
标题: [转帖]美国教授看壮族——美国富尔曼大学副教授白荷婷访谈录 [打印本页]

作者: 红河浪子    时间: 2005-12-24 21:45
标题: [转帖]美国教授看壮族——美国富尔曼大学副教授白荷婷访谈录



吴薇 王明富

《人民日报海外版》 (2001年12月19日第五版)

作者: 想家的人    时间: 2005-12-24 23:07
作者: 土著虎尾    时间: 2005-12-25 23:22
作者: 越色僚人    时间: 2005-12-26 00:53



我浏览过该书的英文版《Creating the Zhuang》,该书的内容其实和大家所看到的上面的访谈内容大相径庭,因为都是从分析中国民族政策的角度去看壮族是如何“制造”出来的,涉及比较敏感的政治批判色彩,并透露了自从壮族有了法定身份以来,一些大家几乎都没有接触过的内幕,所以成为禁书几乎是必然的。该书作者是研究政治的,而不是研究人类学、民族学的,所以作者对壮族语言和文化的研究仅限于有限的调查材料,加上自己的主观推测来描述,得出的结论就是壮族作为一个统一的民族,是被“创造”出来的,除了还承认壮族有自己民族语言等特点外,其它的观点几乎都是围绕着政策去质疑壮族作为一个民族的存在,与人类学应该有的严谨态度相差甚远,至少在民族研究上,不能算是好文章。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-26 1:02:17编辑过]

作者: 想家的人    时间: 2005-12-26 13:01


作者: wenliqan    时间: 2005-12-26 13:01
作者: 想家的人    时间: 2005-12-26 13:07
作者: 北姑    时间: 2005-12-28 11:34
作者: 山魂    时间: 2006-2-6 00:03


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-6 1:39:23编辑过]

作者: Stoneman    时间: 2006-2-6 03:44


Katherine Palmer Kaup
Associate Professor of Political Science/Asian Studies

Johns Hall 111F | 864.294.3150 | kate.kaup@furman.edu

B.A. Princeton University
M.A. University of Virginia
Ph.D. University of Virginia

Dr. Kaup spent December 2004-December 2005 on sabbatical in Washington D.C. representing Furman as the Special Advisor for Minority Nationality Affairs for the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. While serving as the Special Advisor on Minority Nationality Affairs at the Commission, Kate carefully monitored the human rights situation in minority areas, as well as the implementation of China's Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law. Her analyses of current developments within the scope of the Commission's legislative mandate regularly appear on the front page of the Commission's Web site. She organized the Commission's April 11th Roundtable entitled "The Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law: How Well Does it Protect Minority Rights?" and participated in several other Commission Roundtables and Hearings. She regularly met with US, Chinese, and international government officials, NGOs, lawyers, and scholars. We are proud of Dr. Kaup's achievements and look forward to her return to Furman.

PS 11 Introduction to World Politics
PS A46 Politics of China
PS A47 Politics of Asia
Developing Nations
Communism in Transition

Discipline and Specialty: Political Science, China

Current Research Topic: Ethnic Politics in China, Chinese Legal Development, Local-Central Relations

Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China (Boulder: Lynner Rienner Press, 2000)

Chuangzao zhuangzu: Zhongguo de shaoshu minzu zhengce he tade yingxiang (Kunming: Yunnan zhuangzu xuehui, forthcoming) [Translation by the Yunnan Zhuang Studies Association of Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China]

Understanding Contemporary Asia Pacific (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Press, under contract)

“Regionalism versus Ethnicnationalism in the People’s Republic of China” China Quarterly (December 2002; Winner 2002 Gordon White Award)

“China: Ethnic Conflict in the World’s Largest Multinational State,” in Joseph Rudolph (ed) Encyclopedia of Modern Ethnic Conflict (Westport: Greenwood Press, 2003)

“The China Disabled Person’s Federation,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 2004

“Ethnic Brothers? The Impact of Sino-Vietnamese Relations on Ethnic Identity,” presented at the Southeastern Regional Conference of the Asssociation of Asian Studies, Jekyll Island, GA January 2003 and the National Association of Asian Studies Meeting, New York City, March 2003.

