Sawadee jao, I come from Thailand and will love to make friends with my Zhuang pi nong naa jao
Sawadee Krub.
Can you speak Chinese? Of coure don't worry if you can't, we will try to exchange with you in English. Many Zhuang young people love to make Thai friends too after joining this forum and getting to know the relationship of Zhuang and Thai/Lao/Shan etc, I think.
I am the webmaster of this website and the administrator of this forum, my nickname (红棉树) is Mayreu, which means "KAPOK TREE" in my mother tongue -- the De-Jing dialect of Southern Zhuang language. Welcome to the homeland online of the Zhuang people. I hope you can make good friends here, and please visit this forum frequently for coming to understand Zhuang culture, promoting the friendship between all Tai speaking ethnic groups.
Kop khun mak mak neur Ai’KAPOK. 我会说华语,因为父亲是汉人。不过说得不好,请多多见谅 naa jao..很高兴一进来就有那么热情的招待,真不亏是我们泰国人的 pin nong,都是 Khon MEE NAM JAI(热情又善良。) 在泰文里也有一颗称为 KRAPOR的树呢,呵呵..我们真的很像哦 ?
真希望能在这和壮族的 Pi nong 们建立美好的友谊,and know more about the culture and the rich history of the Zhuang。
Nong huk puad pi nong Zhuang neur (妹妹爱壮族的pi nong)
It seems you can speak perfect Chinese.
OMG,are you my Nong-Sao Erla in the other English Forum? Forgive me if you are not, 555(hahaha in all Tai speaking language). But if you are Erla, you should know who I am in that Forum.
泰语的“热情又善良”很有趣啊,khon MEE NAM JAI,用我的母语壮语南部方言德靖土语来解释,khon是人,mee是有,nam是水,jai是心,直译就是“有心水的人”,呵呵。
欢迎 Maneechan。可惜我的泰文太烂了,只能说一句 สวัสดีครับ
觉得你的名字怎么那么像以前泰语小学教材里面的那个 มานี 呢,很熟悉
Thanks jaa P'Kapok ^ ^ Kaa, I am Nong Erla from the other forum, and got in here because of you jaa。说真的,那个讨论区让我很受不了,他们真的不知道什么是 "尊重他人" 这4个字。呵呵,是“有心水的人” 没错。我们的心是充满了宽容与善良的水呢
P‘爷左州,谢谢你的热情招待 naa jaa ^ ^
僚僚无己,没关系的啊。我的中文也不是很好,我们可以互相学习哦 ^^ 我也希望将来能这样,希望泰国和壮族能有更多交流。真的很谢谢你的热情哦哥哥。
侬那桐,kop khun mak ka Phi..Jah nae nam pi nong chao Thai mah thi nee ka(我会介绍泰国的 pi nong 来这里的) 哥哥说得对,我们是pi nong 所以我们应该多多来往,多多的爱对方
大西瓜,嗯我们是亲戚。Spread the love! 我现在在新加坡,明年才回去哦。随时欢迎你来交朋友哦。
沙南曼森,谢谢你。 其实你过奖了,我的语言不是很好啦。呵呵。。
梁显宁,sawaddee kaa ^ ^ 呵呵,我的Manee 是这个มณี kaa ^ ^
Sawadi Krub, NongSao PhooThai. Pom Rak Khon-Thai krub.
Nice to meet u my Thai compatriot,this is the first time that a Thai pinong come here to say hello the Zhuang pinong, what a touching and affecting statement.
Hi,Thailand friend, Welcome to RAUZ HORIZONS. I am thinking of going to Thailand, I love thai food and fresh fruits, and I also love thai dance and culture. I think the ladyboys are amazing.LOL.
I wish you could visit here more ofton. Merry Christmas.
今晚平安夜,和朋友喝多了,失眠了。刚上家园就看到这个topic,第一次看到来自泰国的朋友,很是欣喜。欢迎你,Maneechan 贝侬! Merry Christmas and happy new year, my Thai sister!
希望越来越多的泰国、老挝朋友了解壮族的历史和现状,我们台语族(Tai speaking language group)都是同源异流的兄弟姐妹,希望我们能够永远保留我们美丽的语言文化,在台语族的花园里争芳斗艳。
Sawadi Krub, NongSao PhooThai. Pom Rak Khon-Thai krub.
Nice to meet u my Thai compatriot,this is the first time that a Thai pinong come here to say hello the Zhuang pinong, what a touching and affecting statement.
Thanks ka P'越色僚人 I am touched by the warmth of our Zhuang pi nong too, you guys are really sweet
Merry Christmas 布楼, the ladyboys..Lol, I think they're funny. But do tell me if you wants to visit Thailand, I would love to be your guide.
本站采编员, a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year to you too. My brother ^^ 昨晚本来也要跟朋友去过平安夜,不过突然生病所以就要待在家里。忧闷ING
妹妹也希望更多的泰国来的pi nong会认识多一点壮族的历史和现状。现在正在招人中,呵呵。。
今天才知道原来pinong 是真的来自thailand
我们壮族PI NONG 爱泰国,更爱泰国来的 NONG SAO
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