Habiba Sarabi,Bamyan 省選出的女省長
The word "Hazara"
The term "Hazara" is believed to came from the word "Hazar," meaning one thousand.
The Hazaras
Hazaras are among few races on the face of the earth about whose origin so little is known. Some research done on Hazara background suggests that they are the descendants of Changez Khan ( Genghis Khan), the great Mongol warrior of 13th Century (5). This theory is supported by the similarities in the language and words that mongols and hazaras use even today. For example,
This similarity is also pointed out by the author of the famous book The Hazaras by Late Hassan Poladi.
Another plausible theory is that Hazaras were Buddhists that actually lived in Afghanistan for the known history at least since the time of the Kushan Dynasty some 2000 years ago prior to the arrival of Islam. During the time of Kushan Dynasty, Bamyan was the home of one of the biggest Buddhist civilizations. This is obvious from the two of the World Tallest Buddhas statues that is carved in the mountain in Bamyan, Afghanistan - the heart of Hazarajat region inhabited by Hazaras for at least 2000 years.
The Hazara land, Hazarajat
Hazarajat (also referred to as Hazaristan) is the land or the provinces (states) in Afghanistan which have historically been inhabited by Hazara people.
It was believed that the area of Hazara Jat was larger than now. According to H.W.Bellew the area was " from the border of Kabul and Ghazni to those of Harat in one direction and from vicinity of Kandahar to that of Bulkh in the other. (4)
It may be noted that after the complete defeat of Hazaras in 1893 (see more 1, and 2), Afghan ruler adopted a policy to plant Pushtun nomads in green land of Hazara terrotory. According to Askar Mousavi's book Hazaras of Afghanistan (page 66) , now the Hazarajat area is reduced to 100,000 - 150,000 sq km.
Hazaras live in the following provinces in Hazarajat: (3)
Ghazni, Uruzgan, Ghore, Wardag, Bamyan , Parwan , Baghlan (Majority Ismali Hazaras inhabit)
Hazaras living in provinces out of Hazarajat: (3)
Samangan, Balkh , Jozjan , Faryab , Kabul , Badges (with Sunni Hazaras) , Kunduz (with mixed Shia and Sunni Hazaras),
Herat ( few number of Shia Hazaras)
The Hazargi Language
Hazara people commonly refer to their language as "Hazargi" . The Hazaras of Afghanistan speak a dialect known as Dari.
The Hazaras of Pakistan have a mixed dialect. Overtime their dialect has been changed from Dari to "Aazragi." Which is more of a mixture of a few languages, such as Farsi, Dari, Arabic, Urdu etc. This is the more the slang version of language that people speak. Although the Hazara elders still maintain the bond with Afghanistan and speak the Hazargi of Afghanistan.
The Hazara religion
Majority of Hazaras belong to the Shia sect of Islam. Although many Hazaras also belong to Ismaili sect , and Hanafi sect (one of the biggest sect among Sunni Muslims) of Islam.
It is very hard to separate the Hazara culture from its religion. Among themselves they are all Hazaras regardless of any belief system, or the land that they belong to.
The Hazara Population in Afghanistan
According to the Hazara sources, the population of Hazaras is believed to be around 6 to 7 million including Shia, Sunni and Ismaili but Askar Mousvi in his book "The Hazaras of Afghanistan" page n 64 mentioned says that the population is over 4 million. Author Ahmed Rasheed (of Pakistan) says that it is around 3 to 4 million in his English book by the name of "Taliban, Islam, Oil and new great games" translated in Persian published in Iran Page n117.
The Father of Hazara nation:
Ustad Abdul Ali Mazari (1946-1995).
One of most respected and loved leader that united all Hazaras of the world. Hazaras out of respect, refer to him as "Baba Mazari" ( Father).
1. Hazaras in the view of British Diaries: "Diaries of Kandahar" (1884 - 1905)
Persecution and massacre of Hazaras documented by British news readers over a century ago
2. Hazaras vs. Taleban - Michael, UN.
traces the root of the conflict between Hazaras and Pushtuns and the de-population of Hazaras by the Pushtun rulers
3. Atlas of Peoples Democratic of Afghanistan Printed in Poland
4. "The Races of Afghanistan" , H.W. Bellew page n113 Published in Pakistan in 1979.
5. Map of Genghis Khan's Empire in 13th Century.
Are all Hazaras Shia Muslims?
No. Majority of Hazaras belong to the Shi'a sect of Islam . However many Hazaras belong to the Sunni and Ismaili sects.