Professional Distinctions:
Gordon White Award presented by China Quarterly

Southeast Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. President, 2004; Vice-President January 2003; Program Chair 2000. Executive Board Member 2000, 2003-2006.

Special Advisor for Minority Nationality Affairs, Congressional-Executive Commission on China, 2005

Executive Manager: China Initiative, The Richard W. Riley Institute of Government, Politics, and Public Leadership

Invited Conferences:
“Place Imaginaries, Mobilities, and the Limits of Representation,” sponsored by the Centre for Research on Provincial China, Sydney Australia, June 2004.

“China’s Opening to the West Conference” sponsored by the China Quarterly, University Technology of Sydney, and the Hamburg East Asian Institute in Hamburg, Germany May 2003.

"Taiwan Relations Conference sponsored by the University of South Carolina 2002, 2003.

Other Research Interests: Poverty Alleviation in Rural China; Refugee Resettlement Issues; PRC Religious Affairs Policy; Civil Society in China

General Interests: U.S. Foreign Policy

作者: Stoneman    时间: 2006-2-6 03:48


Dr. Katherine Kaup

Katherine Palmer Kaup

Associate Professor of Political Science/Asian Studies

Johns Hall 111F | 864.294.3150 | kate.kaup@furman.edu

laceName>B.A.laceName> laceName>PrincetonlaceName> laceType>UniversitylaceType>

laceName>M.A.laceName> laceType>UniversitylaceType> of Virginia

Ph.D. University of Virginia

Dr. Kaup spent December 2004-December 2005 on sabbatical in Washington D.C. representing Furman as the Special Advisor for Minority Nationality Affairs for the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. While serving as the Special Advisor on Minority Nationality Affairs at the Commission, Kate carefully monitored the human rights situation in minority areas, as well as the implementation of China's Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law. Her analyses of current developments within the scope of the Commission's legislative mandate regularly appear on the front page of the Commission's Web site. She organized the Commission's April 11th Roundtable entitled "The Regional Ethnic Autonomy Law: How Well Does it Protect Minority Rights?" and participated in several other Commission Roundtables and Hearings. She regularly met with US, Chinese, and international government officials, NGOs, lawyers, and scholars. We are proud of Dr. Kaup's achievements and look forward to her return to Furman.


PS 11 Introduction to World Politics

PS A46 Politics of China

PS A47 Politics of Asia

Developing Nations

Communism in Transition


Discipline and Specialty: Political Science, China

Current Research Topic: Ethnic Politics in China, Chinese Legal Development, Local-Central Relations


Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China (Boulder: Lynner Rienner Press, 2000)

Chuangzao zhuangzu: Zhongguo de shaoshu minzu zhengce he tade yingxiang (Kunming: Yunnan zhuangzu xuehui, forthcoming) [Translation by the Yunnan Zhuang Studies Association of Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China]

Understanding Contemporary Asia Pacific (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Press, under contract)

“Regionalism versus Ethnicnationalism in the People’s Republic of China” China Quarterly (December 2002; Winner 2002 Gordon White Award)

China: Ethnic Conflict in the World’s Largest Multinational State,” in Joseph Rudolph (ed) Encyclopedia of Modern Ethnic Conflict (Westport: Greenwood Press, 2003)

“The China Disabled Person’s Federation,” paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 2004

“Ethnic Brothers? The Impact of Sino-Vietnamese Relations on Ethnic Identity,” presented at the Southeastern Regional Conference of the Asssociation of Asian Studies, Jekyll Island, GA January 2003 and the National Association of Asian Studies Meeting, New York City, March 2003.

Professional Distinctions:

Gordon White Award presented by China Quarterly

Southeast Regional Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. President, 2004; Vice-President January 2003; Program Chair 2000. Executive Board Member 2000, 2003-2006.

