
标题: 狄青(英汉版) [打印本页]

作者: 黄达武    时间: 2011-5-19 15:15
标题: 狄青(英汉版)


Di Qing was born in 1008, the first year of "Da Zhong Xiang Fu" (大中祥符) of the Northern Song Dynasty, and died in 1057, the second year of Northern Song's "Jia You" (嘉佑) period. His style name was "Han Chen" (汉臣), and the native place was Xi He of Fen District (汾州西河), which is today's Fen Yang, Shan Xi Province (山西汾阳). Di Qing was from a poor family, but he finally grew a famous general in his time. At his age of 16, Di Qing was caught and sent to the troops for his elder brother, who fought with the villagers and got the trouble, which was assumed by Di Qing in the end and made the start of his military career. In 1038, the first year of Ren Zong (仁宗) Emperor's Bao Yuan (宝元) period, Li Yuanhao (李元昊), the leader of the ethnical group of Dang Xiang (党项, as equal as "Tangut" in ancient Turkish language and "Minyag" in ancient Tibetan language), proclaimed himself the emperor of the nation of Xia (). Therefore Song Court chose the capital guarding soldiers, which Di Qing was in, to march to the frontier. Di Qing was just a low-grade officer there, but he fought valiantly; he assaulted in the battlefront as vanguard time after time. He led his troops capturing the Jin Tang City (金汤城) and You Zhou (宥州) and so forth, and destroying much of Xia's foodstuff and provender, as it was recorded "Capturing 2300 troop tents and 5700 domestic animals" ("收其帐二千三百,牲口五千七百"). He directed his men to build fortresses in Zhao An (招安), Feng Lin (丰林), Xin Zhai (新寨) and Da Lang (大郎) as well as the city wall of strategic area of Qiao Zi Gu (桥子谷), all of which made "enemy's vitals gripped" ("皆扼贼要害"). In the battles, Di Qing always disheveled hair and wore a bronze mask as a face of a monster, which drove his enemy soldiers of Xia into deep fear. In the short 4 years, he joined 25 battles and got 8 arrow shot. However, he was never in dread of that. Once in the battle to assault An Yuan (安远), though he was injured badly, Di Qing "still charged forward when hearing the coming of the enemies" ("闻寇至,即挺起驰赴").

狄青生于1088年,即北宋大中祥符的第一年, 卒于1057,即北宋嘉佑二年。他字汉臣,籍贯汾州西河,今山西省汾阳人。狄青出身贫寒,但最终成长为其时代著名的将军。16岁时,狄青的哥哥和村里的人打架,惹下了麻烦,狄青代兄受过,被抓,被送往军队服役,因而开始了军旅生涯。1038年,即仁宗宝元一年,党项(在古代土耳其语相当于“Tangut”, 在古代藏语相当于“Minyag)族的首领李元昊宣布自己是夏国的皇帝,因此宋朝选择狄青在其中服役的京城卫戍部队开往前线。狄青当时军阶很低,但作战勇猛,他一次又一次作为先锋攻击敌人的前沿阵地。他带领自己的部队打下了金汤城、宥州等地方,摧毁了西夏的许多粮秣, “收其帐二千三百,牲口五千七百”恰如其实地记述这一切。他指导自己的部队在招安、丰林、新寨、大郎建堡垒,在战略地区桥子谷建起城墙,所做的这一切“皆扼贼要害”。在战斗中,狄青总是披头散发,戴上怪物相的铜面具,这使得和他作战的西夏士兵非常害怕。在短短4年当中,他参加了25次战斗,受过8次箭伤,然而,他从不畏怯。在攻打安远的战斗中,狄青受了重伤,但他听到敌人来时的消息,依然往前冲锋(“闻寇至,即挺起驰赴”)。

In 1040, the first year of Kang Ding (康定), by the recommendation of Yin Zhu (尹洙), Di Qing was recognized by Han Qi (韩琦) and Fan Zhongyan (范仲淹), who were in charge of the Shaan Xi (陕西) military affairs. Fan gave him the history book of "Zuo Shi Chun Qiu" (《左氏春秋》, Spring & Autumn Annotated By Zuo), and told him, "A general without the knowledge of the history, is just an ignorant person with animal courage ("将不知古今,匹夫勇尔。") ." From then on, Di Qing made a determined effort to study, and later "became more famous for his rich knowledge on the various of strategics and military science since Qin and Han Dynasties. ("悉通秦汉以来将帅兵法,由是益知名。")" To award his military exploit, Di Qing was promoted rapidly in a few years, and at last assumed the office of Vice-Military Minister (枢密副使) in June of 1052, the fourth year of Huang You (皇佑).

1040年,即康定元年,通过尹洙的推荐,狄青受到主管陕西军事事务的韩琦和范仲淹的器重。范仲淹送给他《左氏春秋》(左丘明为解释孔子的《春秋》而作)的史书,并告诉他:“一个将军如果没有历史上的知识,只不过是徒具动物凶猛的无知之人(将不知古今,匹夫勇尔)。”从那以后,狄青毅然绝然地努力学习,后来“由于他拥有秦汉以来关于不同战略和兵法的丰富知识而逾加出名(悉通秦汉以来将帅兵法,由是益知名) 。”为了奖赏他的战功,狄青在短短几年内被快速提拔,最终于皇佑四年(10526月担任枢密副使的职务。

It was rather a trouble time Di Qing received orders: In the same year, Nong Zhigao (侬智高), the leader of one of the ethnical groups of Yue who lived in the place that is today's Guang Xi Province, raised up to rebel against Song Court. His forces took cities and seized territory even to the today's Guang Dong Province. Song Court sent several troops to suppress them as a punitive expedition but received nothing but severe failure. At that time, in less than 3 months of his office time as Vice-Military Minister, Di Qing came forward to ask for going out for a battle. The emperor, Ren Zong, was greatly happy and gave him a dinner personally in the imperial palace for send-off.



