北姑 发表于 2005-12-9 12:25:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>莹丽</I>在2005-12-8 17:05:12的发言:</B><BR>


莹丽 发表于 2005-12-9 13:01:00


北姑 发表于 2005-12-9 17:21:00

<P>不過廣東土佬的士碌架技術不錯,而外省人因為經濟能力問題,不會到球室,而只是到街邊打 8 號波(花式八球)耶。<BR></P>

mbwenndit 发表于 2005-12-13 20:03:00


北姑 发表于 2005-12-14 12:35:00


mbwenndit 发表于 2005-12-14 20:40:00


北姑 发表于 2005-12-15 10:04:00


mbwenndit 发表于 2005-12-16 21:38:00


北姑 发表于 2005-12-17 12:33:00

<P>大陸流行 snooker/士碌架/斯諾克,是因為香港的影響耶,最初是邀請英國的戴維斯、泰萊、韋德、亨特利等到大陸打表演賽耶。</P>
<P>台灣人說他們的撞球,即檯球/桌球/billard,強,其實只是花式八球 (8 ball pool) 與及花式九球球 (89 ball pool) 耶,台灣是亞洲冠軍耶,不過 snooker 就不成耶。</P>
<P>有台灣人狡辯,snooker 的世界流行程度不如 8 ball pool 及 9 ball pool 耶。</P>

北姑 发表于 2005-12-28 12:23:00

<P>其實英式桌球 (English Billiard) 即使在英國,也沒有幾多人會玩的耶。</P>
<P>所謂美式桌球,應該是指 8 號球及 9 號球,在美國較為流行,台灣也屬亞洲強國耶。</P>
<P>不過台灣的 snooker/士碌架/斯諾克水準不高。</P>
<P>韓國及日本流行的,乃無袋口撞球 (3-cushion)。</P>

北姑 发表于 2005-12-28 12:24:00

<P><a href="http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/8-ball.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/8-ball.htm</A></P>
<P>8 ball pocket billiards</P>
<P align=left><B>Eight Ball</B>- This is by far and away one of the most popular billiard games in the United States.  And it also happens to be my favorite as well!  In the game of 8 ball there are 15 numbered balls, half of which are solid and the other half striped and the cue ball which is white.  The object of the game is for each player to pocket their respective balls, either 1 through 7 or 9 through 15.  Once a player has pocketed all seven of their balls, this player must then attempt to pocket the 8 ball.  The 8 ball must be pocketed in a specific pocket and the player must call the pocket before the shot is taken.  If the player can complete the shot without pocketing the cue ball as well he or she wins the game.  If the player misses the shot or pockets the cue ball in addition to the 8 ball then they will lose the game.  </P>

北姑 发表于 2005-12-28 12:24:00

<P><a href="http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/9-ball.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/9-ball.htm</A></P>
<P>9 ball pocket billiards</P>
<P align=left>This is a very simple and easy game for the beginner to billiards games.  With 9 ball you use 9 numbered balls and one white cue ball.  The players attempt to pocket the balls beginning with the lowest numbered ball and working up to the 9 ball.  If you pocket the 9 ball accidentally before pocketing the lower numbered balls you lose the game.</P>

北姑 发表于 2005-12-28 12:25:00

<P><a href="http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/snooker.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/snooker.htm</A></P>
<P>Snooker pocket billiards</P>
<P align=left>As 8 ball is the favorite of US billiards players, Snooker is the favored game of English billiards players.  Snooker uses 21 colored balls and the white cue ball.  There are 15 red balls and 6 balls including one of each yellow, green, brown, blue, pink and black.  The red balls have a value of 1 point each and the players must pocket a red ball before they can attempt to pocket one of the colored balls.  Once a red ball is pocketed the player can then attempt to pocket the other balls in their numerical order. If a player is left without a clear shot, he is considered "Snookered".</P>

北姑 发表于 2005-12-28 12:25:00

<P><a href="http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/english-billiards.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/english-billiards.htm</A></P>
<P>English billiards</P>
<P align=left>The game of English billiards is played with only 3 balls and 3 ways to score. This game should be played sober so you can remember what the heck you are doing!!  One of the ways to score is to make your ball deflect off another ball into a pocket.  You can also strike one ball to make it strike 2 other ones.  The third way to score is to strike a ball and pocket a totally different ball. </P>

北姑 发表于 2005-12-28 12:26:00

<P><a href="http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/straight-pool.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/straight-pool.htm</A></P>
<P>Straight pool</P>
<P align=left>The game of straight pool uses 15 numbered balls and a white cue ball.  The players can attempt to pocket the balls in any order they choose, however they must "call the shot" (say which pocket they are going to sink it into to) before they shoot the ball.  When they are left with only one ball on the table the 14 balls are racked and broke again while the player attempts to pocket the last remaining ball.  One point is given for every ball made prior to sinking the last ball.  The set amount of points needed to win is usually 150.</P>

北姑 发表于 2005-12-28 12:27:00

<P><a href="http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/one-pocket.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/one-pocket.htm</A></P>
<P>One pocket pool</P>
<P align=left>This game is played with 15 numbered balls and the white cue ball.  The first player will chose one of the corner pockets and his opponent will then have the other corner pocket at that end of the table. The players will then attempt to pocket their balls into their corner and will receive 1 point for each shot made.  Players can lose points by making shots in other pockets or scratching (putting the cue ball in a pocket).</P>

北姑 发表于 2005-12-28 12:27:00

<P><a href="http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/carom-billiards.htm" target="_blank" >http://www.grumpiesbilliardtables.com/carom-billiards.htm</A></P>
<P>Carom games</P>
<P align=left>The carom game is played on a table with no pockets. There are two variations, both are played with three balls, a white ball, a red ball and a white ball with a red spot. Not my favorite past time, but I have been known to past the time at a friends house with these games. So long as I have a cold drink in my hand.</P>
<P align=left><B>The game known as French billiards</B> allows a player to decide on which one of the two white balls he will use as his cue ball. The player must then make the cue ball hit the other two balls. </P>
<P align=left><B>In 3 cushion billiards</B> your cue ball must hit multiple cushions at least 3 times prior to making contact with the object balls. (I really don't play this game that often, and I do not know all that much about it, but I thought I would add it anyways)</P>
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