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (2) 书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (2) singmeh声姆;声母 (1) b mb m f v d nd n s l 说明:原课文如此。上行是双唇音,呼读:b(a) mb(e) m(a) f(e) v(e) 词例:baz妭;老婆 mba粑;粉末(例 mbahaeux粑餱;米粉 mbamienh粑面;面粉) ma麻;回来 fa筏;盖子 va 花;花 下行是舌尖音,呼读:d(a) nd(e) n(a) s(e) l(e) 词例: da咑;眼睛 nda衲;褙带 na搻;厚 sa沙;沙 laj拉;下
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (3) 书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (3) singmeh声姆;声母 (2) g ng h r c y ngv by my ny gy gv 说明:原课文如此。呼读:g(a) ng(a) h(a) c(a) y(a) ngv(e) by(a) my(a) gy(a) gv(e) 词例:ga胩;腿 nga桠;枝桠 ha哈;啊(感叹词) ca差;差 ra罖;找 yah娅;老婆、妻子 ngwz蚅;蛇 bya鲃;鱼 myaiz湃;唾液 nyaz芽;芽、牙 gya加;加 gva瓜;瓜 ny 系舌面音,先做发n的音然后舌面抬起滑到发y的音,一气呵成即可。下面几个词的声母都是用ny,请你慢慢拼读慢慢体验: nyaq oij 雅葨;甘蔗渣 nyungz蝾;蚊子 nyingz盁;射 (上林壮读:“盈利”nyingzleih 眼nyanx 迎nyingz 软nyuenx 等)
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (4) 书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (4) YINHMEH韵姆;韵母 ai ae ei oi ui wi v--ai→vaiz l--ae→lae m--ei→meiq n--oi→noix d--ui→duix nd--wi→ndwi Bae ndoi cae naz reih Ndi ndaej gwih cwz vaiz Hix gaej cae daiq lai Gyaez cwz vaiz ndaw doih 说明:原课文如此。 这是以i为结尾的复合元音韵母。其中ai嗳;(鸡鸭的)嗉 ae欸;咳嗽 ei依;依 oi咴;(身体)不舒服 可以独立成词。 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Bae ndoi cae naz reih 呸垖镃那坜 去山犁田地 Ndi ndaej gwih cwz vaiz 尼礼犪犆怀 不得骑黄牛水牛 Hix gaej cae daiq lai 喺丌镃太赖 也别犁太多 Gyaez cwz vaiz ndaw doih 憩犆怀氝队 爱队里的黄牛水牛 词解:vaiz怀;水牛 lae梸;梯子 meiq渼;醋 noix内;少 duix兌;碗 ndwi馁;空 bae呸;去 ndoi垖;土山 cae镃;犁 naz那;田 reih坜;畲地 ndi尼;不 ndaej礼;得 gwih犪;骑 cwz犆;黄牛 hix喺;也 gaej丌;别、不要 lai赖;多 gyaez憩;爱 ndaw氝;里面
季人贝侬:不认识duix兌;碗 麻烦路漫老师另举几个以ui为韵母的单词为例。 lae梸;梯子 我们上林是不是念lei啊? bae呸;去 上林县城附近好象念bei,乡下有的地方念bae。 noix内;少 这个也不认识。 回复季人贝侬: 不认识duix兌;碗 麻烦路漫老师另举几个以ui为韵母的单词为例。 duix是南部方言,上林好像很少有人说了,上林叫vanj碗,壮文也推荐使用vanj。 上林方言以ui为韵母的单词还有:sui赘;背时、运气不好 duiq蓷;下垂(果实累累把树枝压得下垂,就用duiq) luiq磊;破、削(破竹子做竹篾这个动词就叫luiq) 以ui作韵母的词汇不大多。 lae梸;梯子 我们上林是不是念lei啊? 对。“byalae鲃鲡;黄鳝”的lae 与标准音的“lae梸;梯子”同音。 bae呸;去 上林县城附近好象念bei,乡下有的地方念bae。 对。巷贤那边也念bae。 noix内;少 这个也不认识。 上林方言很少用,我们说(siuj少),借汉了。汉字“内”,上林方言读noih,“内部”念noihbouh,“内人”念noihsinz,用的是第六调,而“noix内;少”用的是第四调。
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (4) 书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (4) SINGDIUH声调 z j x q h a az aj ax aq ah da daz daj dax daq dah na naz naj nax naq nah ho hoz hoj hox hoq hoh bo boz boj box boq boh 说明:原课文如此。 壮语舒声调有六个调类,除第一调不标外,其余各调分别用 z j x q h 五个调号来标写于音节末。 各调类的调值各地方言多不一致(正是方言形成的主要原因之一),标准音的调值分别是:第一调是中升调,第二调是低降调,第三调是高平调,第四调是中降调,第五调是高升调,第六调是中平调。 大家可以通过以下词例的拼读慢慢体会: 第一调:da咑;眼睛 na搻;厚 ho萿;蒜头 bo坡;坡 ma犸;狗 ga胩;腿 第二调:daz跶;引领 naz那;田 hoz臛;脖子 doz驮;驮 moz獏;黄牛 loz箩;箩 第三调:daj打;打 naj肭;脸 haj烚;动物油 baj妑;伯母 maj傌;长大 gaj嘎;杀 第四调:dox袉;围裙 cax鉔;刀 sax倽;作揖 vax瓦;瓦 max马;马 lox摞;诱 第五调:doq茤;黄蜂 naq镎;箭 haq嫁;嫁 boq卟;吹 moq暮;新 goq雇;雇 第六调:dah㳠;河 noh諾;肉 hoh贺;贺 boh侼;父亲 moh墓;墓 guh抇;做 不认识或者觉得跟上林方言说法不一的几个词: ho萿;蒜头 daz跶;引领 haj烚;动物油 baj妑;伯母 dox袉;围裙 doq茤;黄蜂 naq镎;箭 ho萿;蒜头 上林方言(下同)叫做gyaeujsuenq苟蒜。ho的词义还有“麸”,如“茶麸cazho茶萿”等。 daz跶;引领 “引领小孩走路”叫做daz lwgnyez byaij loh跶勒邪挀路。 haj烚;动物油 猪油放久了发出那种气味就叫“haeu haj洉烚”;同音的还有数字“haj五”,如haj boux vunz 吓甫倱。等等。 baj妑;伯母 上林称呼为“naz娜”,baj的发音同桂柳话的“把”。 dox袉;围裙 这词上林有,农村妇女经常扎围裙做家务活的,音近“陀”;还有同音的“走向前”byaij doxbae挀跺呸、“看回头”ngonz doxdauq眃跺倒,等等。 doq茤;黄蜂 这里汉语词用错了,应该是“马蜂”。“马蜂”叫duzdoq读茤;“黄蜂”叫duzdinz读蜳。同音的有“做木工”dajdoq打挅;“剁肉”doq noh剁诺,等等。 naq镎;箭 “弓箭”的“箭”壮话叫什么,忘了吗?这个音只有这个义,无法再举例了。
lox是轻微的“诱”,和汉语的“哄诱”差不多,比如小孩哭了,要哄他停,就叫lox。程度重的“骗”壮语有yaeuh、yoeg等词。至于第五调loq,在壮语里的意思是“梦”。河池地区的桂柳话有loq这个音(词),意思是“欺骗、骗人”,汉语普通话好像没有这个词,是不是借用了壮语的lox,不得而知;河池地区的桂柳话有很多“壮借词”,值得探讨研究。 sax是作揖的意思,和“baiq拜”近义,sax仅指双手合起上下拜动,不包括跪拜,baiq则包括跪拜。壮语方言里还有yazved与sax同义。 moh是汉语“墓”的老借音,义同;壮语方言与moh同义的还有faenz、deih、daenz、coj等。 不知我解释清楚没有?我认为您的拼音壮文很好,所以就举了拼音壮文词例,不再注上汉字壮读了。 书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (5) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 au aeu eu iu ou aw l—au→lau m—eu→meuz h—aeu→haeux nd—aw→ndaw r—iu→riu c—ou→coux Duznou lau duzmeuz Vaiqvaiq deuz bae ndoj Duzmeuz riuhoho Haeuj gyawz ndoj ndaej ndei 说明:原课文如此。 这是以u为结尾的复合元音韵母。其中au傲;叔叔 aeu欧;要 eu嗂;唱 ou嘔;蓝色 aw愕;发愣 都可以独立成词。 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Duznou lau duzmeuz 读胬恅读猫 老鼠怕猫儿 Vaiqvaiq deuz bae ndoj 瀤瀤趒呸耎 快快逃去躲 Duzmeuz riuhoho 读猫膫嗬嗬 猫儿笑哈哈 Haeuj gyawz ndoj ndaej ndei 逅踷耎礼娞 进哪躲得好 词解:duznou读胬;老鼠 lau恅;怕 vaiqvaiq瀤瀤;快快 deuz;趒;逃 bae呸;去 ndoj耎;躲 riu膫;笑 haeuj逅;进入 gyawz(gizlawz的速读)踷;哪里 ndaej礼;得 ndei娞;好
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (6) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 am aem em iem im om oem uem um s—am→sam d—aem→daemz d—em→dem n—iem→niemh g—im→gim r—om→rom l—oem→loemq f—uem→fuemx r—um→rum Naem miuz aeu demsou Raeuz haeujsim bae ganq Ciemz rum aemq laj namh Reih byom ciemhciemh biz 说明:原课文如此。 这是以m为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母多都不能独立成词。 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Ndaem miuz aeu demsou 揇苗殴添收 种苗要增收 Raeuz haeujsim bae ganq 偻逅心呸擀 我们用心去管理 Ciemz rum aemq laj namh 搛蔺奄拉湳 拔草沤地下 Reih byom ciemhciemh biz 坜瘢渐渐肶 地瘦渐渐肥沃 词解:ndaem揇;种 aeu殴;要 raeuz偻;我们 haeujsim逅心;用心、认真 bae呸;去 ganq擀;管理、护理 ciemz搛;拔 rum蔺;草 aemq洝;沤 laj拉;下面 namh湳;土、泥 reih坜;地、畲地 byom瘢;瘦 biz肶;肥、肥沃 书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (7) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 an aen en ien in on oen uen un wen wn mb— an →mbanj c —aen →caen s— en →senj m —ien →mienh r —in→ rin f— on→ fonj d —oen→ doenq l —uen→ luenh g —un →gunj nd —wen→ ndwen m—wn→ mwn Henz mbanj miz vunz son guh fwen Ndaw naz miz non gwn gohaeux Dahgien raen le sim'in raeuh Gaj non ngoenzneix mbouj guh fwen 说明:原课文如此。 这是以n为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母有些可以独立成词。如an安;安 aen嗯;个 ien烟;烟 in瘖;疼、痛 oen芠;刺蓬 un呍;温习、复习 加上声调或声母可以成词的如enq燕;燕 onj咹;安稳、稳妥 guen官;官 wenj煾;光滑、滑溜 wnq摁;别的、其他 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Henz mbanj miz vunz son guh fwen 冄板眉倱搎抇喚 村边有人教唱山歌 Ndaw naz miz non gwn gohaeux 禸那眉蜳哏楇糇 田里有虫吃禾苗 Dahgien raen le sim'in raeuh 妲娟腀咧心瘖喽 阿娟见了心疼多 Gaj non ngoenzneix mbouj guh fwen 嘎蜳昀内踎抇喚 杀虫今天不唱山歌 词解:henz冄;旁边 mbanj板;村庄 miz眉;有 vunz倱;人 son搎;教 guh抇;做 fwen喚;山歌 ndaw禸;里面 naz那;田 non蜳;虫 gwn哏;吃 gohaeux楇糇;禾苗 Dahgien妲娟(人名) raen腀;见 sim'in心瘖;心疼 raeuh喽;很、多 gaj嘎;杀 ngoenzneix昀内;今天 mbouj踎;不 书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (8) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 ang aeng eng ieng ing ong oeng ueng ung wng r—ang→rang n—aeng→ naeng s—eng→ sengj m—ieng →mieng g—ing→ ging b—ong →bongx h—oeng →hoengz m—ueng→ muengh b—ung →bungz h—wng →hwngq Ndaem song miuz demsou Raeuz aeu roengzrengz guh Ngoenzlaeng haeux baenz bo Mwngz ciengq go soengq liengz Gungcanjdangj lingjdauj Yinx raeuz gauj swva Vunz mbanj gwnz mbanj laj Caezgya gung sawcuengh 说明:原课文如此。 这是以ng为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母有些可以独立成词。如 aeng煐;闷热 ieng泱;浆、浓液 ing偀;靠、依靠 wng应;应该;加上声调或声母可以成词的如 angq盎;高兴 engq哽;更、更加 mong牤;灰色 coeng葱;葱 cueng窗;窗 cung钟;钟 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面八行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为二首山歌)。以下是这八行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Ndaem song miuz demsou 揇双苗添收 种两季增收 Raeuz aeu roengzrengz guh 偻欧躘哴抇 我们要努力做 Ngoenzlaeng haeux baenz bo 昀塄糇捹坡 日后粮食如山 Mwngz ciengq go soengq liengz 儚唱歌送粮 你唱歌送粮 Gungcanjdangj lingjdauj 共产党领导 共产党领导 Yinx raeuz gauj swva 引偻搞四化 指引我们搞四化 Vunz mbanj gwnz mbanj laj 倱板埂板拉 上下村庄的人 Caezgya gung sawcuengh 齐家攻书壮 大家攻读壮文 词解:ndaem揇;种 raeuz偻;我们 aeu欧;要 roengzrengz躘哴;努力、下工夫 guh抇;做 ngoenzlaeng昀塄;日后 haeux糇;稻谷、粮食 baenz捹;成 mwngz儚;你 vunz倱;人 mbanj板;村 gwnz埂;上面 laj拉;下面 caezgya齐家;大家
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (9) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 ap aep ep iep ip op oep uep up r—ap→ rap d—aep → daep n—ep→ nep c—iep → ciep nd—ip →ndip g—op →gop mb—oep →mboep l—uep→ luep s—up→ sup Mbwn laep duzgoep hemqnguepnguep, Seiqcawq doxhop ciep gvaq hwnz; Mbouj ndaej coemj de dawz ma gwn, Louz de bang vunz cawz non haih. 说明:原课文如此。 这是以p为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母只有以下几个可以独立成词。如 ap押;压 aep圔;胡说、狗叫声 ep掖;钓(鱼) iep澲;腌 oep扝;敷 加上声母可以成词的如 gip急;急 gop掴;掬 suep洬;吸收(水分) cup哫;吻 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Mbwn laep duzgoep hemqnguepnguep, 暪黸读蛐噉咢咢 天黑青蛙叫哇哇 Seiqcawq doxhop ciep gvaq hwnz; 四处跺嚯接卦脝 四处回声连接过夜 Mbouj ndaej coemj de dawz ma gwn, 踎礼拶僣嘚麻哏 不可捉它拿回吃 Louz de bang vunz cawz non haih. 留僣帮倱除蜳害 留它帮人除虫害 书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (10) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 ab aeb eb ieb ib ob oeb ueb ub h—ab→ hab s—aeb →saeb g—eb →geb l—ieb →lieb c—ib →cib r—ob→ rob m—oeb →moeb f—ueb →fueb r—ub→ rub Duznou haeb doxgaiq, Moeb dai hab dauhleix; Sousib duz de caez, Raeuz couh ndaej ansim. 说明:原课文如此。 这是以b为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母基本不能独立成词。 加上声母可以成词的如 hab合;合 haeb咊;咬 deb碟;碟 lieb猎;猎 cib十;十 hob俰;适宜 goeb匼;盖 rub扖;抚摸 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释:
拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Duznou haeb doxgaiq, 读胬咊跺块 老鼠咬东西 Moeb dai hab dauhleix; 摹殆合道理 打死合道理 Sousib duz de caez, 收拾读僣齐 收拾它们完 Raeuz couh ndaej ansim. 偻就礼安心 我们就得到安宁
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (11) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 at aet et iet it ot oet uet ut wet wt nd—at→ ndat h—aet →haet b—et→ bet d—iet →diet n—it→ nit l—ot →lot nd—oet →ndoet b—uet →buet g—ut→ gut h—wet→ hwet b—wt →bwt Caet bet diemj cung ndit caengz ndat Bae rap hazgut youh mbwt ngaeux Gwn ngaiz yiethwet cingsaenz gaeuq Youh buet bae aeu foed mboet naz 说明:原课文如此。 这是以t为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母有些可以独立成词。 如at压;积压 et乴;蕉叶糍粑 iet乙;乙 it一;一 oet扵;塞 uet兀;擦、抹 ut忢;委曲 等,加上声母可以成词的如 caet七;七 got掴;拥抱 hwet;臛;腰 bwt胉;肺 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Caet bet diemj cung ndit caengz ndat 七八点钟氜曾靹 七八点钟阳光还未热 Bae rap hazgut youh mbwt ngaeux 呸揦荷蓇又擟藕 去挑蕨草又挖藕 Gwn ngaiz yiethwet cingsaenz gaeuq 哏嘊肊臛精神够 吃午饭伸腰(休息)精神够 Youh buet bae aeu foed mboet naz 又蹼呸殴茀毌那 又跑去要绿肥沤田
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (12) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 ad aed ed ied id od oed ued ud wed wd m—ad →mad b—aed →baed g—ed →ged l—ied→ lied m—id →mid m—od →mod m—oed →moed b—ued →bued g—ud →gud f—wed→ fwed r—wed→ rwed b—wd→ bwd Naed haeux dangq naed caw Gaej dawz bae luenh vut Duzmoed caeuq duzrwed Raemxgoenj rwed de dai 说明:原课文如此。 这是以d为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母不能可以独立成词。加上声母可以成词的如 mad袜;袜 baed砩;佛 ged惎;吝啬 lied列;列 mid劘;匕首 mod蟇;蛀虫 moed蝆;蚂蚁 bued拨;拨 gud搰;挖 fwed鳺;翅膀 lwd律;律 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Naed haeux dangq naed caw 尒糇噹尒珠 一粒粮食如一粒珍珠 Gaej dawz bae luenh vut 丌嘚呸乱扤 不要拿去乱丢 Duzmoed caeuq duzrwed 读蝆奏读蠕 蚂蚁和臭虫 Raemxgoenj rwed de dai 淋滚洜僣殆 滚水淋它死
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (13) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 ak aek ek iek ik ok oek uek uk wk b—ak→bak n—aek→naek r—ek→rek b—iek→biek g—ik→gik d—ok→dok nd—oek→ndoek s—uek→suek g—uk→guk mb—wk→mbwk Moek ndok laj gomak Lwgmak baenz youh van Gik dwk bwnh gik ganq Aen de van seih gyaj 说明:原课文如此。 这是以k为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母有些可以独立成词,如:ak噁;强、有能力 aek膉;胸 ek軶;轭(犁架上牛的搭肩,如弓形) iek呹;饿 ik亿;亿 ok遌;出去 uk腛;脑 加上声母可以成词的如 goek唂;根部、基础 suek搠;包、裹 mbwk嚜;大、巨 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Moek ndok laj gomak 塻睰拉檛杩 埋骨头(在)果树下 Lwgmak baenz youh van 勒杩捹又唍 果子丰收(成)又甜 Gik dwk bwnh gik ganq 撠徳喯撠擀 懒施肥懒管理 Aen de van seih gyaj 嗯僣唍是假 (那)果子甜是假
书搎倱抇那SAWSON VUNZGUHNAZ (14) yinhmeh韵姆;韵母 ag aeg eg ieg ig og oeg ueg ug wg d—ag→dag s—aeg→saeg m—eg→meg d—ieg→dieg g—ig→gig r—og→rog r—oeg→roeg l—ueg→lueg m—ug→mug l—wg→lwg Daeg lwg de gig gaenx doeg saw, Haujlai vahgawq hag ndaej sug, Mbouj loengh mingzbeg de mbouj fug, Ok rog haeuj rug dawz gwnz fwngz. 说明:原课文如此。 这是以g为结尾的复合元音韵母。 这些韵母基本不可以独立成词,加上声母可以成词的如 dag矺;量、量度 saeg溹;洗(衣服) meg脉;脉 dieg坻;地、地方 gig极;极 rog峈;外面 roeg鵦;鸟 lueg塶;山谷、谷地 mug莯;鼻涕 lwg勒;儿子、小个的 第二行是用这些韵母做拼读练习。后面四行是含有这些韵母的课文(实为一首山歌)。以下是这四行课文的注释: 拼音壮文 汉字壮读 汉语直译 Daeg lwg de gig gaenx doeg saw, 特勒僣极勤读书 他的儿子很勤读书 Haujlai vahgawq hag ndaej sug, 好赖话句学礼熟 很多语句学得熟 Mbouj loengh mingzbeg de mbouj fug, 踎弄明白僣踎服 不弄明白他不服 Ok rog haeuj rug dawz gwnz fwngz. 噁峈逅麀嘚埂摓 出外进卧室(家)拿在手上
Gou ndaej geiq Sawcuengh miz banj Sing Yinh meh sungj byiuj ndeu , Gou daj ngoenz hwnj muengx raeuz aeu Sawcuengh sij diep couh bae ra faenh haenx , danh dwg itcig ra mbouj raen , gou hag Sawcuengh daj bi 82 daengz seizneix miz ngeih cib ngeih bi lo , itcig baengh uk geiq ngeix cih Saw ok daeuj , Bonj Sawcuengh Sawdiemj gou seizneix hix mbouj miz , sij cih Sawcuengh ok daeuj byauhcunj mbouj byauhcunj gou hix mbouj rox !