Are Hazaras part of Northern Alliance? United Front or the Northern Alliance is a loose alliance between three main groups: Hazaras, Tajiks, and Uzbeks. However the power positions in the Northern Alliance is dominated by the Tajiks. Currently no visible representation has been given to the Hazaras. It should be noted that in the early 90's the Hizb Islami (Masood's faction i.e. Tajiks) along with Sayaaf, another commander that has beared extreme prejudice towards the Hazaras, massacred thousands of Hazaras in Kabul.
Hazaras make approximately 40% of Kabul's population.
Are Hazara's Pro Iran?
No country has done so much damage to the Hazaras as Iran. In the cloak of religion, this country has always tried to create rifts between Hazaras. [ more ... ]
Are Hazaras Anti-Pushtuns?
Historically the Pushtun dominated governments of Afghanistan has showed extreme prejudice towards the Hazaras. The genocide of Hazara by the Pushtun ruler Amir Abdur Rahman Khan (1890) has been documented by the British Newswriters during the year 1890's. [ see Diaries of Kandahar ]
Michael Sample, a Hazara history expert and humanitarian aid worker, traces history for the cause of Pushtun prejudice towards the Hazaras.
Recently the Pushtun dominated Taleban have once again showed their hatred against the Hazaras. The genocide of the Hazaras based on their religion and ethnicity has been documented by the UN, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International. [ See Genocide of Hazaras ]
While The Taleban are majority Pushtuns, not all Pushtuns are Talibans. Hazaras in neighboring countries have had a very peacful relationship with Pushtun. One only needs to goto neighboring Pakistan where Pushtuns and Hazaras have co-existed side by side for decades. Hazaras inside Pakistan has also been part of the Pushtunkwah Milli Party inside Pakistan and has given thousands of votes to the Mahmood Khan Achakzai, the leader of the Pushtunkwah party. Hazaras in Loralai, Quetta Pakistan has even held political alliance with Pushtuns.
What role do women play in the Hazara society ?
Hazara women play a very important role in the Hazara society. Women of Hazarajat shows the legendary role Hazara women has played in the history of Afghanistan
History - ( Tareekh )
Hazaras history is fascinating to say the least. Some researchers believe that Hazaras are the descendents of the 13th century mongol warrior, Genghis Khan ( Changez Khan ), while others trace their history to the greatest Buddhist civilization 2000 years ago
The Hazaras are one of several ethnic groups inhabiting 7 million mostly in central Afghanistan. The area is known as Hazarajat or originally Hazaristan. The Hazaras are Muslim and Shi'a in majority, but we also have Sunni's. We speak our own version of Farsi known as the "Hazaragi"dialect. The Hazaras are the second largest ethnic group in Afghanistan. However, as a consequence of the discriminatory and segregationist policies of ruling Afghan/Pashtun governments, they remain politically, economically and socially the most underdeveloped group in Afghanistan society.
国名:阿富汗伊斯兰国 (The Islamic State of Afghanistan)。
Hazaragi language is a unique dialect of the Persian language, with some Mongolian and Turkish vocabulary. Hazaragi is categorized in the Indo-European language family, and 9% of Afghanis speak it.
Hazaras are predominantly Shia (twelver) Muslims, although there are significant populations of Sunni and Ismaili Hazaras in the north and northwestern Afghanistan. Often Hazaras of the Sunni sect can blur the lines with the Tajiks and Pashtuns. The Aimagh (Chahar Aimaq) Hazaras for instance are predominantly Sunni.
The Hazara-Berberi of Iran
The Hazara Berberi are a people of Mongolian decent who immigrated from Afghanistan to Iran in the nineteenth century. The name "Hazara" originally referred to a fighting unit of 1,000 men. Today, it simply means "mountain tribe," and is used in reference to the mountain settlements of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran.
Of the estimated two million Hazara in the world, the vast majority live in Afghanistan. Approximately 98,000 live in Pakistan; and the remainder are scattered throughout the various mountain regions of the Middle East. The Hazara Berberi live primarily in the Iranian province of Khorasan, south of Mashhad. Others live in the rugged Elburz Mountains, just north of Tehran.
The approximate number of Hazara Berberi living in Iran today is just over 67,000. They traditionally lived as nomadic shepherds. Today, however, many have turned to farming as a means of survival.
What are their lives like?