Special Advisor for Minority Nationality Affairs, Congressional-Executive Commission on China, 2005

Executive Manager: China Initiative, The Richard W. Riley Institute of Government, Politics, and Public Leadership

Invited Conferences:

“Place Imaginaries, Mobilities, and the Limits of Representation,” sponsored by the Centre for Research on Provincial China, Sydney Australia, June 2004.

China’s Opening to the West Conference” sponsored by the China Quarterly, University Technology of Sydney, and the Hamburg East Asian Institute in Hamburg, Germany May 2003.

"Taiwan Relations Conference sponsored by the University of South Carolina 2002, 2003.

Other Research Interests: Poverty Alleviation in Rural China; Refugee Resettlement Issues; PRC Religious Affairs Policy; Civil Society in China

General Interests: U.S. Foreign Policy

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-6 3:53:14编辑过]

作者: 沙南曼森    时间: 2006-2-6 05:02
作者: 季人    时间: 2006-2-6 15:34

Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China
Pacific Affairs, Summer 2001 by Diana Lary

CREATING THE ZHUANG: Ethnic Politics in China. By Katherine Palmer Kulp. Boulder

(Colorado): Lynne Rienner Publishers. 2000. 221 pp. (Tables, B&W photos, map.)

US$52.00, cloth. ISBN 1-55587-886-5.

The Zhuang are the largest "minority nationality or people" (non-Han group) in China; in 1957 the province of Guangxi was renamed the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. This sounds like the formal recognition of a people denied a homeland - people such as the Ukrainians or Latvians - but nothing could be further from the Zhuang experience.

As a distinct people, the Zhuang came into being only in the early 1950s, after the Communist conquest of China. They were previously known by a number of different names; they had no shared identity or history, no common language. They were quite unlike other nationalities in China (Tibetans, Mongols, Uighurs) who had a highly developed sense of their own identity and of their difference from the Han.

One of the questions Katherine Kulp addresses in her scrupulously researched study is whether a people can be a people without formal consciousness. Her conclusion is that this is quite possible, given a fragmented topography, lack of education and pervasive poverty. The Zhuang were always distinct enough to warrant being called a nationality (people); they simply did not realize it themselves. An outside stimulus was what was needed to raise a latent ethnic consciousness to a formal one. The stimulus was the arrival of the Communists.

Why did Beijing designate the Zhuang as a formal nationality and give them first half and then all of Guangxi? There are several possible reasons, each loaded with interpretation. One is that Beijing needed a special system of government to administer a region very different from others. A second is that Beijing was following Soviet policies towards nationalities. A third is that by recognizing the Zhuang as an official nationality, Beijing ensured that the largest minority nationality would be an unthreatening one, unlike the recalcitrant but numerically inferior Tibetans, Mongols and Uighurs. A fourth is that Beijing needed the Zhuang to eradicate the influence of the previous Han rulers of Guangxi. A fifth is that Beijing wanted the Vietnam border under special, essentially military, rule.

Kulp's extensive interviews in Guangxi and in neighbouring Yunnan and her detailed documentary research lead her to the conclusion that the first explanation is correct, that the Zhuang were recognized and granted an autonomous region in order to integrate them politically into a unified Chinese administrative system. Making Guangxi a Zhuang region required raising Zhuang consciousness. Raising consciousness was the order of the day in 1950s China. The CCP was engaged in consciousness-raising struggles on many fronts, to develop class consciousness and to develop national consciousness. These struggles presupposed that people had yet to recognize who they were.

Kulp does a fine job of recreating the often irrational passions of the time and struggles manfully with the ideological and terminological problems which haunt the scholar of Chinese Marxism, but one major element is missing from her analysis: in the stress on political systems she has little to say about military issues. The CCP takeover of Guangxi was a military one and fighting continued in some areas until 1952, three years after the formal conquest. Kulp cites astonishing figures for the number of "anti-Communists" killed in this period- 470,000. This figure may be a translation of a Chinese term "annihilated" (xiaomie) which does not have to mean physically killed but, whatever the term, the figure speaks of a highly contested takeover and therefore of a crucial role for the People's Liberation Army, one which continued right through to the 1980s.