Do cih louzcawj , hawj gou caiq dauq hag ndaej mbat Sawcuengh Sing yinh meh , Ceiq ndei dwg dawz banj sungjbyiuj haenx daj ok daeuj engq ndei ! moix mbat gyaem cih saw gyaeb mbouj ok ,yawj sungjbyiuj couh gyaeb ndaej vaiq lo !
Gou seizneix caen dwg , aen gvih couxsaw ndaw ranz gou , miz baenz seiq haj bak bonj , danh dwg mbouj miz saek bonj dwg Sawcuengh , doengh baez hag Sawcuengh doengh bonj [ Gan Bu Goqbwnj ] haenx , buen sam mbat ranz le ,seiz neix vengq ceij ndeu cungj ra mbouj raen lo !
"... doengh baez hag Sawcuengh doengh bonj [ Gan Bu Goqbwnj ] haenx , buen sam mbat ranz le ,seiz neix vengq ceij ndeu cungj ra mbouj raen lo !"
Ayingj, gou miz song bonj saw haenx, ndaej hoengq gou caiq diep daeuj gizneix.
"... doengh baez hag Sawcuengh doengh bonj [ Gan Bu Goqbwnj ] haenx , buen sam mbat ranz le ,seiz neix vengq ceij ndeu cungj ra mbouj raen lo !"
Ayingj, gou miz song bonj saw haenx, ndaej hoengq gou caiq diep daeuj gizneix.
Vah Cuengh Doiqdap
Conversation in Zhuang
Goq Daih’it
(Lesson First)
Lesson One
You Ask I Answer (Dialogue)
Cam: Mwngz vunz gizlawz?
(ask: you / people / where)
Ask: Where are you from?
Dap: Gou dwg vunz Vujmingz.
(answer: I / am / people / Wuming)
Answer: I am from Wuming.
Cam: Mwngz singq maz? Seiz lawz daeuj?
(ask: you / surname / what? time / when / come)
Ask: What is your last name? When did you come?
Dap: Gou singq Vangz, ngoenzbonz cij daeuj.
(answer: I / surname / Wang /the day before yesterday/ only come)
Answer: My last name is Wang. I came (to here) just the day before yesterday.
Cam: Miz geijlai boux caeuq mwngz guhdoih daeuj?
(ask: have/how many/ word used before people / with / you / together / come)
Ask: How many persons came together with you?
Dap: Haj boux.
Answer: Five persons.
Cam: Mwngz youq aen fuengz lawz?
(ask / you / live / word used before object / room / which one)
Ask: What room are you living in? (or What is your room number?)
Dap: Gou youq aen fuengz sam cib caet hauh, bae caeuq gou guhcaemz vei!
(answer: I / live / word used before object / room / three / ten / seven / number / go / with / me / play /vei)
Answer: I live in Room Number 37. Come to hang out with me.
Dap: Ndei lo, ngoengzcog ndaej hoengq yaeng bae
Answer: Okay (or Good). I will come by tomorrow when I am free.
Cih Moq New Words
goq: lesson
daih’it: first
doxcam: you ask I answer (dialogue)
mwngz: you
vunz: person, people, human being
gizlawz: where
gou: I
dwg: is, are, was, were
singq: first name, surname
maz: what
seiz lawz (seizlawz): when
daeuj: come
ngoenzbonz: the day before yesterday
cij: only, just
geijlai: how many
boux: word related to people
caeuq: with, and
guhdoih: as company, together
haj: five
youq: live
sam cib caet: thirty seven
hauh: number
bae: go
guhcaemz: hang out, play
ndei: good, okay
ngoengzcog: tomorrow
ndaej: can, have, may
hoengz: (have) free time, empty
yaeng: will
1. Mwngz bae gizlawz ma? Hanh lae baenz yienghneix?
2. Gou bae dwk giuz ma.
1. Caeuq cuj lawz dwk?
2. Cuj daihhaj.
1. Hingz lwi?
2. Saw caet faen.
1. Vih maz mbouj heuh gou?
2. Ra mbouj raen mwngz ne!
1. Gou youq ranz yawj saw hane! Haemhcog lij dwk lwi?
2. Dwk hw.
1. Heuh gou bw!
2. W!
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihngeih: second
dwk: play (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
giuz: ball (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
ma: verb: come back; return; noun: dog
hanh: sweat
lae: flow down, secrete
baenz: being so
yienghneix: like this
cuj: group (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
daihhaj: the fifth
hingz: win
saw: lose; book; written script
caet: seven
faen: score, point
vih maz: why (can be used as “vihmaz”
mbouj: no, not
heuh: call, ask
ra: look for
raen: see, find
ranz: house
yawj: look
haemh: evening, night
haemhcog: tomorrow night
lij: still
GOQ DAIHSAM (Lesson Three)
GYANGHAET (In the Morning)
1. Ranzrongh lo, hwnj lo, Laujcangh!
2. Ndaek cung la?
1. Caengz ndaek dem, mwngz yawj, daengngoenz hwnj sang lo.
2. O! Caeklaiq mwngz heuh gou, mbouj ne, gou lij mboujcaengz ndiu.
1. Vaiq bae swiq naj lo.
2. Gou daenj buh daeb denz mboujcaengz ndaej ne!
1. Gou dawz bat caeuq cazcung bae gonq, yaep ndeu, mwngz dawz sujbaq caeuq catheuj bae ndaej lo.
2. O.
1. Daeuj vaiq bw! Yaek guh caujcauh lo.
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihsam: third
gyanghaet: morning
ranzrongh: dawn, daylight, (=mbwnrongh)
hwnj: get up
ndaek: hit, strike
cung: bell
mboujcaengz: have not
yawj: look, see
daengngoenz: sun
sang: high
caeklaiq: only because … otherwise …
ndiu: wake up
bat: hand basin, container
bae: go
swiq: wash
naj: face
daenj: wear, put on (clothes)
buh: clothes
daeb: fold up (such as bedding stuff, clothes, etc.)
denz: quilt
dawz: take
cazcung: cup
gonq: (do something) first
yaep ndeu: after a while
sujbaq: towel
vaiq: fast
catheuj: tooth brush
yaek will, soon
caujcauh: morning exercise (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
1. Laujvangz, bae gwn ngaiz mboujcaengz?
2. Bae lo! Mwngz mbouj bae ma aeu vanj aeu dawh la?
1. Gou couh bae aeu, mwngz caj gou nw!
2. Dwg lo, gou youq neix caj mwngz.
1. Yu! Aeu ndaej baenz vaiq ha!
2. Mbouj suenq vaiq law.
1. Mwngz gwn geijlai liengx?
2. Gou gwn seiq liengx.
1. Yu! Gij byaek neix cit lai, mwngz raen cit lwi?
2. Gou raen hab lo, mwngz gwn baenz ndaengq ha!
1. Miz lwgmanh bw, mwngz gwn mbouj gwn?
2. Gwn vei! Miz lwgmanh ceiq ndei.
1. Gwn ngaiz sat le, mwngz lij guh gijmaz?
2. Mbouj guh gijmaz lo, gwn le yaek yietnaiq yaep ndeu.
1. Gou gwn imq lo, mwngz menh gwn nw!
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihseiq: fourth
gwn: eat
ngaiz: lunch
vanj: bowl
dawh: chopsticks
suenq: considered
liengx: weight measure unit (one gaen = 10 liengx)
byaek: dish of foods; vegetable
cit: light (taste of foods)
hab: fine; applicable
ndaengq: salty; heavy (taste of foods)
lwgmanh: hot chili
ceiq: the most
imq: full
yietnaiq: rest; take a rest
gijmaz: what
1. Laujlij, daengz cuj raeuz baet ranz la? Baenzlawz guh dah?
2. Dwg vei! Sou song boux baet gyausiz, dou geij boux bae baet diuz roen suzse, yaep ndeu caezgya caiq bae uet daiz, uet daengq, uet conghcueng.
1. Gizlawz miz sauqbaet? Gou bae baet diuz roen rog haenx.
2. Sauqbaet youq gungx dou, aen gei goj youq giz haenx.
1. Yu! Faenx daiq lai lo, aeu raemx ma faet cij ndaej.
2. Bae gizlawz aeu raemx ne?
1. Aeu doengj bae henz dah rap.
2. Aeu baenz rap ha!
1. Dwg vei, lij uet daiz uet daengq ne, rap ndeu lij lau mbouj gaeuq hw.
2. Yienghneix gou couh bae aeu vaiq di.
1. Dwg lo! Raeuz guh ndaej le yaeng yietnaiq.
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihhaj: fifth
baet: clean with a broom
daengz: (come) to, be someone’s turn
baenzlawz: how (=yienghlawz)
sou: you
dou: we (not including the persons talked to)
raeuz: we (including the talking person and the person(s) talked to)
gyausiz: classroom (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
roen: road
rog: outside of
suzse: dormitory (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
caezgya: all (old borrowed word from Mandarin Chinese)
uet: wipe
daiz: table
daengq: chair
conghcueng: window
sauqbaet: broom
haenx: that, those
gungx: corner
gungx dou: the corner of the door
gei: a container usually made of bamboo, usually used by a pair
goj: also ( = hix)
giz haenx: that area
faenx: dust
faet: spray
doengj: container (usually for holding liquid such as water)
lau: be afraid of, fear, worry, be concerned of
dah: river
henz dah: river side
rap: verb: carry something with one’s shoulders; noun: a pair of something carried by one’s showers
gaeuq: enough
yienghneix: being so ( = baenzneix)GOQ DAIH ROEK (LESSON SIX)
1. Laujliengz, mwngz yaek bae gizlawz? (Laujliengz, where are you going?)
2. Bae gai, mwngz bae mbouj bae? (Go to the market, would you like to go?)
1. Gou goj bae, caj gou vei! (I am going too, please wait for me!)
2. Mwngz dawz aen daeh neix bae cawx gijmaz? (What are you going to buy with this bag?)
1. Cawx saw caeuq cawx di doxgaiq dem. (Buy books and some other stuff.)
2. Ndaw sanghden miz gijmaz doxgaiq lai? (What kind of stuff does that store always have?)
1. Raemxmaeg, bit, ceij, baengz, yienghyiengh cungj miz, mboujgvaq, ngoenzneix dwg singhgiz, vunz haemq lai, caj haemq nanz cij ndaej cawx bw. (Ink, pen, paper, cloth. There are all kinds of things. However, today is weekend and there are many people shopping. We’ve got to wait for a while before we are served.)
2. Mbouj youqgaenj law, danghnaeuz miz vunz lai, raeuz sien bae cawx saw gonq, ndei mbouj ndei? (It does not matter. If there are too many people, let’s buy book first, okay?)
1. Ndei, sien bae cawx saw gonq, caj vunz haemq noix le yaeng bae cawx gijwnq. (Good. Let’s go buy books first and other stuff after people are fewer.)
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihroek: sixth
cawx: buy
doxgaiq: things, stuff
gai: street, market (=haw); sell
dawz: take, carry
daeh: bag
di: some
ndaw: inside of
sanghden: store (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
raemxmaeg: ink
bit: pen, pencil, etc.
ceij: paper
baengz: cloth
mboujgvaq: however, nonetheless, but
ngoenzneix: today
singhgiz: weekend
haemq: very much
nanz: long (concept of period of time); difficult
youqgaenj: matter, be important
danghnaeuz: if
noix: few, less
gijwnq: other, others
Mbouj geiq ndaej baenzlawz doeg lui? Mbouj youqgaenj, cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Don’t worry and, please refer to the following words):
na (thick), naz (wet rice field), naj (face), max (horse), gvaq (pass), dah (river)
goep (frog), goeb (lid, cover)
bak (mouth), bag (cut wood into pieces)
bit (duck), lwed (blood)
1. Dangz neix un saw, raeuz bae dieg rum rog haenx doeg, ndei mbouj ndei?
2. Ndei ha! Cuj raeuz vunz daeuj caez la?
1. Caez lo!
2. Goq ngoenzlwenz mwngz doeg ndaej sug mboujcaengz?
1. Doeg lij gazdwddwd, mboujcaengz sug ne! Haetnaengz hwnjdaeuj lai doeg geij baez cij ndaej.
2. Dwg lo, danghnaeuz mbouj roengzrengz hag, couh doeklaeng vunz lo.
1. Mwngz roengzrengz bae hag cij ndaej!
2. Geij diemj cung la, dingqnyi ndaek cung roengz dangz la?
1. Ndaek gvaq lo, yaek hwnj dangz daihngeih lo.
2. Yaep ndeu gangj goq moq, roxnaeuz lij un goq gaeuq ne?
1. Gangj goq moq.
2. Mwngz yawj gvaq saek mbat la?
1. Ngoenzlwenz yawj gvaq lo, cih lawz mbouj rox, gou lij aeu bitnding veh laj de. Lauxsae gangj daengz gou couh geiq aeu.
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihcaet: seventh
dangz: class
un saw: study what you have studies before
dieg rum: lawn, yard
doeg: read
caez: all; complete
ngoenzlwenz: yesterday
sug: proficient
gazdwddwd: not proficient
haetnaengz: every morning
roengzrengz: work/study hard
hag: study
cij: only
baez: time (number & time concept, = mbat), e.g. two times (song baez)
doeklaeng: behind someone; later
haujlai: many
dingqnyi: hear
roxnaeuz: or
moq: new
gaeuq: old
saek mbat: some one (time)
bitnding: red pen
veh: mark, draw
laj below
Mbouj geiq ndaej baenzlawz doeg lui? Mbouj youqgaenj, cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Don’t worry. Please refer to the following words):
na (thick), naz (wet rice field), naj (face), max (horse), gvaq (pass), dah (river)
goep (frog), goeb (lid, cover)
bak (mouth), bag (cut wood into pieces)
bit (duck), lwed (blood)
1. Bae ndai naz ha beixnangz?
2. W.
1. Bineix haeux ndei lwi?
2. Maqhuz ndei bw.
1. Ndai geijlai baez la?
2. Ndai song baez lo.
1. Lij ndai geijlai baez dem?
2. Lij ndai song baez dem bw.
1. Ndai baenz lai baez ha!
2. Mbouj suengq lai law.
1. Dwk geijlai mbat bwnh cij ndaej?
2. ndai it baez dwk it mbat.
1. Yienghneix gij haeux maj ndaej ndei lono!
2. Dwg vei! Seizneix bouxboux cungj roengzrengz guhhong, song bi neix cungj ndaej demsou.
1. Yu! gyoengqsou caen cinbu lo. Gensez seveicujyi, baengh sou roengzrengz lo.
2. Gag raeuz mbouj ndaej law, lij aeu caezgya roengzrengz cij ndaej.
1. Dwg lo, bouxboux roengzrengz cij baenz. Beixnangz, mwngz bae ndai naz lo, gangj lai nguh hong dem, gou goj vaiq bae ma hwnj dangz.
