河旺 发表于 2007-8-1 20:47:00


<p>&nbsp;</p><p>http://www1.ukoo.net:82/public/2004/11/英文翻唱中国经典流行歌曲17首/11%20一路上有你.mp3</p><p><font color="#008000">歌曲:I've dreamed of you 梦着你<br/>歌手:Barbra Streisand <br/><br/>Everyday of my life,在我生命中的每一天 <br/>But you don’t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你 <br/>Just like a friend you treat me like it should be, 你真的就只把我当作一个朋友 <br/>Tell me how can I make this well谁能告诉我如何才梦想成真 <br/>I think of you everywhere that I go, 无论到哪我都会想起你 <br/>But you don’t even know I care,可你却不懂我有多在乎你 <br/>Oh how I wish,噢我多渴望 <br/>You are here beside me, 你就在我的身旁 <br/>Loving you waste of my heart,我一心一意爱着你 <br/>I wish you know 我多渴望 <br/>How much I love you, 你能知道我有多爱你 <br/>Its been driving my heart crazy,这让我心绪不宁 <br/>If I tell you how 我该不该告诉你 <br/>I feel will you be here,幻想着你在这里 <br/>Be here with me 和我厮守 <br/>Who am I dreaming,梦着你 <br/>Or just fantasy,也许就是梦幻一场 <br/>How can I know 我不知道 <br/>If you let me in your heart,怎么才能打开你的心扉 <br/>Who am I dreaming,梦着你 <br/>Or just reality, 也许有一天会如愿以偿 <br/>please let me hold you in my arms 请让我拥你入怀 <br/>Throughout the night每天每夜</font><br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-1 21:06:00编辑过]

vaiz 发表于 2007-8-2 14:34:00


壮家有女 发表于 2007-8-5 17:26:00


好好瑟 发表于 2007-8-8 01:14:00


游过。。 发表于 2007-8-8 10:54:00


壮家有女 发表于 2007-8-8 19:10:00


快乐凡人 发表于 2007-8-11 23:21:00

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