At last, Di Qing successfully cheated Nong Zhigao to loose guard and defeated him suddenly by taking the chance of Nong's precaution relaxed.


When he returned, Di Qing was appointed the position of Military Minister (枢密使). He never noticed that it was the beginning of his disaster.

To avoid the tragedies in the terminal time of Tang Dynasty, which were made by the usurpation and despotism of powerful generals, Song Court had driven down the status of generals to the utmost, since the beginning of its reign. One of the most important policy of Song Court was "Chong Wen Yi Wu" (
崇文抑武, Advocating civilian officials and inhibiting military officers). In such a political environment, the higher post Di Qing got, the more dread and distrust to him by the Imperial Court. His objectors were not only those who originally stayed against him, but also those who at first appreciated and supported him, as Pang Ji (庞籍) and Ouyang Xiu (欧阳修). Though they took Di Qing for a god-given general with ability on military, they still would not like to take a risk to let a real general get hold of the power of the armies. They could carp at nothing of Di Qing's character and loyalty, nor the achievement in his post, so that they had to list Di Qing's faults out of thin air. Once, Wen Yanbo (文彦博) presented the impeachment against Di Qing to Ren Zong, and was replied "Di Qing is an official loyal to his sovereign". Wen rebutted immediately, "Tai Zu (太祖) was also the loyal official to the Shi Zong of Zhou (周世宗), wasn't he?" In 1056, the first month of the first year of Jia You (嘉佑), Ren Zong fell sick and later got well slowly. At that time lots of baleful rumors against Di Qing was spread out; various versions of eisegesis for natural and man-made disasters were put on Di Qing. In the eighth months of the same year, Di Qing was dismissed from office and forced to leave the Capital city to Chen Zhou (陈州) as a magistrate, with less than 4 years of his Military Minister period.

为了避免唐朝末期强有力的将军篡夺和专制所造成的悲剧,从执政的初期起,宋朝把将军们的地位打压到了最低的极限。宋朝最重要政策之一,便是崇文抑武。在这样的政治环境当中,狄青所获得的地位越高,宋朝对他的恐惧和不信任就越多。他的反对者不仅仅是最初就反对他的那些人,还包括最初欣赏和支持他的那些人,如庞籍和欧阳修。尽管他们视狄青为拥有军事才能的天赐的将军,但他们并不想冒险,让一个真正的将军掌握军队的实权。他们对狄青的性格、忠诚以及他任职时所取得的成就无从挑剔,所以他们不得不无中生有列出狄青的毛病。一次,文彦博呈文给仁宗弹劾狄青,得到的回复是“狄青是忠于他君主的官员”。 文彦博立刻反驳:“太祖不也是周世宗忠心的官员么?”1056年,嘉佑元年元月,仁宗生病而后慢慢好转。其时,许多反对狄青的恶意流言扩散开来;不同关于自然和人为灾难的肆意诠释版本都加在狄青的身上。同年8月,狄青被免去现职,被迫离开京城到陈州担任地方官,这时他担任枢密使一职还不足4年。

Even in Chen Zhou, Di Qing still lived in the stakeout of the Imperial Court. The mudslinger and the stakeout made him in a state of anxiety, and finally brought death to him, at his age of 49. The Imperial Court praised him after his death and buried him ceremoniously, with the posthumous title of Wu Xiang (武襄, Assistant in the military).
即使在陈州,狄青依然生活在宋室的监视之下。诽谤和监视,使他心情郁闷难舒,最终驱使他走上了人生的尽头,他死时只有49岁。他死后,宋室对他大加褒奖,为他风光大葬,追赠“武襄(Assistant in the military)”的谥号

. Tai Zu (
太祖)=Zhao Kuangyin (赵匡胤), the founder of Sond Dynasty. He was originally a general of Later Zhou Dynasty, under the reign of emperor, Shi Zong. When Shi Zong at his age of 39 got the bad illness, he asked his generals to keep loyalty to his little son; then he died. Zhao Kuangyin also promised to be loyal to the child emperor, however, once in a march he was enthroned by his men, who put a yellow robe – the robe in the imperial color – on him. So that Zhao Kuangyin proclaimed himself the new emperor. The event is called "Yellow Robe Put On The Body" (黄袍加身).
Here the rhetorical question asked by Wen Yanbo was a hint that any loyal generals might have chance to rebel when they held the military power.

. (宋)太祖,即赵匡胤,宋朝的奠基人。他最初是后周周世宗时的一名将军。世宗39岁时,得了重病,他要求他的将军对他年幼的儿子保持忠心,然后便溘然长逝。赵匡胤也答应会对小皇帝保持忠心,然而,在一次出征当中他被他的军队推上了皇位,他们在他身上披上了黄袍(一件皇帝专有色颜的袍子)。因此赵匡胤宣称自己是新的皇帝。这个事件被称为“黄袍加身”。






注:大卫语言工作室 黄达武助理研究员 提供汉译稿,旨在为对壮学感兴趣的读者提供英语相关的参考资料。文原稿对所涉人、物的个人观点,不代表大卫语言工作室的观点。


作者: 起点和终点    时间: 2011-5-19 19:57
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作者: 土人香草    时间: 2011-5-19 21:15



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