2. O!
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihbet: eighth, 8th
beixnangz: wife of elder brother
gangj vah: dialogue
ndai: one of the processes in rice planting during which grass is removed and manure is added
naz: wet rice field
haeux: rice plant, rice
bineix: this year
maqhuz: fairly
baenz lai: so many
dwk: add (manure) to
mbat: time (frequency concept), (maybe = baez)
bwnh: manure
maj: grow
guhhong: work
gyaez: love, like
mwngz: you (single)
gyoengqsou: you (=sou)
cinbu: developed, progressive (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
caen: real; really (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
gensez: build up, construct (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
seveicujyi: socialism (word borrowed from Mandarin Chinese)
guek: nation, country
baengh: depend on (=goq)
gag: individually
Ayingj mwngz miz sim lo. Docih mwngz. Gou laebdaeb aeu diep gij saw Sawcuengh gou miz haenx ok gizneix daeuj hawj Bouxraeuz hag. Hoeng, doiq mbouj hwnj lo, gou mbouj miz banhfap sij Sawgun daeuj gaijsik gij Sawcuengh, cij ndaej aeu Inghyij daeuj son. Gou cij muengh Bouxraeuz doengzseiz hag ndaej Sawcuengh youh hag ndaej Inghyij.
Mbouj geiq ndaej baenzlawz doeg lo? Mbouj youqgaenj, cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Don’t worry. Please refer to the following words):
na (thick), naz (wet rice field), naj (face), max (horse), gvaq (pass), dah (river)
goep (frog), goeb (lid, cover)
bak (mouth), bag (cut wood into pieces)
bit (duck), lwed (blood)
1. Siujmingz, mwngz gwn ringz la?
2. Gwn lo.
1. Mwngz ndaej geij bi?
2. Ndaej cib ngeih bi.
1. Mwngz youq aen hag lawz doeg saw? Doeg gaij nenzgiz?
2. Gou youq Cwngzsiengh Siujyoz, doeg haj nenzgiz.
1. Ndaw hag sou miz geijlai boux lwghag? Miz geijlai boux lauxsae?
2. Miz cien geij boux lwghag, ngeih cib geij boux lauxsae.
1. Mwngz youq ndaw hag gwn ngaiz roxnaeuz ma ranz gwn?
2. Ma ranz gwn.
1. Ndaw ranz mwngz miz geijlai (boux) vunz?
2. Miz daxbuz, daxboh, daxmeh, bohlungz, mehbaj, boh’au, mehliuz, song (boux) dahgux, dahcej, dahnuengx.
1. Bohlungz boh’au mwngz baen gya la?
2. Mbouj baen law, doxcaeuq gwn hane, ngoenznaengz aeu rek hung cawj ngaiz cij gaeuq gwn.
1. Mwngz caen gvai lo, yienghyiengh cungj rox.
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihgouj: ninth, 9th
Siujmingz: a kid’s name
ringz: eating in the afternoon between lunch and dinner (in certain areas, = ngaiz)
gwn haet: eat breakfast (gwn caeux)
gwn ngaiz: eat lunch
gwn ringz: eat foods in the afternoon between lunch and dinner
gwn caeuz: eat dinner
(Traditionally, the Zhuang people in certain areas eat four times in a day)
bi: year
hag: study; school
lwghag: students
lauxsae: teacher
nenzgiz: class (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
siujyoz: primary school (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
cien: thousand
daxbuz: grandmother (in some areas, = daxyah )
daxmeh: mother
daxboh: father
bohlungz: uncle (father’s elder brother)
mehbaj: aunt (wife of father’s elder brother)
boh’au: uncle (father’s younger brother)
mehliuz aunt (wife of father’s younger brother)
daxgux: aunt (father’s sisters)
dahcej: elder sister
dahnuengx: younger sister
baen gya: kids moving out of parents house after they have grown up
doxcaeuq: together
rek: wok, a Chinese cooking utensil for cooking dishes, rice, or other foods for people, and for animals too in the countryside
hung: big
gvai: smart; obedient
Yinghvwnz dwg gou ceiq haengj hag ceiq haengj hag cungj Saw ndeu !
Do cih Stoneman , My love you ! I 's students !
Yinghvwnz dwg gou ceiq haengj hag ceiq haengj hag cungj Saw ndeu !
Do cih Stoneman , My love you ! I 's students !
Hahahaha, Ayingj mwngz gangjriu roxnaeuz caen mbouj rox Inghyij?
My love you ! I 's students ! ----loek
I love you! I am a student! ----- deng
E law ! ok yangz siengq la ?
Ingwenz gouq gou hag baenz seiq !
Mbouj geiq ndaej baenzlawz doeg lo? Mbouj youqgaenj, cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Don’t worry. Please refer to the following words):
na (thick), naz (wet rice field), naj (face), max (horse), gvaq (pass), dah (river)
goep (frog), goeb (lid, cover)
bak (mouth), bag (cut wood into pieces)
bit (duck), lwed (blood)
1. Mehliuz youq ranz ha!
2. W, daeuj guhcaemz ha, dungzci!
1. Dwg lo, haemhneix dou daeuj caeuq mwngz guhcaemz.
2. Dahniq aeu daengqgeg daeuj!
1. Ndaej lo, dou gag ra. Yu! Ndaej baenz lai maenz ha.
2. Maqhuz lai vei! Haeuj bineix seyenz doxcaeuq guh hong cij sou ndaej lai.
1. Ndaw doih sou miz geijlai hoh?
2. Sam cib geij hoh.
1. Reih naz lai lwi?
2. Lai bw, miz bak lai moux naz raemx, haj cib geij moux naz rengx, bak lingz moux reih.
1. Ndaw doih sou baenz lai naz, gij hong neix baenzlawz guh ndaej ndei?
2. Ndaw doih baen hong ndaej ndei, bouxlaux bouxcoz cungj angq guh hong, boux miz rengz couh guh hong naek, boux rengz noix couh guh hong mbaeu, lumj mbangj dawz lwgnyez ha, mbangj ciengx mou ha, ciengx gaeq ha ……
1. Caen ndei lo, daengzcog aeu gihgi dajndaem dajndai le, guh hong couh engq ruq lo, souhaeuj engqgya lai lo.
2. Dwg lo, dungzci! Miz gungcanjdangj lingjdauj, raeuz gwndaenj cungj mbouj you lo.
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihcib: tenth, 10th
dungzci: comrade (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
haemh: night, evening
haemhneix: tonight
dahniq: a girl’s name
daengq: chair
daengqgeg: little lower chair
ra: find, look for
maenz: edible root of potatoes, usually refer to sweet potato
seyenz: member of a commune (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
bak: one hundred; month
doih: team; company
hoh: household (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
reih: dried land
naz raemx: water rice field
naz rengx: wet rice field (having not water above land)
lingz: zero; a little above certain amount (such as cib lingz bi = a little over ten years)
bouxlaux: old people
bouxcoz: young people, youth
angq: happy, glad, pleased, joyful
naek: heavy
mbaeu: light
mbangj: some
dawz: take care of (children); take
lwgnyez: child, kid
ciengx: raise
mou: pig
gaeq: chicken
daengzcog: future
gihgi: machine (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
dajndaem: planting (of crops, vegetable, plants, etc.)
dajndai: removing grass from the rice field
engqgya: should be much more
gungcanjdangj: communist (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
lingjdauj: lead (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
gwndaenj: eat & wear, life
you: worry==================
Mbouj geiq ndaej baenzlawz doeg lo? Mbouj youqgaenj, cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Don’t worry. Please refer to the following words):
na (thick), naz (wet rice field), naj (face), max (horse), gvaq (pass), dah (river)
goep (frog), goeb (lid, cover)
bak (mouth), bag (cut wood into pieces)
bit (duck), lwed (blood)
1. Boh’au, gwn caeuz la?
2. Gwn lo, daeuj guhcaemz ha! Naengh vei! Naengh vei!
1. Naengh lo.
2. Gwn ien! Gwn ien!
1. Dou gag miz. Ndaemdoeng sat lo?
2. Mboujcaengz law, lij aeu geij ngoenz dem cij ndaej.
1. Mboengqneix caen nyaengq lono.
2. Haemq nyaengq di, fwn doek le, yaek ganj cae naz, doek meg, ndaem ien, ndaem byaek, yienghyiengh cungj yaek guh.
1. Swnghcanj cwzyinci caen ndei lo.
2. Dwg lo, bineix yienznaeuz mbwnrengx, raeuz lij beij binaengz lai sou ndaej haeux. Seizneix sou hag Sawcuengh baenzlawz yiengh?
1. Dou gangj byauhcunjyinh mboujcaengz baenz geijlai. Boh’au, baezneix mwngz lai bang dou cij ndaej.
2. Ndaej ndaej, sou ciengzseiz lai hag gangj, gaej lau najmong.
1. Laep lo, dou baema lo, menh youq nw boh’au.
2. Ndaej hoengq caiq daeuj guhcaemz nw.
1. O, ndaej hoengq yaeng caiq daeuj.
2. Ndei byaij nw.
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihcib’it: eleventh, 11th
naengh: sit down, sit
ien: cigarette
ndaemdoeng: winter planting of crops
sat: finish, over
mboengqneix: recently
nyaengq: busy
fwn: rain
doek: drop, fall down from above, plant (crops such as rice, wheat, etc.)
ganj: hurry
cae: plow
meg: wheat
yienznaeuz: although, though
mbwn: sky, heaven
rengx: dry (no rain)
beij: compared
binaengz: past years, every year
seizneix: present, now
seizhaenx: at that time
byauhcunjyinh: standard pronunciation (word borrowed from local Chinese dialect)
bang: help
ciengzseiz: always
gaej: do not
lau: fear, be afraid of, be concerned
najmong: shy
laep: dark
byaij: walk==================
Mbouj geiq ndaej baenzlawz doeg lo? Mbouj youqgaenj, cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Don’t worry. Please refer to the following words):
na (thick), naz (wet rice field), naj (face), max (horse), gvaq (pass), dah (river)
goep (frog), goeb (lid, cover)
bak (mouth), bag (cut wood into pieces)
bit (duck), lwed (blood)
1. Bohlungz, gwed gvak bae guh gijmaz?
2. Bae vat mieng.
1. Bae gizlawz vat?
2. Daengz henz dah Nazrauj bae.
1. Miz geijlai vunz bae guh?
2. Gungh baij sam aen doih bae guh, miz haj cib geij (boux) vunz.
1. Yu! Baenz lai vunz bae guh ha!
2. Mbouj suenq lai law, yaek vat diuz mieng saek cib leix raez, seiq cik gvangq, sam cik laeg.
1. Diuz mieng neix guenj ndaej geijlai naz?
2. Guenj ndaej baenz bak lai moux.
1. Caen ndei lono, baezneix caiq mbouj lau mbwnrengx lo.
2. Dwg lo, mboujdanh naeuz mbouj lau mbwnrengx, lij ndaej ndaem song miuz hw!
Cih Moq (New Words)
daihcibngeih: twelfth, 12th
gwed: hold something with one’s shoulder or shoulders
gvak: a tool used to dig
vat: dig
mieng: ditch, trough, etc.
henz: side of
dah: river
Nazrauj: name of place
leix: measurement unit of distance
raez: long
gvangq: width, wide
laeg: depth, deep
sang: height, high
Stoneman naeuz: Daengz neix bonj saw neix couh suenq diep caez lo. Bonj daihngeih hix miz 100 mbaw saw doxroengz saek di, gou couh yaek genj geij goq cihciq mbouj suenq lai haenx diep okdaeuj. Bonj daihngeih cij miz goqvwnz, mbouj miz gejnaeuz cih moq. Couh lumj youq bonj daih’it nei, gou dajsuenq aeu Inghvwnz daeuj gejnaeuz cih moq, bang gyoengq beixnuengx rox Inghyij haenx daeuj hag Sawcuengh.
Stoneman says: Up to here, all lessons of this book have been posted to here. The second book has about 100 pages. I am going to select some lessons which have fewer borrowed words to post to here. The second book has texts only and no explanation for new words. Like in the first book, I am going to use English to explain the words, so as to help those who understand English to learn Sawcuengh.
Mbouj rox baenzlawz doeg? Cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Please refer to the following words):
bi (year), bya (fish; mountain), da (eye), dai (die, death), de (he/she, his/her), dou (we; door), fa (lid), fwn (rain), gou (I, my), lai (many), ma (dog; return), na (thick), ndeu (one), ndwen (month), rieng (tail); roi (comb), sam (three), song (two), sou (you) |
feiz (fire), haz (grass), miz (have), mwngz (you), naz (wet rice field), ngoenz (day; date), ninz (sleep), raeuz (we, us, our), ranz (house), vaiz (water buffalo) |
byaij (walk), daej (cry), daenj (wear), daeuj (come), gaej (do not), gouj (nine), haeuj (come in), haj (five), hawj (give), naj (face), oij (sugar cane), yawj (see, look) |
beix (elder brother/sister), cax (knife), dungx (stomach), faex (tree; wood), haeux (rice), max (horse), nuengx (younger brother/sister), raemx (water), rox (know) |
angq (joyful), gaeq (chicken), gvaq (pass, past), gyaeq (egg), haq (marry to), moq (new), ndaq (scold, reprimand, criticize), noengq (strong, big), sawq (try), seiq (four) |
boh (father), dah (river), dawh (chopsticks), guh (do), meh (mother), naengh (sit), ngeih (second), rongh (shining, having light), yaeuh (deceive) |
cup (kiss), daep (liver), gip (pick up), goep (frog), laep (dark), ndip (fresh) |
cib (ten), dub (throw, hit), gaeb (narrow), goeb (lid, cover), laeb (form, build up) |
bak (mouth, 100), doek (drop down, fall), gik (lazy), hak (official, politician), mak (fruit), ndok (bone), roek (six) |
bag (cut wood into pieces; crazy; strike), doeg (read), gig (most), hag (study, learn), moed (ant) |
bet (eight), bit (duck), caet (seven), haet (morning), hwet (back of body), maet (louse), it (one), vat (dig) |
bid (an insect), haed (tie tightly), lwed (blood), rwed (bug) |
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Doenghbaez, Bouxcuengh raeuz mbouj miz saw bonjfaenh, boux mbouj rox saw lai raixcaix. Miz mbangj yienznaeuz ndaej hag gvaq Sawgun, danhseih, gyoengqde cungj roxnyinh Sawgun hoj hag hoj yungh. 1956 nienz, gungcangjdangj lingjdauj raeuz caux Sawcuengh okdaeuj lo.
Ndaw hagdangz raeuz hai ban hag Sawcuengh, caezgya angq raixcaix, bouxboux cungj haeujsim doeg.
Sawcuengh dwg saw gyoebyaem, gyoeb sij vah raeuz gig yungzheih. Daj hai hag daengz seizneix ngamq ndaej ndwen lai, couh rox gyoebyaem; rox gij vah byauhcungjyinh caeuq vah bonjdieg miz maz mbouj doengz; yungh byauhcungjyinh bae doeg saw, doeg ndaej loq baenz coenz; youh roxndaej geij bak cih saw. Caiq hag mboengq he dem, couh engq rox lai lo. Daengz seizhaenx, mboujdanh rox yawj saw, rox sij saenq, sij faenzcieng, sij goengsaeh, lij rox gangj byauhcungjyij dem.
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Doenghbaez, Bouxcuengh raeuz mbouj miz saw bonjfaenh, boux mbouj rox saw lai raixcaix. | In the old times, our Zhuang people did not have our own written language and there were many people who were illiterate. |
Miz mbangj yienznaeuz ndaej hag gvaq sawgun, danhseih, gyoengqde cungj roxnyinh Sawgun hoj hag hoj yungh. 1956 nienz, gungcangjdangj lingjdauj raeuz caux Sawcuengh okdaeuj lo. | Although some had the opportunity to learn Chinese, they all knew that it was hard to learn and use (Chinese for the Zhuang people). In 1956, the communists lead us to create Sawcuengh. |
Ndaw hagdangz raeuz hai ban hag Sawcuengh, caezgya angq raixcaix, bouxboux cungj haeujsim doeg. | Our school has opened classes for learning Sawcuengh. All are very happy and everyone pays attention to learn (Sawcuengh). |
Sawcuengh dwg saw gyoebyaem, gyoeb sij vah raeuz gig yungzheih. | Sawcuengh is a spelling written language and it is very easy (for our Zhuang people) to spell our oral language. |
Daj hai hag daengz seizneix ngamq ndaej ndwen lai, couh rox gyoebyaem; rox gij vah byauhcungjyinh caeuq vah bonjdieg miz maz mbouj doengz; yungh byauhcungjyinh bae doeg saw, doeg ndaej loq baenz coenz; youh roxndaej geij bak cih saw. | It has just been a month since the opening of class up to now. (We now know how to) spell the sounds; know the difference between the standard sounds and the local dialects; use the standard sounds to read books, so proficiently that sentences can be made; and understand a few words. |
Caiq hag mboengq he dem, couh engq rox lai lo. | To learn for a few more while, (we) should know more. |
Daengz seizhaenx, mboujdanh rox yawj saw, rox sij saenq, sij faenzcieng, sij goengsaeh, lij rox gangj byauhcungjyij dem. | By that time, not only (can we) know how to read books, write letters, write articles, write business correspondences, (we can) also know how to talk in standard language. |
[ Stoneman Cam Gyeongq Beixnuengx (Stoneman Raise Questions) ]
1. Bien saw neix gungh miz 129 aen cih. Cingj sou naeuz miz geij lai aen cih ciq, gij cih ciq haenx yungh gij vah bonjdieg sou daeuj dwg baenzlawz gangj? (This text has 129 words. Could you please tell us how many borrowed words there are and how to say them in your own dialects?)
2. Miz coenz lawz mbouj hab gawqfap Vahcuengh? Wng dwg yienghlawz raize (sij) cij deng? (Which sentence violates the Zhuang grammars? What should be the correct writing?)
[ Hoiz/gangj ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq!]
