
标题: 胡志明伯伯的日记被译成岱依文(英汉版) [打印本页]

作者: 黄达武    时间: 2011-5-27 10:28
标题: 胡志明伯伯的日记被译成岱依文(英汉版)

Uncle Ho diary translated into Tay



LookAtVietnam -
President Ho Chi Minh’s Prison Diary has been translated into the Tay-Nung language by Hoang An, a member of the Tay ethnic group.



Responding to the movement to study and follow Ho Chi Minh’s moral example, launched by the Party, An said his work aimed to popularise the late President’s life and work among
the Tay and Nung people.

“Since the Party launched the movement, I’ve tossed it over in my mind a lot,” said An. “I thought I should do something significant to respond to the movement.” 自从党发起了这个运动,我心里就反复思量,黄安说,我想我该做一些有重大意义的事情来加以响应。

An has already translated Nguyen Du’s epic poem Truyen Kieu (The Tale of Kieu) into the Tay language. “Almost all of the Tay and Nung people in the region like to read it,” said An, adding that he believed Ho Chi Minh’s work would also be well-received. (他已把阮攸的史诗《金云翘传(翘的传奇)》译成岱依文。这个地区几乎所有的岱依人和侬人都喜欢阅读该书,黄安说,他又补充道,他相信胡志明的著作也会受到欢迎。)

A teacher with 40 years’ experience, An was born in the northern province of Cao Bang’s Trung Khanh District and speaks Mandarin as well as Tay-Nung. To prepare to translate the Prison Diary, An said he read extensively and began to increase his vocabulary. (作为一位有从教40年经验的老师,黄安出生在北部省份高平省的重[Trùng Khánh]区,能说汉语和岱依-侬语。为了准备翻译《狱中日记》,黄安说他阅读时广泛涉猎,词汇量开始得以增加。)

“I have to translate very carefully every word, every sentence, every verse, and after finishing, I try to read it aloud to my friends and to experienced researchers to gather their ideas for revisions,” An said.每个词、每个句子和每段诗节,我都必须细心地加以翻译,每当译完后,我都会对我的朋友、对富有经验的研究者大声朗读,以听取他们的意见而进一步加以完善。黄安说。)

After three years of work, An completed a draft of 300 pages in the Tay-Nung language which is expected to be published this year by the Culture and Nationalities Publishing House.(历经三年的苦干,黄安完成了用岱依-侬文译成的300页草稿,译稿预计在今年由文化和民族出版社出版。)

“Reading An’s draft, I admired it greatly for its vivid translation which could help the Tay and Nung ethnic people more easily read and understand this difficult work,” commented poet Ngo Luong Ngon. 看了黄安的译稿后,我非常钦佩它活灵活现的翻译,这会帮助岱依人和侬人更容易阅读和理解这部内容深刻的著作,诗人吴良言[Ngô Lương Ngôn]评论道。)

An’s hard work not only helps preserve the national cultural character but is also an invaluable spiritual gift to the Tay and Nung people to learn about and follow President Ho’s ideas, Ngon said. (吴良言说,黄安艰苦的翻译工作,对岱依人和侬人来说,不仅帮助保存了少数民族的文化文字,而且还会是学习和追随胡主席思想的非常宝贵的精神财富。)

VietNamNet/VietNam News(越南网/ 越南通讯社)



注:大卫语言工作室 黄达武助理研究员 提供汉译稿,旨在为对壮学感兴趣的读者提供英语相关的参考资料。文原稿对所涉人、物的个人观点,不代表大卫语言工作室的观点。


作者: 土著虎尾    时间: 2011-6-11 14:30

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