The Hazara Berberi nomads originally immigrated to Iran in search of better pastures for their flocks. They also hoped to escape the consequences of a failed revolt against the Afghan government. In times past, the Hazara Berberi were primarily sheep and goat herders. Today, they have had to rely on farming as a supplement to their shepherding. Their main crops are wheat, barley, beans, and milk, which are the staples of their diet.
The Hazara Berberi are extremely poor, and many still live in a very primitive environment. This is especially true of the nomadic shepherds in the mountainous regions. Their living conditions consist of large tents in which whole families reside. Horseback is their main method of transportation. The more prominent Hazara Berberi live in villages with flat-roofed houses made of stone or mud. Today, due to increased poverty, many of the Hazara Berberi have migrated toward the cities seeking work as day laborers.
The Hazara Berberi prefer to marry first cousins on their father's side of the family (an Islamic tradition), and they seldom marry outsiders. When they do, they usually marry women from nearby Islamic tribes. However, the children of such marriages are not considered Hazara Berberi.
The common language of the Hazara Berberi is Hazaragi, a language that has been passed down for many generations. It is sometimes referred to as Afghan-Persian and it appears to be related to Dari, a language also spoken in the Middle East.
What are their beliefs?
The Hazara Berberi are virtually 100% Muslim, divided into two sects of the Shi'ite order. The dominant sect is the Ithna Ashari, also known as "Twelvers." The second group is known as the Ismailis, or "Seveners." About 95% of the Berberi are Ithna Asharis, and the remainder are Ismailis. Strong negative feelings exist between the two groups.
The Hazara Berberi believe that the way to God is only found in the teachings of their holy book, the Koran. The Muslim religion is a religion of worksased specifically on the five basic teachings or "pillars." In order to attain heaven, one must adhere to these teachings. Muslims believe that there is only one god: Allah. They must pray five times a day, give alms to the poor, fast during the month of Ramadan, and make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once their lifetime.
What are their needs?
The Hazara Berberi are considered one of the least evangelized ethnic groups in the Middle East. Unfortunately, they have been somewhat forgotten by Christian missionaries ever since their identification as a separate ethnic group.
There are only 34 known Hazara Berberi Christians. At the present, only one mission agency is targeting them. Until 1990, there were no known scripture translations in their native language, Hazaragi. In 1995, portions of the New Testament became available; however, the supply is very limited.
Prayer Points
See also the following Hazara Groups:
The Hazara of Pakistan; and The Hazara of Afghanistan.
Latest estimates from the World Evangelization Research Center.
The Hazara are a minority, Shia Muslim, Turko-Mongol people, speaking a Persian language, from the high mountains of Central Afghanistan.
Now let's break that description down into more manageable parts:
The Hazara are a minority. The Hazara make up about 20% of the population of Afghanistan. Their Asian (Mongolian) features immediately distinguish them from other peoples of Afghanistan. The Hazara are visually, linguistically and religiously different from all the other peoples around them. Because of these differences, they have long been despised and persecuted by majority groups. Persecution of the Hazara continues today.
The Hazara are Shia Muslim. The Hazara's identity as a people is largely defined by their Islamic faith. Most Hazara believe that to be Hazara is to be Muslim—they cannot imagine any other alternative. Moreover, they are surrounded by Muslim peoples in every direction. Geographically, they are almost in the very center of the Muslim world. While 85% of all Muslims, and virtually all the other major people groups of Afghanistan, are Sunni, the Hazaras are predominantly Shia. As Shia Muslims, they are inspired by their historical leader Hussein, who was martyred. Many Hazara identify with Hussein in their suffering and persecution. The rift between Sunni and Shia dates back to the 8th Century. Today there is still serious tension between Sunni and Shia Muslims, occasionally erupting in violence.
The Hazara are Turko-Mongol. The Hazara are of predominantly Mongolian ethnic stock. They look like Mongolians and East Asians, but they share a cultural heritage with many of the Turkic peoples of Central Asia. Some scholars speculate that the Hazara are descendants of the warriors that flooded into Central Asia under the command of the infamous and brilliant leader, Ghengis Khan.
The Hazara speak a Persian language. Most Hazara speak Hazaragi, a variant of the more widely used trade langauge, Dari.
The Hazara are from the mountains of central Afghanistan. These mountains are among the most rugged, least traveled mountains in the world. Consequently, the Hazara have been geographically and culturally isolated from the rest of the world. As a result of this isolation, they remain a predominantly tribal people, relating to one another through family and clan groups.
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