Mbouj rox baenzlawz doeg? Cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Please refer to the following words):
bi (year), bya (fish; mountain), da (eye), dai (die, death), de (he/she, his/her), dou (we; door), fa (lid), fwn (rain), gou (I, my), lai (many), ma (dog; return), na (thick), ndeu (one), ndwen (month), rieng (tail); roi (comb), sam (three), song (two), sou (you-pl) |
feiz (fire), haz (grass), miz (have), mwngz (you-single), naz (wet rice field), ngoenz (day; date), ninz (sleep), raeuz (we, us, our), ranz (house), vaiz (water buffalo) |
byaij (walk), daej (cry), daenj (wear), daeuj (come), gaj (kill), gaej (do not), gouj (nine), haeuj (come in), haj (five), hawj (give), naj (face), oij (sugar cane), yawj (see, look) |
beix (elder brother/sister), cax (knife), dungx (stomach), faex (tree; wood), haeux (rice), max (horse), nuengx (younger brother/sister), raemx (water), rox (know) |
angq (joyful), gaeq (chicken), gvaq (pass, past), gyaeq (egg), haq (marry to), moq (new), ndaq (scold, reprimand, criticize), noengq (strong, big), sawq (try), seiq (four) |
boh (father), dah (river), dawh (chopsticks), guh (do), meh (mother), naengh (sit), ngeih (second), rongh (shining, having light), yaeuh (deceive) |
cup (kiss), daep (liver), gip (pick up), goep (frog), haep (close), laep (dark), ndip (fresh) |
cib (ten), dub (throw, hit), gaeb (narrow; capture), goeb (lid, cover), haeb (bite), laeb (form, build up) |
bak (mouth, 100), doek (drop down, fall), gik (lazy), hak (official, politician), mak (fruit), ndok (bone), roek (six) |
bag (cut wood into pieces; crazy; strike), cag (cord), caeg (thief), cug (bind with a cord), doeg (read), gig (most), hag (study, learn), moed (ant) |
bet (eight), bit (duck), caet (seven), haet (morning), hwet (back of body), maet (louse), it (one, first), vat (dig) |
bid (an insect), gwed (hold, hold up), haed (tie tightly), lwed (blood), rwed (bug) |
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Ndaem faex caux ndoeng, ndeicawq gig lai: Mboujdanh ndaej faex hawj guekgya gensez, lij ndaej re rumz, re mbwnrengx, re raemxdumh, ndaem faex le, namh mbouj deng raemx dongj, vanzlij hawj dieg byom bienq dieg biz.
Cawzcin mbwn raeuj fwnraemx lai, ceiq hab ndaem faex. Baez ndaem faex, gud faexlwg gaej hawj rag de sieng, vat gumz aeu vat laeg di, cuengq go faexlwg roengz gumz bae le, sien moek song conq namh biz, aeu fwngz yaengyaeng ngauz go de, caiq riuj hwnjdaeuj di, hawj rag de ndaej iet soh cij moek namh, caiq aeu din caij net bae.
Ndaem faex gvaq le, aeu haeujsim bae dajleix, ciengzseiz re rumz, gaj non, mbouj hawj doihduz deng, yienghneix, ndaem le gogo cij maj ndaej ndei.
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
NDAEM FAEX CAUX NDOENG | ndaem: plant; faex: wood, tree; caux: create; ndoeng: a mountain covered with trees and grass, etc. |
Ndaem faex caux ndoeng, ndeicawq gig lai: Mboujdanh ndaej faex hawj guekgya gensez, lij ndaej re rumz, re mbwnrengx, re raemxdumh, ndaem faex le, namh mbouj deng raemx dongj, vanzlij hawj dieg byom bienq dieg biz. | There are many advantages to plant trees to create a mountainous forest. Not only can woods be obtained to build our nation, wind, dry season and flood be prevented from happening, earth be stopped from being removed, barren lands can also be turned into rich ones. |
Cawzcin mbwn raeuj fwnraemx lai, ceiq hab ndaem faex. | It is warm and there is a lot of rain in spring. (Therefore,) it is a good time to plant trees. |
Baez ndaem faex, gud faexlwg gaej hawj rag de sieng, vat gumz aeu vat laeg di, cuengq go faexlwg roengz gumz bae le, sien moek song conq namh biz, aeu fwngz yaengyaeng ngauz go de, caiq riuj hwnjdaeuj di, hawj rag de ndaej iet soh cij moek namh, caiq aeu din caij net bae. | In planting trees, do not have the roots of the small trees hurt. Holes need to be dug a little bit deeper. After the small trees have been put into the holes, put on two-inch rich soil first, use hands to shake the trees slowly, then pull them up a little bit, so as to let their roots straight down, then put on soil, and finally use feet to step the holes firmly. |
Ndaem faex gvaq le, aeu haeujsim bae dajleix, ciengzseiz re rumz, gaj non, mbouj hawj doihduz deng, yienghneix, ndaem le gogo cij maj ndaej ndei. | After trees have been planted, attention must be paid to take care of them. Always avoid being blown by wind, kill bugs, do not let animals eat them. Only by doing so would every tree grow steadily and healthily. |
[ Stoneman Cam Gyeongq Beixnuengx (Stoneman Raises Questions) ]
1. Doiqciuq gij sawhoiz baihgwnz, cingj sou hoiz gij cih lajneix baenz Inghyij (Englis) caeuq Sawgun bae. Doengzyiengh aen eiqsei, sou naemjnamj aeu vah bonjdieg sou dwg baenzlawz naeuz. Angqcoux sou sij okdaeuj cuengq youq gizneix hawj gyoengq beixnuengx doengzcaez hag.
aeu | fwngz | namh |
bae | fwnraemx | ndaej |
bienq | gaj | ndaem |
biz | gensez | ndeicawq |
byom | gig | ndoeng |
caij | go | net |
caiq | gud | ngauz |
caux | guekgya | non |
Cawzcin | gumz | raemx |
ceiq | hab | raemxdumh |
ciengzseiz | haeujsim | raeuj |
cij | hawj | rag |
conq | hwnjdaeuj | re |
cuengq | iet | riuj |
dajleix | laeg | roengz |
deng | lai | rumz |
di | lij | sien |
dieg | maj | sieng |
din | mbouj | soh |
doihduz | mboujdanh | song |
dongj | mbwn | vanzlij |
faex | mbwnrengx | vat |
faexlwg | moek | yaengyaeng |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Doengh aen rek haeux rek byaek caeuq gvacanj, bat coux haeux coux byaek, vanj, deb, cenj, dawh caeuq doengh aen daek gijgwn, yienghyiengh cungj aeu swiq seuq, aeu raemxgoenj riengx gvaq.
Gwn doxgaiq aeu menhmenh nyaij, gaej gwn gij ndip gij naeuh, gaej gwn raemxheu.
Byaekheu caeuq lwgmak, ndaw de miz haujlai veizswnghsu, hab lai gwn di.
Doengxngoenz raeuz guh hong, doengxhaemh aeu ninz gaeuq. Yaek ninz sien hai conghcueng, hawj heiq ndaej doxdoeng. Baez ninz aeu cuengq riep, gaej demh swiz sang lai; danghnaeuz mbwn nit, aeu hoemq denz ndei. Ninz le, gaej doeng ngeix sae ngeix, ngeix lai ninz mbouj ndaek. Bouxhung ngoenz aeu ninz gaeuq bet diemj cung, rengz cij yiet ndaej dauq, ndang cij cangq; lwgnyez aeu lai ninz saek song diemj cung cij ndaej.
Ndangdaenj aeu ciengzseiz rieg, ciengzseiz saeg, gaej daenj buh heiz vaq heiz, denz riep aeu ciengzseiz saeg, ciengzseiz dak, ok hanh le gaej doq swiq raemx gyoet.
Ndaw ranz rog ranz aeu ciengzseiz baetseuq, conghcueng aeu ciengzseiz hai, diengz mou diengz haex aeu liz ranz gyae di.
Ndang naetnaiq yaek ra canghyw yawj, baenz bingh aeu yw vaiq di.
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Sawcuengh |
English Explanation |
bat |
small container, wooden basin |
coux |
store; contain; take reception of somebody |
vanj |
bowl |
deb |
dish |
cenj |
a cooking utensil |
dawh |
chopsticks |
daek |
take out (foods) from containers |
gijgwn |
a general term for foods |
swiq |
wash, clean |
raemxgoenj |
boiled water |
doxgaiq |
a general term for things |
menhmenh |
slowly |
nit |
cold |
denz |
quilt |
ngeix |
think |
ninz mbouj ndaek |
can not fall into sleep |
bouxhung |
adults |
bet diemj cung |
8 hours |
yiet |
rest |
ndang |
body |
cangq |
strong |
ndangdaenj |
clothes |
ciengzseiz |
always |
saeg |
wash, clean |
nyaij |
chew |
ndip |
fresh, raw (foods) |
naeuh |
corrupted, ruined, tainted |
raemxheu. |
raw water, unboiled water |
byaekheu |
raw vegetables |
lwgmak |
pepper, chili |
veizswnghsu |
vatamine |
ninz |
sleep |
conghcueng |
windows |
heiq |
air |
doxdoeng |
circulate, ventilate |
demh |
put something below |
raemx gyoet |
cold water |
baetseuq |
clean with a broom |
diengz mou |
stall for pigs |
diengz haex |
rest room, water closet |
gyae |
far |
naetnaiq |
feel bad (body) |
ra |
look for |
canghyw |
doctor |
baenz bingh |
become ill |
yw |
medicines |
dak |
be exposed under sunshine |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Mbouj rox baenzlawz doeg? Cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Please refer to the following words):
bi (year), bya (fish; mountain), da (eye), dai (die, death), de (he/she, his/her), dou (we; door), fa (lid), fwn (rain), gou (I, my), lai (many), ma (dog; return), na (thick), ndeu (one), ndwen (month), rieng (tail); roi (comb), sam (three), song (two), sou (you-pl) |
feiz (fire), haz (grass), miz (have), mwngz (you-single), naz (wet rice field), ngoenz (day; date), ninz (sleep), raeuz (we, us, our), ranz (house), vaiz (water buffalo) |
byaij (walk), daej (cry), daenj (wear), daeuj (come), gaj (kill), gaej (do not), gouj (nine), haeuj (come in), haj (five), hawj (give), naj (face), oij (sugar cane), yawj (see, look) |
beix (elder brother/sister), cax (knife), dungx (stomach), faex (tree; wood), haeux (rice), max (horse), nuengx (younger brother/sister), raemx (water), rox (know) |
angq (joyful), gaeq (chicken), gvaq (pass, past), gyaeq (egg), haq (marry to), moq (new), ndaq (scold, reprimand, criticize), noengq (strong, big), sawq (try), seiq (four) |
boh (father), dah (river), dawh (chopsticks), guh (do), meh (mother), naengh (sit), ngeih (second), rongh (shining, having light), yaeuh (deceive) |
cup (kiss), daep (liver), gip (pick up), goep (frog), haep (close), laep (dark), ndip (fresh) |
cib (ten), dub (throw, hit), gaeb (narrow; capture), goeb (lid, cover), haeb (bite), laeb (form, build up) |
bak (mouth, 100), doek (drop down, fall), gik (lazy), hak (official, politician), mak (fruit), ndok (bone), roek (six) |
bag (cut wood into pieces; crazy; strike), cag (cord), caeg (thief), cug (bind with a cord), doeg (read), gig (most), hag (study, learn), roeg |
bet (eight), bit (duck), caet (seven), haet (morning), hwet (back of body), maet (louse), it (one, first), vat (dig) |
bid (an insect), gwed (hold, hold up), haed (tie tightly), lwed (blood), rwed (bug) |
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Cawzdoeng miz ngoenz ndeu, mbwn gig nit, miz boux nungzminz youq gwnz loh yawjraen duz ngwz ndeu, gyaengj yaek dai lo. De gig hojlienz duz de, couh umj duzngwz baema ranz, cuengq youq henz cauq hawj de byoq feiz.
Duzngwz ndang raeuj le, couh yaengyaeng singj gvaqdaeuj. De baez singj couh ngangx gyaeuj hwnjdaeuj, yaek haeb boux nungzminz haenx dai bae.
Nungzminz naeuz: “O! Mwngz yienghneix bauqdap gou ha? Mwngz duz daicaeux neix, caeux couh hab dai lo!” Gangj le, couh dawz fag gvak dub duzngwz dai bae.
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Cawzdoeng | winter |
ngoenz ndeu | one day |
mbwn gig nit | it was very cold/freezing |
boux nungzminz | = vunzguhnaz, peasant, farmer |
gwnz loh | = gwnz roen, on the road |
yawjraen | find, see |
duz ngwz ndeu | a snake |
gyaengj | frozen (in some area, = ngaengz) |
gyaengj yaek dai lo | it was so frozen that it was going to die |
hojlienz | feel a pity on |
duz de | it, refers to animal only |
umj | hold with one’s hands |
baema ranz | go home |
henz cauq | beside the stove |
byoq feiz | get warm from the fire |
raeuj | become warm |
singj | wake up |
ngangx gyaeuj | hold up (its) head |
haeb | bite |
bauqdap | return one’s favor |
daicaeux | dearth at an early age |
caeux | early, morning |
dub | strike/hit continuously |
fag gvak | a tool used to dig |
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Henz diegyouq duzmeuz, miz bang roeg iq ndeu, gyaeng youq ndaw roengq. Miz ngoenz ndeu, roeg iq baenz bingh, duzmeuz rox le, couh daenj fouq yenjging, caiq daenj geu buhrog, cangguh lumj boux canghyw nei, bae bongx dou ranz roeg iq.
Duzmeuz naeuz: “Dingqnyi naeuz sou cungj baenz bingh lo, gou dawz yw bang sou yw bingh, cingj sou hai dou hawj gou haeujbae.”
Roeg iq yaek hai dou, baez raen de miz geij diuz mumh, rox de dwg duzmeuz, vaiq han naeuz: “Docih mwngz, dou mbouj miz bingh, seizneix hai dou hawj mwngz haeujdaeuj, dou engqgya mbouj ndei hw!”
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
duzmeuz | cat |
duzroeg | bird |
diegyouq | living place, place where a house is located |
bang roeg iq ndeu | a group of little bird (iq: little; small; young) |
gyaeng | be closed within |
roengq | bird house |
daenj | wear; put on |
fouq yenjging | a pair of glasses |
geu buhrog | should be “gien buhroeg”: a piece of bird’s clothes |
lumj … nei | such as, like, look like, resemble |
bongx dou | knock door |
dingqnyi naeuz | hear of (something from someone) |
mumh | mustache |
han | reply |
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Cawzhah hwngq raixcaix, miz ngoenz ndeu, duznyaenma youh iek youh hozhawq, couh caegcaeg riq haeuj suen mak bae. De byaij daengz laj gaq makit, yawjraen baenz foengq makit hoij youq gwnz gaq. De angq raixcaix, gag gangj gag naenz: “Makit caen ndei gwn, youh van youh ndaej gaij hozhawq.” De vaiq doiq laeng geij yamq, yunghrengz mbat diuq, danhseih, gaq daiq sang lai, duengh mbouj daengz. De yietbaeg yaep ndeu caiq diuq, vanzlij duengh mbouj daengz. Yienghneix sawq geij mbat, de rox duengh mbouj daengz makit, mbouj ndaej gwn lo, couh gag gangj gag naeuz: “Gij makit neix itdingh dwg soemj, hawj gyoengq roeglaej ngah gwn haenx daeuj gwn ba!”
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
nyaenma | =duznyaenma: fox, a member of the dog family |
makit | grape |
cawzhah | summer |
hwngq | hot |
raixcaix | very much |
iek | hungry |
hozhawq | thirsty, feel thirst, dry |
suen | a yard usually for planting fruits, tree, and vegetables |
gaq | frame, supporting frame |
van | sweet |
yamq | step (in some areas = namq) |
soemj | sour |
roeglaej | a type of bird |
ngah | greedy |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Mbouj rox baenzlawz doeg? Cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Please refer to the following words):
bi (year), bya (fish; mountain), da (eye), dai (die, death), de (he/she, his/her), dou (we; door), fa (lid), fwn (rain), gou (I, my), lai (many), ma (dog; return), na (thick), ndeu (one), ndwen (month), rieng (tail); roi (comb), sam (three), song (two), sou (you-pl) |
feiz (fire), haz (grass), miz (have), mwngz (you-single), naz (wet rice field), ngoenz (day; date), ninz (sleep), raeuz (we, us, our), ranz (house), vaiz (water buffalo) |
byaij (walk), daej (cry), daenj (wear), daeuj (come), gaj (kill), gaej (do not), gouj (nine), haeuj (come in), haj (five), hawj (give), naj (face), oij (sugar cane), yawj (see, look) |
beix (elder brother/sister), cax (knife), dungx (stomach), faex (tree; wood), haeux (rice), max (horse), nuengx (younger brother/sister), raemx (water), rox (know) |
angq (joyful), gaeq (chicken), gvaq (pass, past), gyaeq (egg), haq (marry to), moq (new), ndaq (scold, reprimand, criticize), noengq (strong, big), sawq (try), seiq (four) |
boh (father), dah (river), dawh (chopsticks), guh (do), meh (mother), naengh (sit), ngeih (second), rongh (shining, having light), yaeuh (deceive) |
cup (kiss), daep (liver), gip (pick up), goep (frog), haep (close), laep (dark), ndip (fresh) |
cib (ten), dub (throw, hit), gaeb (narrow; capture), goeb (lid, cover), haeb (bite), laeb (form, build up) |
bak (mouth, 100), doek (drop down, fall), gik (lazy), hak (official, politician), mak (fruit), ndok (bone), roek (six) |
bag (cut wood into pieces; crazy; strike), cag (cord), caeg (thief), cug (bind with a cord), doeg (read), gig (most), hag (study, learn), roeg (bird) |
bet (eight), bit (duck), caet (seven), haet (morning), hwet (back of body), maet (louse), it (one, first), vat (dig) |
bid (an insect), gwed (hold, hold up), haed (tie tightly), lwed (blood), moed (ant), rwed (bug) |
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Duzbiengzbeih doeng youz sae langh, / Ciengq go guh’angq gvaq cawzhah, / Liengz gyaeuj goj ndicaengz ndaej ngeux, / Cawzdoeng couh daeujdaengz dangqnaj.
Mbaw faex mbaw foed cungj loenq liux, / Caiq mbouj miz ngoenzndei daeuj gvaq, / Biengzbeih ndoj youq laj mbaw faex, / Siengj gwn siengj youq ndei dangqmaz.
Seizneix yienghyiengh gvaqbae le, / Dungx iek haemzhoj baij baihnaj, / Biengzbeih mbouj caiq ciengq go lo, / Dungx iekngaungau soh laep da. Baelawz miz sim daeuj ciengq go, / Biengzbeih ndawsim nyapsasa.
Raihdaengz dangqnaj duzmoed naeuz: “Baengzyoux cingj mwngz gouq gou ba! / Daj neix daengz cawzcin bimoq, / Gwn ninz cungj youq mwngz neix gvaq.”