Becoming Zhuang was not easy. The Zhuang were recognized only a few years before China's descent into the Cultural Revolution. Guangxi was thrown into chaos, the new "Zhuang" attacked as "local chauvinists" by Red Guards. To add insult to these attacks, the Zhuang were labelled later, in Zheng Yi's Scarlet Memorial, as cannibals. Both accusations are deeply unjust. Consolidating the Zhuang identity did not restart until the 1980s. Under the new economic policies that stressed making money, not ethnicity, the protagonists of Zhuang identity faced more propitious conditions.

But whatever the initial reason for their recognition was, or how tortuous the path, Kulp argues that the long-term outcome was the creation of a genuine nationality, with its own language, a recovered history and a strong sense of identity. It took a long while to happen. The evidence that Kulp has collected is of a vibrant people growing in self-confidence, - i.e., real ethnic self-determination - although they are now ignored by Beijing.


University of Beitish Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Copyright University of British Columbia Summer 2001
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved

从这篇书评来看,白荷婷博士似乎并没有质疑壮族作为一个民族的存在。例如“Her conclusion is that this is quite possible, given a fragmented topography, lack of education and pervasive poverty. The Zhuang were always distinct enough to warrant being called a nationality (people); they simply did not realize it themselves.”

作者: 北姑    时间: 2006-2-6 15:46

Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China

連書名都是用 ethnic 耶,ethnic politics 就是族群/族裔政策耶,也即使大陸所謂的民族政策耶,很明顯,大陸捨國際性的 ethnic 而改用 nationality 並不獲得外間的認同耶。

作者: Stoneman    时间: 2006-2-6 17:26
以下是引用季人在2006-2-6 15:34:58的发言:

Creating the Zhuang: Ethnic Politics in China
Pacific Affairs, Summer 2001 by Diana Lary


But whatever the initial reason for their recognition was, or how tortuous the path, Kulp argues that the long-term outcome was the creation of a genuine nationality, with its own language, a recovered history and a strong sense of identity. It took a long while to happen. The evidence that Kulp has collected is of a vibrant people growing in self-confidence, - i.e., real ethnic self-determination - although they are now ignored by Beijing.


但不管当时认可他们(壮族)的最初的原因是什么,也不管过程是如何的艰巨,Kulp 声称,长期的结果是一个真正民族的诞生,有他们自己的语言,恢复的历史和强烈的自我认同感。这些经历了一个很长的过程。Kulp 所收集的证据是一个在自信中成长的有活力的人民(壮族),也就是说,真正的民族自决,尽管这些目前被北京所负略。

作者: 北姑    时间: 2006-2-6 17:34
作者: 精神指导者    时间: 2006-2-7 14:51



作者: 北姑    时间: 2006-2-7 15:08
作者: 季人    时间: 2006-2-8 15:00

我对作者使用“Creating the Zhuang”这一用语的理解是:


作者: 北姑    时间: 2006-2-8 16:05

An outside stimulus was what was needed to raise a latent ethnic consciousness to a formal one. The stimulus was the arrival of the Communists.

Why did Beijing designate the Zhuang as a formal nationality and give them first half and then all of Guangxi? There are several possible reasons, each loaded with interpretation. One is that Beijing needed a special system of government to administer a region very different from others. A second is that Beijing was following Soviet policies towards nationalities. A third is that by recognizing the Zhuang as an official nationality, Beijing ensured that the largest minority nationality would be an unthreatening one, unlike the recalcitrant but numerically inferior Tibetans, Mongols and Uighurs. A fourth is that Beijing needed the Zhuang to eradicate the influence of the previous Han rulers of Guangxi. A fifth is that Beijing wanted the Vietnam border under special, essentially military, rule.









作者: 季人    时间: 2006-2-8 17:43


作者: 北姑    时间: 2006-2-8 18:03



作者: 朱六六    时间: 2006-2-12 16:40







[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-12 17:03:00编辑过]

作者: 北姑    时间: 2006-2-13 11:37
作者: 山魂    时间: 2006-5-10 01:15

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