Duzmoed riu’nyumj doiq de naeuz: “Baengzyoux baengzyoux caen geizheih; / Cawzhah mwngz bae guh gijmaz?”
“Cawzhah gou baelawz ndaej hoengq, / Baenzngoenz ciengq go goksasa. / Guhcaemz yietnaiq gig swyouz. / Mbouj rox doeng sae namz baek la!”
“Yienzlaiz mwngz dwg yienghneix o!”
“Gou dwg youzlangh gvaq cawzhah.”
“Ciengq go youzlangh ndei raixcaix. / Mwngz bae ciengq go guh’angq ba!”
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
duzbiengzbeih | biengzbeih: dragonfly |
doeng | east |
sae | west |
namz | south |
baek | north |
youz | (borrowed word) walk around, hang out, play around |
langh | =youz, see above. |
ciengq | sing |
go | song |
guh’angq | =guhcaemz: playing around, hanging out |
cawzcin | spring |
cawzhah | summer |
cawzdoeng | winter |
dangqnaj | at present, now, before (something) |
mbaw | leaf |
loengq | (leaf) drop down (from tree) |
ngoenzndei | good days |
ndoj | hide |
dangqmaz | =raixcaiz: very much |
dungx | stomach |
iek | hungry |
soh | straight |
raihdaengz | meet |
duzmoed | moed: ant, an insect |
baengzyoux | (borrowed word) friend |
bimoq | new year |
riu | smile |
geizheih | (borrowed word) curious |
baenzngoenz | whole day |
swyouz | (borrowed word) free |
yietnaiq | rest, relax |
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Baengzyoux danghnaeuz mbouj doxgiet, / Saehciengz yiet guh yiet mbouj ndei, / Ngoenzlaeng saehciengz guh vaih le, / Caenh miz nyapnyuk caeuq gwnheiq.
Miz baez ndeu, / Hanqmbwn, byavanx caeuq duzgungq, / Caez rag aen ci ndeu, / Gag duz gag dawz cag, / Caezgya buekmingh rag, / Danhseih aen ci cungj mbouj ning, / Doxgaiq gwnz ci goj mbouj ndaek, / Aenvih hanqmbwn roengzrengz mbin doxhwnj, / Byavanx yunghrengz bongh doxroengz, / Duzgungq yunghrengz diuq dauqlaeng. / Bouxlawz doiq bouxlawz loek? / Mbouj yungh raeuz daeuj buenq, / Danhseih, aen ci lij dingz youq dieg gaeuq.
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
hanqmbwn | swan |
byavanj | a kind of fresh water fish |
duzgungq | gungq: shrimp |
doxgiet | (borrowed word) unite |
saehciengz | (borrowed word) things |
vaih | (borrowed word) bad |
ngoenzlaeng | ngoenz (day)+laeng (back) = daengzcog: future |
caenh miz | only have |
nyapnyuk | trouble |
gwnheiq | have to endure (unfair treatment) |
rag | pull forward |
cag | cord, rope |
buekmingh | (borrowed word) diligently |
ning | move |
ndaek | heavy |
doxhwnj | upward |
doxroengz | downward |
bongh | move forward suddenly and strongly |
dauqlaeng | backward |
doiq | right |
loek | wrong |
buenq | (borrowed word) judge |
Mbouj rox baenzlawz doeg? Cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Please refer to the following words):
bi (year), bya (fish; mountain), da (eye), dai (die, death), de (he/she, his/her), dou (we; door), fa (lid), fwn (rain), gou (I, my), lai (many), ma (dog; return), na (thick), ndeu (one), ndwen (month), rieng (tail); roi (comb), sam (three), song (two), sou (you-pl) |
feiz (fire), haz (grass), miz (have), mwngz (you-single), naz (wet rice field), ngoenz (day; date), ninz (sleep), raeuz (we, us, our), ranz (house), vaiz (water buffalo) |
byaij (walk), daej (cry), daenj (wear), daeuj (come), gaj (kill), gaej (do not), gouj (nine), haeuj (come in), haj (five), hawj (give), naj (face), oij (sugar cane), yawj (see, look) |
beix (elder brother/sister), cax (knife), dungx (stomach), faex (tree; wood), haeux (rice), max (horse), ngux (five), nuengx (younger brother/sister), raemx (water), rox (know) |
angq (joyful), gaeq (chicken), gvaq (pass, past), gyaeq (egg), haq (marry to), moq (new), ndaq (scold, reprimand, criticize), noengq (strong, big), sawq (try), seiq (four) |
boh (father), dah (river), dawh (chopsticks), guh (do), meh (mother), naengh (sit), ngeih (second), rongh (shining, having light), yaeuh (deceive) |
cup (kiss), daep (liver), gip (pick up), goep (frog), haep (close), laep (dark), ndip (fresh) |
cib (ten), dub (throw, hit), gaeb (narrow; capture), goeb (lid, cover), haeb (bite), laeb (form, build up) |
bak (mouth, 100), doek (drop down, fall), gik (lazy), hak (official, politician), mak (fruit), ndok (bone), roek (six) |
bag (cut wood into pieces; crazy; strike), cag (cord), caeg (thief), cug (bind with a cord), doeg (read), gig (most), hag (study, learn), roeg (bird) |
bet (eight), bit (duck), caet (seven), haet (morning), hwet (back of body), maet (louse), it (one, first), vat (dig) |
bid (an insect), gwed (hold, hold up), haed (tie tightly), lwed (blood), moed (ant), rwed (bug) |
Stoneman naeuz: Goq neix dwg gangj gij saeh gaeuq, gou genj de okdaeuj guh sawson dwg aenvih gou roxnyinh bien saw neix hoiz ndaej ndei, yungh cih ciq Sawgun haemq noix, ndawde miz haemq lai cih Cuengh cig ndaej hag.
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Miz boux vunzhong bouxcoz ndeu, heuhguh Banhnozfuh. De youq bakdou Swhmozwjnaij gungh hensouj, vunz haeuj ok youz de genjcaz cwnggen. Aenvih seizhaenx gwzming ngamq ndaej hingz, lau miz vunzyak vunzrwix cangguh vunzndei haeujbae. Boux vunzhong neix dwg cizveiginh, doiq gwzming ceiq dawz haeujsim, ndigah cij hawj de souj giz dieg youqgaenj neix.
Miz ngoenz ndeu, Lezningz ngaem gyaeuj doq byaij doq ngeix saehcingz, byaijdaengz bakdou mbouj dawz cwnggen okdaeuj couh haeujbae. Banhnozfuh mbouj rox de dwg Lezningz, laeng de naeuz: “Dungzci, dawz gij cwnggen mwngz daeuj hawj gou yawj.”
Danghnaeuz dwg bouxwnq, itdingh ndaq naeuz: “Gou couh dwg Lezningz, mwngz cungj mbouj hai da yawjyawj.”
Danhseih, Lezningz mbouj yienghneix guh, de dingqnyi veibingh baenzneix cam, cij ngeixdaengz naeuz: “O! Cwngen ha, dungzci, doiq mbouj hwnj, gou aeu hawj mwngz yawj.”
Lezningz doq gangj doq mbon daeh ra cwnggen. Seizhaenx boux dungzci miz mumh ndeu byaij daeuj, baez yawjraen veibingh lanz Lezningz yawj cwnggen, de hozndat hwnjdaeuj, doiq veibingh hemq naeuz: “Mwngz vanz mbouj hawj de haeujbae, de dwg Lezningz dungzci.”
Banhnozfuh naeuz: “Gou mboujcaengz raen Lezningz dungzci gvaq, gou mbouj roxnaj de. Mbouj miz cwnggen, gou couh mbouj hawj de haeujbae. Caiq gangj, gou hix mbouj roxnaj mwngz, gij cwnggen mwngz gou hix mboujcaengz yawj gvaq, mbouj rox mwngz gangj gij vah neix dwg caen roxnaeuz gyaj.”
Boux dungzci miz mumh haenx engq hozndat naeuz: “Vaiq hawj Lezningz dungzci haeujbae.” Lezningz naeuz: “Gaej naeuz de, gaej hozndat, de yienghneix guh gig deng, bouxlawz cungj wngdang souj gveigawj.” Lezningz gangj le, couh aeu cwnggen hawj veibingh yawj. Boux veibingh baez yawj cwnggen, rox dwg Lezningz, song fwngz miz di saenz, de couh vaiq doiq Lezningz hengzlaex naeuz: “Doiq mbouj hwnj, nguh hong mwngz lo!”
Lezningz ndei’ndei doiq de naeuz: “Dungzci! Mwngz guh ndaej deng, gou docih mwngz baenzneix caenhsim guh saeh.
[ Stoneman Daeuj Gejnaeuz (Explanation by Stoneman) ]
Miz boux vunzhong bouxcoz ndeu, heuhguh Banhnozfuh. De youq bakdou Swhmozwjnaij gungh hensouj, vunz haeuj ok youz de genjcaz cwnggen. Aenvih seizhaenx gwzming ngamq ndaej hingz, lau miz vunzyak vunzrwix cangguh vunzndei haeujbae. Boux vunzhong neix dwg cizveiginh, doiq gwzming ceiq dawz haeujsim, ndigah cij hawj de souj giz dieg youqgaenj neix.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
vunzhong | vunz (people)+hong (work): working people |
bouxcoz | young people |
bakdou | bak (mouth)+dou (door): front of door |
hen | keep an eye on |
souj | (borrowed word) = hen |
genj | select |
genjcaz | examine |
cwnggen | (borrowed word) pass, certificate |
hingz | win, succeed, triumphant, successful |
lau | be concerned of |
vunzyak | bad people |
vunzrwix | bad people |
ndigah | therefore |
youqgaenj | (borrowed word) important |
Miz ngoenz ndeu, Lezningz ngaem gyaeuj doq byaij doq ngeix saehcingz, byaijdaengz bakdou mbouj dawz cwnggen okdaeuj couh haeujbae. Banhnozfuh mbouj rox de dwg Lezningz, laeng de naeuz: “Dungzci, dawz gij cwnggen mwngz daeuj hawj gou yawj.”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
ngaem | lower (one’s head, etc.) |
ngeix | think |
saehcingz | (borrowed word) things |
laeng | stop someone from passing/entering |
lanz | (borrowed word) = laeng |
doq … doq … | do (onething) while doing (another thing) |
Danghnaeuz dwg bouxwnq, itdingh ndaq naeuz: “Gou couh dwg Lezningz, mwngz cungj mbouj hai da yawjyawj.”
Danhseih, Lezningz mbouj yienghneix guh, de dingqnyi veibingh baenzneix cam, cij ngeixdaengz naeuz: “O! Cwngen ha, dungzci, doiq mbouj hwnj, gou aeu hawj mwngz yawj.”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
bouxwnq | others, other people |
itdingh | must, certainly |
ndaq | scold, reprimand, yell at |
hai | open |
dingqnyi | listen to |
doiq mbouj hwnj | (direct translation from Chinese) sorry |
Lezningz doq gangj doq mbon daeh ra cwnggen. Seizhaenx boux dungzci miz mumh ndeu byaij daeuj, baez yawjraen veibingh lanz Lezningz yawj cwnggen, de hozndat hwnjdaeuj, doiq veibingh hemq naeuz: “Mwngz vanz mbouj hawj de haeujbae, de dwg Lezningz dungzci.”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
mbon | open (sth) to look for (sth) inside |
daeh | pocket, bag, pouch |
ra | to find, to look for |
hozndat | agitated, excited due to being disturbed |
hemq | yell |
Banhnozfuh naeuz: “Gou mboujcaengz raen Lezningz dungzci gvaq, gou mbouj roxnaj de. Mbouj miz cwnggen, gou couh mbouj hawj de haeujbae. Caiq gangj, gou hix mbouj roxnaj mwngz, gij cwnggen mwngz gou hix mboujcaengz yawj gvaq, mbouj rox mwngz gangj gij vah neix dwg caen roxnaeuz gyaj.”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
mboujcaengz | never |
roxnaj | know |
caen | (borrowed word) real |
roxnaeuz | =cixnaeuz: or |
gyaj | (borrowed word): fake, not real; (Cuengh): baby rice plant |
Boux dungzci miz mumh haenx engq hozndat naeuz: “Vaiq hawj Lezningz dungzci haeujbae.” Lezningz naeuz: “Gaej naeuz de, gaej hozndat, de yienghneix guh gig deng, bouxlawz cungj wngdang souj gveigawj.” Lezningz gangj le, couh aeu cwnggen hawj veibingh yawj. Boux veibingh baez yawj cwnggen, rox dwg Lezningz, song fwngz miz di saenz, de couh vaiq doiq Lezningz hengzlaex naeuz: “Doiq mbouj hwnj, nguh hong mwngz lo!”
Lezningz ndei’ndei doiq de naeuz: “Dungzci! Mwngz guh ndaej deng, gou docih mwngz baenzneix caenhsim guh saeh.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Gaej naeuz de | do not say him |
hozndat | angry |
wngdang | should |
souj gveigawj | (borrowed words) abide by the rules |
song fwngz | two hands |
saenz | shake, tremble |
song fwngz miz di saenz | two hands were trembling a little bit |
hengzlaex | salute |
caenhsim | with one’s whole heart, diligently |
Stoneman naeuz (Stoneman says):
Sawcuengh: Aen singhgiz neix gou hong lai lai, geij ngoenz neix cungj mbouj ra ndaej hoengq daeuj sij sawson Sawcuengh. Goq lajneix dwg goq daih’it aen singhgiz neix. Goq neix yienznaeuz hix dwg gangj gij goj gaeuq, hoeng, gou roxnyinz goq neix hix miz maqhuz lai cih Cuengh cig ndaej raeuz daeuj hag. Gou genj goq neix daeuj gejnaeuz, hix dwg aenvih goq neix cih ciq Sawgun mbouj suenq lai, cig ndaej hawj boux sij sawson Sawcuengh haenx guh aen yiengh.
[ English: There is too much work for me to do this week and I couldn’t find time to write teaching materials of Sawcuengh these past a couple of days. The lecture below is the first lecture for this week. Although this story is also an old one, I think that this article provides many Zhuang words which would reward our learning efforts without doubt. In addition, I select this article is due to that few Chinese words are borrowed in this article. It sets an example for those who write the teaching materials of Sawcuengh. ]
Sawcuengh [ Yienzvwnz ] | English Explanation |
Gaxgonq miz boux lwgnyez ndeu, heuhguh Yinzsuh. Boh de dai le, caenh lw de caeuq meh de. Ranz de gig hoj, mbouj miz saek yiengh doxgaiq, miz seiz mbouj miz haeux roengz rek. | Once upon a time, there was a child called Yinzsuh. His father was dead, leaving behind him Yinzsuh and his mother. His family was very poor, having few things in the house. Sometimes they did not have food to eat. |
Yinzsuh ndaej caet bi, hab bae doeg saw lo, bit maeg ceij yiengh ndeu cungj mbouj miz. Danhseih, de ngoenzngoenz cungj ngeix: “Go itdingh aeu doeg saw.” | Yinzsuh was seven and it was time for him to go to school. He did not have pen, ink, paper, etc. However, he always thought: “I must read books.” |
Miz haet ndeu, de bae daengz ranz caizcawj cam naeuz: “Dingqgangj mwngz aeu vunz guh hong ranz, gou daeuj mwngz aeu lwi? Gou yienznaeuz lij iq, danhseih, gou mbouj aeu cienz hong, caenh’aeu youq son lwg mwngz doeg saw seiz, hawj gou youq henz de yawj couh ndaej lo.” | One morning, he went to the house of a rich person and asked: “I heard of that you are hiring people to do your house chores. Do you hire me if I come? Because I am still little, I do not expect you to pay me. What I need is to let me be around your son when he is taught to read.” |
Caizcawj raen de naeuz guh hong mbouj aeu cienz, sikhaek couh dapwngq lo. | The rich person promised to hire Yinzsuh right away since he could work for free. |
Yinzsuh youq ranz caizcawj ngoenz nyaengq daengz laep, cungj guh gij hong ceiq uq ceiq dwgrengz haenx. Yienghneix guh, de cij ndaej bae yawj lwg caizcawj doeg saw saek yaep. Miz seiz, de hix ndaej dingq lauxsae hwnj baenz dangz saw. Lauxsae daeuj hwnjdangz, de couh ndojhaeuj gungxdou bae naengh dingq. | Yinzsuh was busy working in the rich person’s house all day long and always did the dirtiest and heaviest chores. Only by doing so could he go to audit the class of the rich person’s son for a while. Sometimes, he could also listen to one whole lecture. When the teacher was lecturing, he hid and sat at the corner of the classroom and listened to the lecture. |
Yienghneix guh ndaej bi ndeu, Yinzsuh gaenq rox haujlai saw lo. Danhseih, de lij mbouj rox sij, aenvih de mbouj miz bit maeg caeuq ceij ma lienh. Yinzsuh ngeix bae ngeix dauq, baenzlawz guh ne? Doeklaeng ngeix ndaej yiengh banhfap ndeu okdaeuj. Yenzlaiz ranz Yinzsuh dep denz haij. De roxdaengz namhsa henz haij ngoenzngoenz cungj deng raemx haij dongj bingz. Yienghneix, de couh dawz diuz faex iq bae gwnz namhsa lienh sij cih. Raemx haij baez dongj, gij cih mbouj raen lo, de caiq sij. Yaep ndeu, raemx haij youh dongj daeuj, gij cih youh mbouj raen lo, de youh caiq sij. De couh yienghneix mbouj yungh ceij, laebdaeb sij roengzbae. | By doing so for one year, Yinzsuh had learned many words. However, he still did not know how to write, because he did not have pen, ink, and paper to use for practicing writing. Yinzsuh thought it over and over, how to do? Later, he had an idea. That was that his house was close to the ocean. He realized that the sand on the beach would be driven even by the sea water every day. So he used a little tree rod to practice writing on the beach sand. Once the sea water flew over the sand, the words would be gone and he wrote again. After a while, the sea water flew over again and the words were gone and he wrote again. Without paper he continued to write like this. |
Doeklaeng, de roxnyinh gij saw mbouj gaeuq doeg lo. Miz ngoenz ndeu, de bae naj caizcawj naeuz: “Gaxgonq gou youq ranz mwngz guh hong mbouj aeu cienz, seizneix gou siengj aeu lo. Danhseih danghnaeuz mwngz hawj gou doeg gij saw ndaw ranz mwngz, bineix gou caeuq mwngz guh hong, lij mbouj aeu cienz.” | Later, he knew that those words were not enough for him. One day, he went to see the rich person and said before him: “I worked in your house asking for no money in the past; right now I would like to get paid. But if you could let me read all the books in your house, I would still work for you and ask for no money.” |
Goeng caizcawj mbouj sij (Stoneman: wngdwg “siengj”) hawj boux ak guh hong neix okbae, couh dapwngq de. Yienghneix Yinzsuh youh miz saw yawj lo. | As the rich person did not want to let this hard-working guy go, he promised Yinzsuh. So Yinzsuh had books to read again. |
Yinzsuh ngoenzngoenz guh hong daengz laep, cungj mbouj hoengq saek di, ranz de youh gig hoj, mbouj miz cienz cawx youz diemj daeng. Danhseih, de gujleix haeujsim doeg saw. Haemhlawz ronghndwen rongh, de couh youq laj ronghndwen yawj saw, sij cih; haemhlawz mbouj miz ronghndwen, de couh bae gaeb ronghrib ma nem youq gwnz faex iq, aeu daeuj rongh doeg saw. | Yinzsuh worked until it was dark every day and had little free time. His family was so poor that he did not have money to buy oil for lighting. However, he paid attention to studying likewise. Whatever night there was moon, he would read books and write words under the moonlight. Whatever night there wasn’t moon, he would go catch light bugs and glue them to the little tree stick as lighting for him to read books. |
Yienghneix gvaq haujlai bi le, Yinzsuh couh baenz boux rox saw miz mingz ndeu. Daengz seizneix vunz cungj lij geiq ndaej Yinzsuh dwg lwg bouxhoj, de haenqsim doeg saw, doeklaeng baenz boux rox saw miz mingz ndeu. | By doing so for many years, Yinzsuh had become a well-read and famous man. By now people still remember that Yinzsuh was a poor child who studied hard and later became a learned and well-known man (by studying hard). |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Stoneman naeuz: Goq neix dwg “Zhu De” sij daeuj dauqngeix meh de. Danghnaeuz mwngz seih vunz lajmbanj, roxnaeuz seiziq youq lajmbanj maj hung, bien saw neix mwngz doeg hwnjdaeuj couh itdingh rox de gangj gijmaz. Gou doeg bien saw neix seizhaenx, doeg daengz de gangj saek di saeh haemq lumj gij saeh gou seiziq ginglig gvaq haenx, gou couh raemxda roengz fwtfwt lo.
[ Yienzvwnz ]
Dingqnyi naeuz meh gou gvaqseiq, gou gig siengsim. Gou gyaez meh gou. Meh gou seiq vunz gig gaenx guh hong, miz haujlai saehcingz hawj gou ciuh vunz cungj mbouj lumz.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
dauqngeix | in memory of someone, remember, recollect |
gvaqseiq | pass away |
siengsim | sad |
gyaez | like very much, love |
seiq vunz | = ciuh vunz: in one’s life |
gaenx | hard-working, diligent |
saehcingz | things |
lumz | forget |
Ranz gou dwg guh nazgonz gwn. Diegcoj youq Gvangjdungh Sauzgvanh, dwg Bouxgwzgyah, youq mwh Cinghcauz bik vunz Huzgvangj senjhaeuj Swcenh, ranz gou senjdaengz Swcenh Swngj Yilungj Yen bae youq. Daihdaih bang dicuj guh reih guh naz, ndaw ranz gig hoj. Gij baengzyoux haeujok ranz dou, cungj dwg nungzmingz, gyoengde hix dwg bouxhoj, sim youh soh.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Diegcoj | homeland, land of ancestor |
bik | force |
senjhaeuj | =buenjhaeuj: move into |
senjdaengz | =buenjdaeuj: move to |
Swngj | province |
Yen | county |
Daihdaih | generations by generations |
dicuj | =diegcawj: landowner, landlord |
haeujok | in and out |
nungzmingz | =vunz guh naz: farmer, peasant |
bouxhoj | the poor people |
soh | straight, honest |
Meh gou dwg boux gaenx guh hong, daj gou roxsoq hwnj, de cungj dwg ranz caengz rongh couh hwnj mbonq. Daengx ranz ngeih cib lai boux vunz, gyoengq mehmbwk doxlwnz cawj haeux, lwnz daengz couh cawj ngoenz ndeu. Meh gou cawj haeux le, lij bae ndaem naz, ndaem byaek, gueng mou, ciengx nonsei, doz faiq. Aenvih ndang de youh sang youh genq, lij rap raemx rap bwnh ndaej.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
boux gaenx guh hong | hard-working person |
roxsoq | know thing |
mehmbwk | female persons |
doxlwnz | by turn |
cawj haeux | cook rice, cooking |
lwnz | rotate by turn |
gueng | feed |
ciengx | raise |
nonsei | silk bug |
bwnh | manure |
Meh gou baenzngoenz yienghneix nyaengq. Gou ndaej seiq haj bi couh gag rox bang de guh hong, daengz bet gouj bi, mboujdanh rap ndaej aemq ndaej, lij rox dajndaem dem. Gou lij geiq ndaej, mwh gou daj hagdangz dauqma, cungj raen meh gou youq bakcauq cawj ngaiz, hanh lae hanh roenx, gou couh caegcaeg dawz saw bae cuengq, bae bang rap raemx roxnaenz langh vaiz bae ciengx. Miz saek seiz, gou banhaet doeg saw, banhaemh bae dajndaem; baez daengz hong nyaengq, couh baenzngoenz caeuq meh gou bae guh hong. Seizhaenx meh gou son gou rox guh haujlai hong.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
baenzngoenz | by day, all day |
nyaengq | busy |
mboujdanh … lij | not only … but also |
aemq | hold things on one’s back |
dajndaem | farming, planting |
mwh | whenever |
hagdangz | school |
dauqma | come back, return |
bakcauq | before the stove in the kitchen |
ngaiz | lunch |
hanh | sweat |
caegcaeg | carefully so as to not be found |
langh vaiz bae ciengx | take the water buffalo out to eat grass |
Miz saek seiz | sometimes |
banhaet | morning |
banhaemh | afternoon |
baez daengz hong nyaengq | whenever there are a lot of work |
son gou rox guh haujlai hong | teach me know how to do a lot of work |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Ranz guh nazgonz gwndaenj gig hoj, danhseih aenvih meh gou coengmingz youh ak guh hong, cungj suenq cengqgengz gvaq ndaej bae. Dou dwg aeu youzgyaeuq diemj daeng, gijgwn dwg ngaizduhvanjdou, ngaizbyaek, ngaizmaenz, cabliengz, caiq dwk di youzcehbyaek roengzbae guh feih. Gijgwn neix, gyoengq dicuj caeuq boux miz cienz lienz yawj cungj mbouj yawj, danhseih, meh gou cawj ndaej ndei, daengx ranz vunz bouxboux cungj naeuz ndei gwn. Bi lawz fungsou, cij ndaej nyib saek geu buh moq. Buh moq hix dwg gag guh. Meh gou gag doz faiq, cingj vunz daemj baenz baengz caiq nyumx, gij baengz neix dou heuhguh “baengzranz”, na lumj maenz cienz nei. Dauq buh daeggo daenj gvaq le, daegngeih daegsam ciep daenj lij mboujcaengz vaih.
English Explanation
gwn: eat; daenj: wear - life
ak guh hong
work hard
basically, meet the basic needs
gvaq ndaej bae
can make ends meet
cengqgengz gvaq ndaej bae
could basically meet the daily needs of our life
youz: oil; gyaeuq = gogyaeuq: a kind of tree in southern China. The oil extracted from the nut of this kind of tree can be used for lighting, waterproofing, etc.
diemj daeng
daeng: lamp; light the lamp
foods; whatever fits for human consumption
rice mixed with some sorts of beans
rice mixed with vegetable
rice mixed sweet potato
For southerners, this means crop other than rice, including corn, sweet potato, etc.
dwk di
put some
youz: oil; ceh: seed; byaek: vegetable -vegetable oil
taste, seasoning
boux miz cienz
the rich people
Bi lawz fungsou
whatever year when there is a good harvest
sew with hands
nyib saek geu buh moq
sew some pieces of new clothes
weave (cloth)
daemj baenz baengz
weave into cloth; baengz: cloth
a process of cloth making: put into liquid of color wanted
home-made cloth
na lumj maenz cienz nei
lumj … nei: such as, like – as thick as a copper coin
Ranz gaenx guh hong cungj miz gveigawj. Goeng gou caencingq dwg it boux nungzminz Cungguek raeuz, de ndaej bet gouj cib bi, lij bae guh hong naz, mbouj ndaej bae guh ne, couh baenz bingh lo, mwh yaek gvaqseiq, lij youq ndaw naz guh hong. Buz gou dwg boux guenj gya, hong ranz hong rog cungj youz de guenjleix caeuq faenbaij; binaengz haemhndaep, couh baenbaij ndei hong bimoq. Ngoenznaengz ranz caengz rongh, meh gou couh hwnj gonq lo, gaenlaeng hix dingqnyi sing goeng gou hwnjdaeuj, caiq gaenlaeng caezgya cungj hwnjdaeuj lo, mbangj gueng mou, mbangj bag fwnz, mbangj rap raemx. Meh gou youq ndaw ranz gig nyaenx ndaej heiq, naih ndaej hoj, youh gig soh, mbouj moeb mbouj ndaq dou gvaq, hix mbouj caeuq vunz doxceng gvaq. Yienghneix yienznaeuz aen gya nyaenx hung, lungzau, bajliuz, bouxlau, lwgnyez cungj doxgyaez doxgiet ndaej gig ndei. Meh gou in bouxhoj, yienznaeuz bonjfaenh mbouj dwg boux miz cienz, lij aeu ciuqgoq doengh boux caencik hoj haenx. De gig mbaet gwn mbaet yungh. Boh gou miz seiz cit di ien, gwn di laeuj, meh gou naeuz dou mbouj ndaej hag gwn ien gwn laeuj. Meh gou yienghneix gaenx gwn mbaet yungh, simsoh gyaez vunz, daengz seizneix gou lij geiq ndaej gig maenh.
English Explanation
= baenbaij: distribute
see above
following, then, next to
bag fwnz
cut a short big wood into smaller pieces
nyaenx ndaej heiq
can tolerate/stand unfavorable treatment
naih ndaej hoj
can tolerate and survive under bad living conditions
mbouj moeb mbouj ndaq dou gvaq
moeb: hit; never hit and yell at us
argue; quarrel
love each other
unite; live closely in harmony
Meh gou in bouxhoj
my mother sympathized with the poor
oneself = cihgeij
take care
mbaet gwn mbaet yungh
spend on only the basic needs, try to save as much as possible
cit di ien
smoke some cigarettes
gwn di laeuj
drink some rice wine
meh gou naeuz dou mbouj ndaej hag gwn ien gwn laeuj
my mother taught us to not learn how to smoke and drink
lij geiq ndaej gig maenh.
still remember very well.
Danhseih, mbouj dwg aenvih Cungguek nungzmingz gyaez hozbingz, cainanh couh mbouj goeb daengz gwnz gyaeuj gyoengqde. Bi gengceij (1900) gonq laeng, Swcenh bi dam bi mbwnrengx, haujlai nungzmingz dij iek, gyaranz loemqlak, mbouj ndaej mbouj baenz gyoengq baenz gyoengq bae ranz dicuj rumh gwn. Gou caen da raen, roek caet bak boux nungzmingz, daenj vaihvadvad, caeuq lwg maex de deng “binghak” luenh mboeb luenh gaj, lwed rih seiq haj cib leix gyae, sing daej doengh daengz mbwn. Youq yiengh ndwenngoenz neix, ranz gou deng hoj hix gig lai, cij gwn di mbaw byaek, megmax, baenz bi mbouj ndaej gwn saek naed haeux. Ceiq youqgaenj dwg bi gapsaen (1904), dicuj hangz doengh ranz guh nazgonz aeu gyau haeuxco, aenvih banh mbouj daengz, couh youq haemhndaep haep ranz gou goiq nazgonz, bik dou senj ranz. Youq gij cingzgvang haemzhoj neix, dou daengx ranz vunz couh daej haemz daej hoj, lienz hwnz baensanq lo. Baezneix ranz gou deng baen youq song giz. Vunz noix lo, youh bungz mbwncai, vamiuz mbouj ndaej sou, gij neix gag ranz gou bungz mbat cainanh ceiq vijsij lo. Danhseih, meh gou mbouj doeknaiq, sim de engq gyaez bouxhoj, engq haemz bouxmiz boux doegsieb. Meh gou simnwk lwnh haemzhoj hawj gou nyi, caiq gya gou da raen haujlai saehcingz mbouj goengbingz, hawj gou lij iq ndaw swhsiengj couh rox fanjgang apbik, gietsim bae gouzra ngoenzndei.
English Explanation
goeb daengz
fall upon
gwnz gyaeuj gyoengqde
above their heads
dry weather
gyaranz loemqlak
family fell down. loemqlak: fall down
baenz gyoengq baenz gyoengq
baenz … baenz: by. gyoengq: group – group by group
vaih: (clothes) worn out; vaih-vadvad: worse
luenh mboeb luenh gaj
hit and kill randomly
Youq yiengh ndwenngoenz neix
in such time of years
mbaw byaek
vegetable leaf. mbaw: leaf
corn and wheat. meg: corn, max: wheat
naed: a particle, a fragment. e.g. naed rinz iq ( a little piece of rock), naed haeux (one piece of rice), etc.
rice as rent payment
evening, night
=faensanq: scatter, flee apart
deng baen youq song giz
was forced to disperse into two places
bungz mbwncai
encounter the natural catastrophe
distress, be discouraged
fanjgang apbik
fight against oppression
be determined (to do something)
gouzra ngoenzndei
look for good days (happiness)
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Mbouj geij nanz, gou couh biek meh gou bae doeg saw. Gou dwg lwg ranz guh nazgonz, bonjndang mbouj miz cienz doeg saw. Danhseih, aenvih seizhaenx dicuj apbik, gyoengqbing yazmonz hengzmanz, boh meh gou deng bik mbouj ndaej mbouj mbaet gwn mbaet yuungh, soengq gou doeg saw cengj naj gyaranz. Gvanghsi 31 nienz (1905) gauj gohgij gvaq le, youh baedaengz Sin’ging caeuq Cwngzduh doeg saw. Seizhaenx cienz doeg saw cungj ciq vunz aeu, itgungh ciq song bak lai maenz, doeklaeng daengz gou dang Hugozginh lijcangj cij boiz ndaej liux.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Mbouj geij nanz | nanz: long; difficult. Not too long |
biek | coerce, force, request |
bonjndang | myself, oneself |
apbik | oppress, oppression |
gyoengqbing | group of soldiers |
yazmonz | [Chinese] government in Qing Dynasty |
bik | oppress, oppression |
cengj naj | earn face, have glory |
cengj naj gyaranz | earn face for my family |
Gvanghsi | name of year in Qing Dynasty |
gauj | [Chinese] take (exam) |
gohgij | [Chinese] type of exam in Qing Dynasty |
itgungh | =cungjgungh: together, total |
boiz | return, pay back |
Gvanghsi 34 nienz (1908), gou daj Cwngzduh dauqma, youq Yilungj Yen banh aen hagdangz gauhsiuj, bi daengz haemh baema ranz yawj meh gou song sam baez. Seizhaenx swhsiengj gaeuq caeuq swhseingj moq doiqdingj ndaej gig youqgaenj, dou siengj aeu swhsiengj gohyoz, minzcuj, youq ndaw mbanj, guh saek di saeh, gyoengq vunzyak vunzrwix couh fanjdui. Gou gietsim muenz meh gou liz mbanj baedaengz Yinznanz gyahaeuj Sinhginh caeuq Dungzmwngzvei. Gou daengz Yinznanz le, ciep doeg saenq ndaw ranz geiq daeuj, rox meh gou mboujdanh mbouj fanjdui gou yienghneix guh, lij nai gou haujlai.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
gauhsiuj | [borrowed word from local Chinese dialect] advanced primary school. [Stoneman genyij yungh: hagdangz lwgnyez] |
doiqdingj | fight with each other |
swhsiengj gohyoz, minzcuj | [borrowed words from local Chinese dialect] scientific and nationality thoughts |
vunzyak vunzrwix | bad, mean people |
fanjdui | [borrowed word from local Chinese dialect] oppose; be against |
muenz | [borrowed word from local Chinese dialect] not telling, hide, keep secret |
liz | leave |
gyahaeuj | join |
Sinhginh | [borrowed word from local Chinese dialect] New Army |
Dungzmwngzvei | [Chinese] an organization established by the founder of the Republic of China Dr. Sun Yaetsun |
Daj Senhdungj bi daih’it (1909) daengz seizneix, gou mboujcaengz baema ranz saek mbat, caenh youq Minzgoz cib nienz (1921) ciep boh meh okdaeuj gvaq. Danhseih, boh meh gou guh hong gvenq lo, liz reih naz sim couh mbouj soeng, sojyij youh dauq baema. Boh gou baema daengz buenq roen dai lo, meh gou daengz ranz le, lij laebdaeb guh hong, soh guh daengz dai.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
daj | from |
gou mboujcaengz baema ranz saek mbat | I had never gone home even once |
Minzgoz | [Chinese] name of year of the Republic of China |
gvenq | get used to doing (sth) |
guh hong gvenq | get used to working on the field |
liz reih naz sim couh mbouj soeng | do not feel comfortable after leaving the crop field |
sojyij youh dauq baema | therefore went back (to home) |
Boh gou baema daengz buenq roen dai | my dad died on his half way home |
lij laebdaeb guh hong | still continue to work on the field |
soh guh daengz dai | (she) worked continuously until (she) died. soh: Originally means “straight”, here it refers a non-stop situation |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Mbouj rox baenzlawz doeg? Cingj doiqciuq gij cih baihlaj (Forget about the tones? Please refer to the following words):
bi (year), bya (fish; mountain), da (eye), dai (die, death), de (he/she, his/her), dou (we; door), fa (lid), fwn (rain), gou (I, my), lai (many), ma (dog; return), na (thick), ndeu (one), ndwen (month), rieng (tail); roi (comb), sam (three), song (two), sou (you-pl) |
feiz (fire), haz (grass), miz (have), mwngz (you-single), naz (wet rice field), ngoenz (day; date), ninz (sleep), raeuz (we, us, our), ranz (house), vaiz (water buffalo) |
byaij (walk), daej (cry), daenj (wear), daeuj (come), gaj (kill), gaej (do not), gouj (nine), haeuj (come in), haj (five), hawj (give), naj (face), oij (sugar cane), yawj (see, look) |
beix (elder brother/sister), cax (knife), dungx (stomach), faex (tree; wood), haeux (rice), max (horse), ngux (five), nuengx (younger brother/sister), raemx (water), rox (know) |
angq (joyful), gaeq (chicken), gvaq (pass, past), gyaeq (egg), haq (marry to), moq (new), ndaq (scold, reprimand, criticize), noengq (strong, big), sawq (try), seiq (four) |
boh (father), dah (river), dawh (chopsticks), guh (do), meh (mother), naengh (sit), ngeih (second), rongh (shining, having light), yaeuh (deceive) |
cup (kiss), daep (liver), gip (pick up), goep (frog), haep (close), laep (dark), ndip (fresh) |
cib (ten), dub (throw, hit), gaeb (narrow; capture), goeb (lid, cover), haeb (bite), laeb (form, build up) |
bak (mouth, 100), doek (drop down, fall), gik (lazy), hak (official, politician), mak (fruit), ndok (bone), roek (six) |
bag (cut wood into pieces; crazy; strike), cag (cord), caeg (thief), cug (bind with a cord), doeg (read), gig (most), hag (study, learn), roeg (bird) |
bet (eight), bit (duck), caet (seven), haet (morning), hwet (back of body), maet (louse), it (one, first), vat (dig) |
bid (an insect), gwed (hold, hold up), haed (tie tightly), lwed (blood), moed (ant), rwed (bug) |
Cungguek gwzming laebdaeb yiengq baihnaj gaihcanj, swhsiengj gou goj laebdaeb cinbu. Mwh gou raen Cungguek byaij diuz loh gwzming byaij ndaej deng, gou couh gyahaeuj Cunghgoz Gungcanjdangj. Dagwzming baih le, gou couh mbouj ndaej caeuq ndaw ranz doeng saenq lo, meh gou couh baengh guh sam cib moux dieg daeuj ciengx baenz ranz vunz. Mwh gangyiz cancwngh, gou cij ndaej caeuq ndaw ranz doeng saenq. Meh gou rox gou guh gij saeh neix, de gig muengh Cungguek ndaej gaijfang. De rox dangj raeuz lij miz hojnanz, yienghneix, de lij youq lajmbanj guh hong naz. Youq ndaw caet bi, gou gaenq geiq geij bak maenz ngaenz caeuq geij mbaw siengq bonjfaenh hawj meh gou. Meh gou laux lo. Danhseih de lij ciengxlwenx siengjniemh gou, lumj gou ciengxlwenx siengjniemh de nei. Bi’gvaq ciep ndaej saenq lan gou daeuj naeuz: “Daxbuz bineix gaenq ndaej 85 bi lo, cingsaenz mbouj beij bi’gvaq ndei, gwn hix beij mbouj ndaej gaxgonq lai, de gig siengj raen naj mwngz baez ndeu, gangjgangj doxbiek le cingzgvang baenzlawz yiengh ……” Danhseih, gou yienq ndang dingj hoenx Yizbwnj, mbouj caengz ndaej bauqdap meh gou, hawj meh gou saetmuengh.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Cungguek | [Chinese] zhong gu China |
gwzming | [Chinese] ge ming: revolution |
yiengq | towards |
baihnaj | present, forwards oneself |
gaihcanj | [Chinese] kai can: progress, develop |
Cungguek gwzming laebdaeb yiengq baihnaj gaihcanj | Chinese revolution was progressing ahead continually. Stoneman: This is a direct translation from Chinese to Zhuang |
cinbu | [Chinese] jin bu: progress towards the good direction. Here it means that his thoughts were closer to the communist ideals |
swhsiengj gou goj laebdaeb cinbu | my thinking was also continually inclined to the ideals of communism. |
byaij diuz loh gwzming | to walk on the road of revolution. loh: [Chinese] lu: road = roen |
Cunghgoz Gungcanjdangj | [Chinese] Chinese communists |
Mwh gou raen Cungguek byaij diuz loh gwzming byaij ndaej deng, gou couh gyahaeuj Cunghgoz Gungcanjdangj. | When I saw that the revolutionary road walked by China could be right, I joined the Communist Party of China (CPC). |
Dagwzming | [Chinese] da ge ming: first civil war between Guo Min Dang and communists from 1925 to 1927 |
baih | [Chinese] bai: =saw, fail, failure |
doeng saenq | exchange letters |
baengh | depend on, by |
gangyiz | [Chinese] kang ri: defend against the invation of Japan. =dingjhoenx Yizbwnj |
cancwngh | [Chinese] war =hoenxciengq |
gangyiz cancwngh | [Chinese] anti-Japan’s war = caeuq Yizbwnj hoenxciengq |
Mwh gangyiz cancwngh, gou cij ndaej caeuq ndaw ranz doeng saenq. | It was only when the anti-Japanese war occurred that I was able to exchange letters with my family |
gaijfang | [Chinese] liberate, set free |
Meh gou rox gou guh gij saeh neix, de gig muengh Cungguek ndaej gaijfang. | When my mother knew what I was doing, she hoped greatly that China would be liberated. |
dangj | [Chinese] (political) party |
hojnanz | disaster, difficulty, hardship |
Youq ndaw caet bi | Within those seven years |
geij mbaw siengq bonjfaenh | a couple of my photos |
ciengxlwenx | always |
siengjniemh | [Chinese] miss = naemj dwk |
lan | grandchild, grandchild of a brother |
Daxbuz | grandmom (father’s side) |
cingsaenz | spiritual conditions |
cingsaenz mbouj beij bi’gvaq ndei | was not doing as well as last year |
gaxgonq | before |
gwn hix beij mbouj ndaej gaxgonq lai | could not eat as much as before |
de gig siengj raen naj mwngz baez ndeu | she extremely wanted to see you one more time |
doxbiek | depart, departure, leaving one’s beloved |
cingzgvang | [Chinese] situations |
gangjgangj doxbiek le cingzgvang baenzlawz yiengh | to talk about the situations of each other since you left her |
yienq ndang | contribute (my) life to. yienq: [Chinese] contribute. ndang: body, life |
Yizbwnj | [Chinese] Japan |
gou yienq ndang dingj hoenx Yizbwnj | I contributed my life to fight against the Japanese |
bauqdap | repay, pay back, return one’s favor |
mbouj caengz ndaej bauqdap meh gou | never be able to return (the love) of my mother |
saetmuengh | disappoint, let down |
hawj meh gou saetmuengh | let my mother down |
Meh gou caeuq vunz ceiq mbouj doengz, couh dwg baenz seiq vunz cungj caengz liz guh hong gvaq. Meh gou liz seng gou it faen cung gaxgonq, lij youq bakcauq cawj ngaiz. Yienznaeuz geq lo, lij gyaez guh hong. Bi’gvaq vaihseng sij saenq daeuj naeuz: “Mehdaiq aenvih geq lo, bineix ndang mbouj beij binaengz cangq, danhseih lij mbouj sij vut hong, engq gaenx doz faiq ……”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Meh gou caeuq vunz ceiq mbouj doengz, couh dwg baenz seiq vunz cungj caengz liz guh hong gvaq. | The most difference between my mother and others was that she never stopped working on the field in all her life. |
Meh gou liz seng gou it faen cung gaxgonq, lij youq bakcauq cawj ngaiz. | She was still cooking food before the stove one minute before she was going to give birth to me. |
Yienznaeuz geq lo, lij gyaez guh hong. | Although (she) was old, (she) still loved to work. |
vaihseng | nephew or niece (child of sisters) |
Bi’gvaq vaihseng sij saenq daeuj naeuz | Last year my nephew wrote me a letter telling me that |
mehdaiq | grandma (mother’s side) |
Mehdaiq aenvih geq lo | As Grandmom has become old |
bineix ndang mbouj beij binaengz cangq | this year her body is not strong as the past years |
sij | write (sij cih); favor, desire, prefer (De caen sij ndaej gwn: means he prefer to spend more on eating than what he should based on his income level) |
vut | throw away, discard, throw out |
danhseih lij mbouj sij vut hong | but she still does not want to quit her job |
engq gaenx doz faiq | (she) works harder on hand-making cotton thread |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Gou wngdang docih meh gou, de son gou baenzlawz bae caeuq haemzhoj doucwngh. Gou youq ndaw ranz gaenq souhgvaq haujlai haemzhoj, gij neix hawj gou guh bing caeuq guh gwzming sam cib lai bi cungj mbouj roxnyinh naeuz hoj, hix mboujcaengz deng hoj haep laemx gvaq. Meh gou youh son gou guh hong, hawj gou ndang cangq, daj iq daengz seizneix, mbouj caengz rox naet gvaq.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Gou wngdang docih meh gou | I should thank my mother |
doucwngh | [local Chinese dialect] fight |
de son gou baenzlawz bae caeuq haemzhoj doucwngh | she taught me how to go fight the difficulties |
Gou youq ndaw ranz gaenq souhgvaq haujlai haemzhoj | I had experienced many difficulties while at home |
gij neix hawj gou guh bing caeuq guh gwzming sam cib lai bi cungj mbouj roxnyinh naeuz hoj | This experience has made me feel no hardship in my more than 30 years of being a soldier and a revolutionist |
hix mboujcaengz deng hoj haep laemx gvaq | never was I fallen down by any hardship. haep: bite. laemx: fall down |
Meh gou youh son gou guh hong | In addition, my mother taught me how to work on the field |
hawj gou ndang cangq | let my body become strong. cangq: strong, healthy |
daj iq daengz seizneix | from (a) little (kid) to now |
mbouj caengz rox naet gvaq | never feel tired/exhausted. naet: tired, gou ndang naet-I feel exhausted. |
Gou wngdang docih meh gou, de son gij cihsiz guh hong caeuq gwzming yici hawj gou, hawj gou doeklaeng byaijhwnj diuz loh gwzming. Youq gwnz diuz loh neix, hawj gou ngoenz beij ngoenz rox daengz caenhmiz yiengh cihsiz yiengh yici neix, cij dwg ceiq dijbauj dih caizbauj.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
cihsiz | [local Chinese dialect] knowledge |
yici | [local Chinese dialect] will power |
cij dwg ceiq dijbauj dih caizbauj | Stoneman suggests: cij dwg gij caizbauj ceiq dijbauj haenx-that is the most valuable wealth. Stoneman does not like using the Chinese borrowed word “dih” in Sawcuengh |
Seizneix meh gou gvaqseiq lo, gou caiq mbouj ndaej raen naj de lo! Gij saeh siengsim neix, caiq mbouj miz banhfap bouj ndaej lo. Meh gou dwg boux vunz bingzsiengz ndeu, ciencien fanhfanh boux Cungguek yinzminz , de dwg boux ndeu, danhseih, couh dwg ciencien fanhfanh vunz neix, cauxok lizsij roxnaeuz cingq bae caux gij lizsij Cungguek raeuz. Gou yungh gijmaz banhfap daeuj bauqdap aencingz meh gou ne? Gou aeu laebdaeb laemxsim guh hong hawj minzcuz caeuq yinzminz raeuz, hawj daengx guek yinzminz ndaej gvaq ngoenzndei. Gijneix gou guh ndaej daengz, itdingh guh ndaej daengz.
Muengh meh gou an’onj youq lajnamh!
Bi 1944 ndwen 4 ngoenz 5 hauh
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Seizneix meh gou gvaqseiq lo, gou caiq mbouj ndaej raen naj de lo. | Now my mother has passed away and I will not be able to see her again. |
Gij saeh siengsim neix, caiq mbouj miz banhfap bouj ndaej lo. | These sad things, there will be no more means to make them up. bouj: compensate, make up |
Meh gou dwg boux vunz bingzsiengz ndeu. | My mother is an ordinary person. |
ciencien fanhfanh boux Cungguek yinzminz | hundreds of thousands of Chinese farmers |
de dwg boux ndeu | she was one of them |
danhseih, couh dwg ciencien fanhfanh vunz neix, cauxok lizsij roxnaeuz cingq bae caux gij lizsij Cungguek raeuz | but, it is those hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who have created and are creating the history of our China |
aencingz | [Chinese] affection, love, great help, great favors, etc. |
Gou yungh gijmaz banhfap daeuj bauqdap aencingz meh gou ne? | How should I (What methods should I use to) pay back the affection that my mother has given to me? |
Gou aeu laebdaeb laemxsim guh hong hawj minzcuz caeuq yinzminz raeuz | I should continue to work hard with all my heart for our nation and our people |
hawj daengx guek yinzminz ndaej gvaq ngoenzndei | in order to let our people be able to live a better life. ngoenzndei = ngoenz (day) + ndei (good): good days, happiness |
Gijneix gou guh ndaej daengz, itdingh guh ndaej daengz. | I would be able to fulfill this goal and I must be able to fulfill this goal. |
Muengh meh gou an’onj youq lajnamh! | May God bless my mother’s soul in heaven! lajnamh: beneath the soil |
Bi 1944 ndwen 4 ngoenz 5 hauh | April 5, 1944. Stoneman suggests: Bi 1944 ndwen 4 ngoenz 5. No “hauh”, which is repetitive. |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Stoneman naeuz: Goq neix dwg goq ceiq doeklaeng bonj saw neix. Gij goq bonj saw neix cungj dwg daj Sawgun hoiz gvaqdaeuj. Gou mbouj yaek gejnaeuz goqwnq bonj saw neix dwg aenvih gou gag naemj gij goq haenx miz cih ciq Sawgun lai lai, hoiz ndaej youh mbouj suenq geij hab yijfap Sawcuengh.
[ This is the final lesson for this book. All lessons of this book were translated from Chinese. I would not like to lecture the other lessons of this book because, in my opinion, those lessons have too many borrowed words from Chinese and the direct translation of those lessons from Chinese does not seem to be in accordance with the grammars of the Zhuang language.]
Mbwn gaenq laeq dingh, miz gyoengq vunz daj ndaw naz byaij okdaeuj, bouxboux naiqnueknuek, byaij dwk saemxsaemx saxsax, gyoengqde couh dwg gyoengq vunzhong ranz Couh Boknaeng.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Mbwn gaenq laeq dingh | It was dark already. gaenq: already. laeq: dark. |
miz gyoengq vunz daj ndaw naz byaij okdaeuj | a group of persons walked from inside of the house |
bouxboux naiqnueknuek | everyone looked very exhausted |
byaij dwk saemxsaemx saxsax | and walked without any good spirit |
naengh | skin |
Miz mbangj gyangz naek naeuz: “Ha! Baeg dai lo!” Miz mbangj ndaq naeuz: “Duz gaeq raq haenx caen geizheih, haemhnaengz ngamq ninz couh haen. Couh Boknaeng hix miz dingz cingsaenz ma neix, gaeq baez haen de couh ep raeuz bae ndoi. Daengz ndoi guhndaej buenq hwnz hong mbwn lij mboujcaengz rongh.” Miz mbangj naeuz: “Vunz miz cienz lienz duzgaeq cungj wngq de, caen mingh ndei lo.” Miz mbangj naeuz: “Miz maz mingh ndei mingh rwix, vih maz gaxgonq gaeq mbouj haen romh, seizneix couh haen romh ne? Gij saeh neix itdingh miz fangz. Hw, gou itdingh aeu nyaenj duz gaeq raq haenx dai bae!” Caezgya mwngz coenz gou coenz, doq gangj doq byaij baema ranz. Vih lai ndaej ninz saek di, gyoengq doih baez gwn caeuz sat couh hwnj mbonq bae ninz, mbangj gwn ien mbangj gangjgoj.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
Miz mbangj gyangz naek naeuz | some complained deeply and said |
Baeg dai | (I am so) exhausted (that I could) die |
Duz gaeq raq | That rooster that should die out |
caen geizheih | very strange |
haemhnaengz | every night |
haen | crow |
gaeq baez haen de couh ep raeuz bae ndoi | he orders us to the hill the moment the cock crows |
romh | early in the morning |
miz fangz | have trick. fangz: ghost |
nyaenj | hold tightly |
gwn caeuz | eat dinner |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Geij ngoenz neix Yibauj oksiq, ninz mbouj geij nanz couh dauq hwnj ok haex; miz mbat ndeu ok haex ma, gvaq riengh vaiz bae yawj lij miz mbouj miz nywj, siengj caiq aeu nywj dwk cij baema ninz. Cingq youq seiz haenx, de raen miz ndaek vunz ndaw fwngz gaem diuz faex raez ndeu, yupyup yepyep byaij youq henz rungz gaeq. Mbouj miz ronghndwen, yawj mbouj raen naj de. Yibauj ngeix: “Lau dwg daeuj caeg gaeq bw!” Yaek hemq lo, caiq siengj: “Hai! Mbouj ndaej! Boux vunz neix itdingh dwg ndaw ranz mbouj miz banhfap cij caeg gaeq, danghnaeuz gou hemq hwnjdaeuj, mbouj dangq haih de da? Gou mbouj guhsing, caih de caeg liux bae, mbouj miz gaeq haen, gyoengqraeuz couh lai ndaej ninz geij ndiu lo.” Cingq ngeix, youh raen boux haenx iet hoz okdaeuj, lumj aeu fwngz nyaenj ndaeng dwk. Yibauj vih de yousim, gag ngeix naeuz: “Siujsim di hw! Deng Couh Boknaeng dingqnyi, gaemh dawz mwngz bae couh mbouj ndei lo.”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
oksiq | have diarrhea |
haex | shit, dropping |
riengh vaiz | room for water buffalo |
nywj | grass |
ndaek vunz | a person (usually called without respect) |
gaem | hold |
diuz faex raez ndeu | a long wood stick |
yupyup yepyep byaij | walk carefully and without sound |
rungz gaeq | a container where chickens are fenced |
ronghndwen | moon |
Mbouj miz ronghndwen, yawj mbouj raen naj de | there was no moon and (therefore he) could not see his face |
Lau dwg daeuj caeg gaeq bw! | I am afraid that he is coming to steal chickens |
iet hoz okdaeuj | hold out his neck |
lumj aeu fwngz nyaenj ndaeng dwk | looked like he was holding his nose with his hands |
gaemh dawz mwngz bae couh mbouj ndei lo | That would be not good if he catches you and take you away |
Yibauj raen riengh vaiz lij miz nywj, siengj vaiq baema ninz, youh lau gingdoengh boux caeg gaeq neix. Sim ngeix: “Danghnaeuz gou okbae, de lau deuz le mbouj dwg daeuj ndwi baez ndeu da! Gaej gingdoengh de, gou youq gizneix yawjyawj.” Yibauj gongzyongq roengzdaeuj sijsaeq yawj de dwg mbouj dwg caeg gaeq. Bouxlawz rox baenz buenq hwnz mbouj doengh saekdi, dauq dingqnyi boux caeg gaeq haenx hag guh gaeq haen. Yibauj sim cingq geizheih, mbouj rox dwg vih maz, boux haenx youh byaijgvaq riengh vaiz daeuj, Yibauj couh vaiq ndojhaeuj ranz coux nywj bae. Dingjlingz boux haenx byaij gvaq henz riengh vaiz daeuj, gvaek habfeiz yawj ndaw riengh miz mbouj miz nywj. Yibauj swnh rongh bae yawj, “O! Dwg Couh Boknaeng! Byonghhwnz sam geng baenzlawz miz gaeq haen, laxlawz dwg duz fangzraq neix guh!” Couh Boknaeng hag gaeq haen mbouj youqgaenj, danhseih, gaeq ndaw rungz hix haen hwnjdaeuj lo. Yibauj nyaenxheiq mbouj gamj guhsing, caiq dingnyi Couh Boknaeng rongx naeuz: “Gaeq haen lo, lij mbouj ruq di bae guh hong!” De naeuz sat le couh baema ninz.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
gingdoengh | scare |
deuz | run away |
gongzyongq roengzdaeuj | calmed down and stayed still |
sijsaeq | carefully |
Bouxlawz rox baenz buenq hwnz mbouj doengh saekdi | who knew that for half a night (he) did not even make a move |
dauq dingqnyi boux caeg gaeq haenx hag guh gaeq haen | Instead, (he) heard that the chichen stealer learned how to crow like a rooster |
ndojhaeuj | hid into (hide into) |
ranz coux nywj | warehouse (room) for grass |
coux | contain |
Dingjlingz | coincidentally, by accident |
gvaek habfeiz | stroke a match |
rongh | shining, light |
laxlawz | the original reason |
laxlawz dwg duz fangzraq neix guh! | it is this fucking ghost who did this! |
nyaenxheiq mbouj gamj guhsing | held (his) breathe and was afraid to make any noise |
rongx naeuz | shouted loudly |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Yibauj dauqma ranz, raen gyoengq doih cungj hozndat naeuz: “Caeux mbouj haen, ceiz mbouj haen, ngamq ninz roengzbae de couh haen, duz gaeq neix mbouj dwg gaeq!” Boux hongdaeuz singq Liuz cam: “Mbouj dwg gaeq dwg gijmaz?”
“Dwg fangzcimingh, gou yawj yienghneix guh, caiq guh geij ngoenz bau mwngz baeg dai.”
Mbangj boux naeuz: “Gou ngamq ninz ……”
Mbangj boux naeuz: “Gou ninz roengzbae, cit doengz ien caengz liux.”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
hozndat | angry, mad |
caeux | early, morning |
ceiz | late; a kind of food |
fangzcimingh | fangz: ghost; ci: force; mingh: life |
bau mwngz baeg dai | bau: bet. (I) bet you (would be so) exhausted (that you would) die |
Mbangj | some |
cit doengz ien caengz liux | cit: inhale and exhale. have not finished smoking one cigarette |
Yibauj sim ngeix gyoengqde mboujcaengz rox cit bajheiq neix dwg Couh Boknaeng guh, couh naengh roengzdaeuj naeuz: “Yienghneix dauq ndei, lienz buh caengz duet couh bae guh hong. Raeuz vaiq bae, gou miz coenz vahriu caeuq sou gangj.”
Caezgya vaiq cam: “Yibauj, miz maz vah ndei riu, mwngz vaiq naeuz!” “Mbouj, seizneix gou mbouj gangj, caj daengz buenq roen menh gangj.” Yienghneix, caezgya couh vaiq daep gaet buh, gwed gvak bae ndoi lo. Youq buenq roen, gyoengq vunz youh cam Yibauj: “Gijmaz vahriu, mwngz vaiq gangj vei!”
Yibauj riu’nyumnyum, song ceh da ndaemndwtndwt, daengx da dwk naeuz: “Goeng’au, sou baezneix gaej ndaq duzgaeq, ienq duzgaeq mbouj deng, wng ienq vunz.”
Caezgya gig geizheih, youh cam: “Dwg gijmaz saeh?”
Yibauj couh dawz cit bajheiq Couh Boknaeng hag gaeq haen gangj hawj gyoengq boh’au dingq.
Goeng hongdaeuz singq Liuz baez dingqnyi gienh saeh neix, huj dwk caengzraurau naenz: “Haemhneix mbouj guh hong lo, bae gyaeuj reih ninz.” Caezgya cungj doengzeiq.
Caezgya doq yawj ndau’ndeiq doq byaij baedaengz gyaeuj reih, cuengq gvak roengzdaeuj, gvaek feiz cit doengz ien le, couh ninz youq gyaeuj reih gyaenfwfw lo. Gyoengqde naetnaiq raixcaix, buh mbaeq raiz liux cungj mbouj roxnyinh.
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
cit bajheiq neix | cit: word prefix. this trick, this foul play |
lienz buh caengz duet couh bae guh hong | had not changed clothes and then went out to work again |
gou miz coenz vahriu caeuq sou gangj | I have joke to tell you |
caj daengz buenq roen menh gangj | wait until we are on half of our way (to the field) |
riu’nyumnyum | riu: laugh, smile |
ndaemndwtndwt | ndaem: black, dark |
ceh da ndaemndwtndwt | ceh: nut; da: eye |
daengx da dwk naeuz | stared and said |
ienq duzgaeq mbouj deng, wng ienq vunz | blaming the rooster is not right; should blame the person |
bae gyaeuj reih ninz | go to sleep on one side of a piece of dried land |
Caezgya cungj doengzeiq | all agreed |
ndau’ndeiq | stars |
gvaek feiz | strike a match |
naetnaiq raixcaix | very exhausted, very tired |
buh mbaeq raiz liux cungj mbouj roxnyinh | mbaeq: drop down (mbaeq fwn/raiz, etc.); raiz: mist. did not realized that the mist had mad their clothes wet |
Gyoengq doih youq gyaeuj reih, ninzndaej diemzsisi. Sawqmwh Yibauj raen gwnzndang inyang, “aeya” sing ndeu couh diuq hwnjdaeuj, raen daengngoenz hwnj baenz boux vunz sang lo. Couh Boknaeng fwngz gaem faexdwngx, cug boux cug boux lemh, gyoengq doih cungj diuq hwnjdaeuj. Couh Boknaeng da caengzraurau naeuz: “Sou gwn ngaiz gou, aeu cienz gou, couh yienghneix guh ha? Hong mbouj guh, daeuj gizneix ninz, daengz banngaiz mbouj gvak gaiq reih neix liux, couj gaej siengj gwn ngaiz!” De nyeux gyaeuj doiq bouxciengxvaiz naeuz: “Mwngz dauq rap ngaiz baema ranz hawj gou.”
Laxlawz Couh Boknaeng hwnj ndaej romh, raen gyoengqde mboujcaengz ma gwn ngaiz, de ngeix: “Gyoengqde itdingh bang gou ganj hong, gou yienghlawz mbouj heuh vunz soengq ngaiz bae, hawj gyoengqde youq rog ndoi gwn, mienxndaej baedauq nguh hong, bang gou lai gvak di reih.” De couh bae heuh boxciengxvaiz ndaw mbanj goenglaux ranz Leix daeuj bang de soengq ngaiz bae ndoi, bouxlawz rox baedaengz ndoi raen gyoengqde cungj ninz youq gyaeuj reih, di hong caengz guh. Couh Boknaeng gig heiqhwnj, couh aeu faexdwngx lemh gyoengqde can ndeu, haeuxngaiz hix mbouj hawj gwn, couh heuh bouxciengxvaiz dauq rap baema. Bouxciengxvaiz rap ngaiz byaij le, de youh ndaq gyoengq vunzhong can ndeu cij deuz ……
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
ninzndaej diemzsisi | slept very sweetly, slept soundly |
Sawqmwh Yibauj raen gwnzndang inyang | sawqmwh: suddenly; in: hurt; ndang: body. suddenly Yibauj felt hurt badly |
raen daengngoenz hwnj baenz boux vunz sang lo | daengngoenz: sun. saw that the sun had already risen to a person’s height |
Couh Boknaeng fwngz gaem faexdwngx | Couh Boknaeng held a wooden stick with his hands |
cug boux cug boux lemh | hit one by one |
De nyeux gyaeuj | he turned around |
bouxlawz rox | who know |
di hong caengz guh | little work had been done |
gig heiqhwnj | very angry |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Gyoengq doih raen Couh Boknaeng youh moeb youh ndaq, lienz ngaiz cungj mbouj hawj gwn. Miz mbangj hozndat dwk gietsim mbouj guh hong lo; miz mbangj yaek dauqma caeuq de suenq soq, miz mbangj couh gwed gvak yaek baema ranz bonjfaenh.
Yibauj vaiq beng gyoengqde, riu naeuz: “Goeng’au, gou yawj gyoengqsou gaej bae, gou miz aen banhfap ndeu, ndaej cuengqcuengq gaemz heiq neix.”
Mbangj boux naeuz: “Yibauj mwngz caen huk lo, vunz miz cienz miz seiq, lwg de youh dang baujcangj, seizneix de dwg vuengz gizneix lo, raeuz gamj ning de saek di ha?”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
… moeb … ndaq | … hit … scold/yell at |
lienz ngaiz cungj mbouj hawj gwn | did not even have them eat their lunch |
gietsim | be determined |
miz mbangj | some (refer to people) |
beng | pull (similar to “rag”) |
ndaej cuengqcuengq gaemz heiq neix | be able to release this anguish |
Yibauj mwngz caen huk lo | Yibauj you are too stupid |
vunz miz cienz miz seiq | he has money and power |
seizneix de dwg vuengz gizneix | now he is the king of this area |
raeuz gamj ning de saek di ha? | we are brave to even touch him a bit? |
“Goeng’au, gou mbouj dwg huk law, gou yawj gyoengqsou caen moengzloengz lo. Haemhnaengz de mbouj hawj raeuz ninz, de yaek haih raeuz dai baeg, gou ciengzseiz dingqnyi goeng’au ranz Cou lwnh goj: Roengz fwngz gonq couh ak, ning fwngz laeng boihseiz. Gyoengqraeuz ……” Yibauj yienghneix gangj donq ndeu, caezgya dingq dwk riuhoho naeuz: “Ndei, ndei, couh yienghneix guh.”
Boux hongdaeuz singq Liuz hix riu naeuz: “Lwg neix caen mix banhfap lo.” Mwh ma ranz gwn ringz, Couh Boknaeng lij ndaq, caezgya cungj mbouj gangj gijmaz, couh gvaqbae lo.
Gvaq song sam ngoenz, gyoengq doih bwh ndei faexdwngx lo. Miz haemh ndeu, gwn caeuz le, couh ndaep daeng, heuh Yibauj bae baihlaeng de demq, caj miz saek diemj lai cung, Couh Boknaeng yupyup yepyep, ngamq byaijdaengz bak rungz gaeq, Yibauj couh hemq hwnjdaeuj: “Miz caeg ha!” Gyoengq doih cungj gaem dwngx buet okdaeuj, gaemh laemx Couh Boknaeng couh moeb.
Couh Boknaeng naeuz: “Gaej moeb ha, dwg gou go!”
Gyoengq doih naeuz: “Couh aeu moeb mwngz, yawj mwngz lij daeuj caeg gaeq mbouj daeuj!”
Yibauj buet bae gyanghongh hemq: “Baujcangj ha, vaiq hwnj ha, miz caeg, dou gaemh ndaej boux caeg ndeu!”
Sawcuengh | English Explanation |
moengzloengz | (thinking) unclear, blurred |
Haemhnaengz | every night |
de yaek haih raeuz dai baeg | he wants to let us die at exhaustion |
ciengzseiz | always |
dingqnyi | hear |
lwnh goj | tell story |
Roengz fwngz gonq couh ak, ning fwngz laeng boihseiz | move first to be at an advantageous position and otherwise be at a disadvantageous position |
gwn ngaiz | eat lunch |
gwn ringz | eat food in the afternoon (between lunch and dinner) |
gwn caeuz | eat dinner |
bwh ndei faexdwngx | prepare well wooden sticks |
ndaep daeng | turn off the light (oil lamp) |
demq | go out and watch (the situation) |
caj | wait for |
yupyup yepyep | walk slowly and slightly |
gaem dwngx buet okdaeuj | hold wooden stick and run out |
gaemh laemx Couh Boknaeng couh moeb | grab and press down Couh Boknaeng and then hit him |
gyanghongh | the center of the patio |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
Mbat hemq neix mbouj youqgaenj, bing Yizbwnj cingq ninz ndaw rug baihsae, dingqnyi le, couh daiq song boux bingre dawz cungqdinj buet okdaeuj, itmienh buet itmienh hemq: “Caegsaeq gaej louz saek boux, gaj dai bae!” Dingjlingz haemhneix baujcangj mbouj youq ranz, mehyah de caeuq lwg de youq ndaw ranz dingqnyi le, lau dwk naj cungj bienq lo, vaiq hemq: “Gaej moeb ha …” Coenz vah mboujcaengz gangj caez, bing Yizbwnj couh “ba ba” nyingz gong gau cungq bae coh Couh Boknaeng, Couh Boknaeng “aeya” swenj naeuz: “Dwg gou!” Couh ndonj gyaeuj haeuj ndaw rungz gaeq bae, lau dwk nyouh yaet dangzvaq cungj dumz liux. Bing Yizbwnj yamq hwnjbae youh yaek hai cungq, mehyah baujcangj cacoemj buet okdaeuj naeuz: “De dwg goeng cawjranz.” Yienghneix bing Yizbwnj cij mbouj hai cungq, gyoengq doih vaiq gvaqbae naeuz: “Goeng cawjranz soqlaiz mbouj raen de daeujdaengz bak rungz gaeq gvaq, vihmaz haemhneix byonghhwnz daeuj gizneix gaeb gaeq ne, vaiq dawz daeng daeuj yawjyawj.” Daeg lan de daj ndaw ranz dawz daeng okdaeuj bae yawj – O! Daxbaenh nyingz song gau cungq cingq deng goekga Couh Boknaeng, lwed riuznoengnoeng. Couh Boknaeng lumj duz roeglaej gwnz ndoi nei, cw gyaeuj mbouj cw rieng, aen gyaeuj de ndonjhaeuj ndaw rungz gaeq bae, lumj yaek gwn haex gaeq nei. Gyoengq vunz rag de okdaeuj, baez yawj gwnz naj cungj dwg haex gaeq, got ga naengh youq giz haenx hemq dai hemq lix. Gyoengq doih siengj riu youh mbouj ndaej riu ok bak.
Sawcuengh |
English Explanation |
bingre |
body guard soldiers |
cungqdinj |
pistol, handgun |
itmienh buet itmienh hemq |
yell while running |
gaj dai bae |
kill to death |
Dingjlingz |
coincidentally, inadvertently |
swenj naeuz |
speak loudly |
ndonj |
sprawl, lie down on one’s hands and feet |
nyouh |
urine |
dangzvaq |
pants |
dumz |
wet |
cacoemj buet okdaeuj |
walk out unsteadily/shakingly |
De dwg goeng cawjranz |
he is the owner of this house |
hai cungq |
open fire (pistol) |
soqlaiz |
has always been |
byonghhwnz |
midnight |
gaeb gaeq |
to catch the chickens |
goekga |
thigh |
lwed riuznoengnoeng |
blood is pouring out |
cw gyaeuj mbouj cw rieng |
cover the head and not cover the tail |
got ga naengh youq giz haenx hemq dai hemq lix |
got: hold up sth with one’s hands. hold (his) legs (with his hands), sitting there and yelling for his life |
dai … lix |
die … live or death … life |
Boux hongdaeuz singq Liuz naeuz: “Raeuz ganjnaeuz dwg caeg, loengh baenz buenq hwnz cij rox dwg goeng cawjranz.”
Bing Yizbwnj hix riu’nyumnyum cam: “Mwngz vihmaz byonghhwnz daeuj gaeb gaeq ne?”
Couh Boknaeng daejhwhw naeuz: “Gaej dwen lo, gou ninz ndaw ranz moengzmoengz loengzloengz hix mbouj rox duz iu’gvaiq lawz rag gou daeuj.”
Caezgya vaiq naeuz: “Yawj, geijlai yungyiemj! Lau miz fangz bw! Gvaqlaeng aeu siujsim cij ndaej!” gangj sat, caezgya couh ram de haeuj ranz ma, bing Yizbwnj caeuq caezgya mbat yawj, ga deng nyingz raek lo, mehyah baujcangj heuh boux hongdaeuz baij vunz bae ra canghyw daeuj yw.
Couh Boknaeng boihseiz lo, baenz dungx heiq cungj gangj mbouj ndaej ok, caiq mbouj gamj bae henz rungz gaeq, hix mbouj ndaej bae ndoi ndaq vunz lo.
Gyoengq doih ndaej ok gaemz heiq le, bouxboux cungj angq naeuz: “Danghnaeuz hawj bing Yizbwnj mbat cungq ndeu dem, nyingz de dai bae engq ndei hw.”
Sawcuengh |
English Explanation |
Raeuz ganjnaeuz dwg caeg |
we thought it was a thief |
loengh baenz buenq hwnz |
act/work/play for half a night |
byonghhwnz |
mid-night |
buenq hwnz |
half a night |
moengzmoengz loengzloengz |
mind not clear; unconsciously |
mbouj rox duz iu’gvaiq lawz rag gou daeuj |
not know which ghost pulled me out |
fangz |
ghost |
Gvaqlaeng |
in the future |
ram |
hold up and move |
ga |
the section between thigh and knee (body part) |
raek |
broken |
[ Hoiz/gangj/sij ndaej mbouj deng cingj son cingq! ]
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